Chapter 154 Falling Sound
Zhang Donglin glanced at the caller ID, it was his wife calling.

After connecting, the two chatted briefly: It probably means that my son Zhang Chuyan has come back this afternoon, but she is taking care of her at home, so don't worry.

"One more thing. Mom called me today."

Having said that, Tang Xinyuan's voice on the phone lowered a lot. "Mom said that Chu Yan has grown up too. When you have time, I hope to have a good chat with him."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Donglin fell into deep thought.

Although the content of this call is not much, but invisibly, a lot of information has already been revealed.We have been an old couple for so many years, and we only need to mention a lot of things, and the other party can understand the meaning of the words.

Listen to the meaning of the old lady: This is to let Zhang Chuyan really leave the wings of his parents and face some big problems in life...

"Did something happen these days?"

Zhang Donglin pondered his chin, with a slightly surprised expression. "It was somewhat sudden."

"But speaking of it, it's impossible to keep this kind of thing from the child for a lifetime."

Zhang Donglin took a deep breath, and followed closely into the waiting room with a calm expression. "Let's see when the time comes."

Enter the door.

Looking up and looking around, he quickly found the location of Mr. Li and the others.

When Zhang Donglin walked over, the girl's injured elbow had already been smeared with medicine and wrapped with several layers of gauze, but the technique seemed rough.

There was also a young couple standing next to a man and a woman. The woman was still in shock as she pushed the baby carriage in her hand, while the man was holding the old man's hand and thanking him non-stop.

Glancing at Mr. Li, who was leaning on crutches and looking ashamed, Zhang Donglin also walked forward with a smile. "Several, we meet again."

"it's him!"

The injured girl was the first to notice the approaching uncle.

As one of the witnesses at that time, she naturally knew very well that the uncle in front of her was the one who helped them, and there was joy in her teary eyes. "It was this uncle who helped at that time!"

"Thank you, thank you!"

The young couple turned around after hearing this, and came to Zhang Donglin's side again, and the man kept thanking him. "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be sure..."

"Hey, don't say anything depressing."

Zhang Donglin pointed to a row of seats next to him. After interrupting the spellcasting, the somewhat depressing atmosphere ended on the spot. "Shall everyone sit down?"

Seeing that several people were showing humility, Zhang Donglin helplessly looked at Mr. Li next to him. "Old man, why don't you take the lead? Is it because the seats are too hot today?"

Mr. Li glared at him, but the sadness on his face obviously dissipated a lot.

The atmosphere gradually became harmonious, and everyone relaxed because of it.

"At that time, many media took pictures of the scene, which may cause some trouble in your life."

After saying thanks, the man among the young couple also expressed concern. "Mr. Zhang, although I'm just a tabloid reporter, if you need help at that time, please contact me!"

"Thank you."

Zhang Donglin smiled and nodded in response, then rubbed the head of the worried girl next to him. "It's just a small problem, don't worry."

"Little girl."

"I assure you, when the dust settles on this matter, I will give you a few people a satisfactory answer."

Now that he has decided to let Zhang Chuyan take over some things gradually, then he doesn't need to hide his strength anymore...

When Zhang Donglin and Li Lao left Sichuan Province by plane.

That afternoon, the incident at the airport began to gradually ferment in the media.

The news media present at the scene edited a small part of the video very skillfully, and simultaneously released a press release of [a certain celebrity encountered violence at the airport].

It doesn't matter right or wrong when things happen, let's stir up the heat first!

This is also the normal state of gossip news at present. To make money, you must have gimmicks.

After the video was released, coupled with the promotion of several high-traffic Vs in a certain blog app, the video was widely circulated, causing the incident to gradually escalate.Netizens also expressed sympathy for this, especially fans of celebrities, who were even more emotional.

'Why do you hit people for no reason? '

'Brother is so pitiful that he went out and met such an old hooligan! '

'Now that we are a legal society, is there any royal law left?Is there any law anymore? '

'Find this person quickly and make him kneel down and apologize! '

When the public opinion was in an uproar, the starlet who was the center of the incident also returned to the company.


The agent who rushed over after hearing the news had excitement written all over his face. "It's really sleepy, someone sent a pillow, you're going to be completely angry this time!"

The star took off his mask, revealing a picture of his face with eye shadow, delicate makeup, and even lipstick, but his expression was cold and not too volatile.

It wasn't until the agent said some recent announcements and the contract that he was about to get, that a smile appeared on the corner of the other party's mouth.

This means that he can get a lot of money again.


At this moment, there was a sound of hurried footsteps in the corridor. "Sister Liu, some people on the Internet released the original video at that time. The situation may not be good for us!"

"Go buy the navy now, and suppress these messy remarks directly."

The manager had a mocking sneer on his face. "Spend some extra money and tell the platform that their benefits will be indispensable after this incident."

"By the way, if I remember correctly, someone else took action at that time? I will send someone to take a video of the bodyguards with me later, which will completely stir up public opinion!"

"Dare to hit someone in front of the public, you must not be a person with a city."

The manager looked at the star across the sofa again. "With the help of this wave of public opinion, strengthen the image of the victim, and wait for the company to operate, and you will have no problem ranking among the stars this year."

After this abnormal operation, the previous video about [the truth of the incident] completely disappeared, and because of this reason, the public opinion on the Internet really began to be one-sided.

In addition to the abuse, many people even began to look for the culprit of this incident with the only information in the video.

It's just that all this farce began to take a new turn after four o'clock in the afternoon:

Many online platforms have begun to focus on promoting a video of "Fact and Truth".It was the surveillance video of the airport at that time, and what happened can be said to be presented to the public at a glance.

'grass!So that's what happened? '

"So, you can only believe half of the news on the Internet, and you have to wait for the news to fly for a while~"

'It's really the bad guys who complained first!It turned out that the dog raised by a big star bit someone, but he was beaten! '

'Good guy!Don't you tie your dog when you go out now? '

'The company behind this star is really black-hearted!This kind of traffic wants to rub a wave. '

When the original video was published on the Internet, public opinion also began to reverse.

It's just that these entertainment companies have always been eating this bowl of food, and they also showed great 'professional skills' when facing the crisis of public opinion.

A large number of soft articles about the star's high integrity began to wash the ground, and at the same time, fans were also mobilized.

'Aside from the objective facts, aren't those two women at fault?Who made them stand at the pit entrance? '

'The two women are so ugly, they should be honored to be bumped by my brother! '

'boring!Don't you know how busy our brother is? '

At the same time, the star's entertainment company also had a temporary meeting.

"Which rival company is doing the sabotage? Get someone to find out right now!"

"In addition, I will throw out a few black materials about artists from other companies, and try to minimize the influence of this matter..."

On this day, the entertainment circle shook.

At the same time, a certain Wang surnamed singer announced the news of the concert, which was robbed of the headlines again!
the other side.

"Want to escape the shell of the golden cicada? Get rid of the people behind it!"

The personnel who received the order from Chairman Zhang Donglin also started the next move. "If you want to eat this bowl of rice, if you can't keep up your body and not be afraid of the shadow, you have to be mentally prepared to be smashed by someone!"

for a while.

[A certain star evades taxes, has indecent videos before debut, has a messy private life, courts many women at night, and even some behind-the-scenes news that triggers the criminal law, all of which were reported by others...]

As soon as these heavy news appeared, it completely detonated public opinion.

It also made a final conclusion for this matter.

As for who hit it?
Speaking of this matter is a bit outrageous, and several enthusiastic citizens of Sichuan Province stood up and accepted the interview. "I was the one who kicked that kick at the time. I really couldn't see that bastard son! I couldn't hold back at that time!"

"Why doesn't it look like it? Because I just got home and shaved."

"Don't be too thankful, because I'm just an ordinary enthusiastic citizen of Chengdu, Mr. Wang/Li/Zhou/He..."

After the law enforcement department took the person away, the incident seemed to have come to an end.

While everyone on the Internet is eating melons happily, it is inevitable that they will be surprised: the speed of handling this case is too fast.

In just one afternoon, people experienced the ultimate moment from heaven to hell...

"Bastard! Who is messing with me behind my back?"

The boss of the company where the star worked suppressed the anger on his face, and glanced at the broken teacup on the ground. "This person is completely useless, let's train another one!"

Although it's a pity.

But fortunately, in the current era of traffic, it is also an era of looking at faces. It is too easy for people to fall in love with someone, and it is also easy to forget someone.

After waving a few people under him, the boss of the company called the chairman to report the matter.Mr. Cui, the chairman of the company, is a Korean investor. Although he is nearly 80 years old, he is still ambitious.

Just as the owner of the star company thought: After hearing about this incident, the chairman didn't show too much emotion, but just asked him to follow the original decision.

Just after hanging up the phone, this Mr. Cui immediately received calls from several other partners.He found that several companies and investors that he originally cooperated with also chose to withdraw their shares at this time.

What's even more frightening is that some troubles have begun to appear in the capital chain of the industry I run...


This familiar sense of targeting made the old man suddenly have a bad premonition in his heart.After he called and contacted a few more people, he couldn't help but shudder when he learned that the other party was in a familiar situation. "Could it be that...that person's ghost is back?"


After the plane landed, Zhang Chuyan helped the old man to the tomb of the martyrs on the mountain.

this moment.

This unshaven, always talkative middle-aged man was uncharacteristically, and when he looked around with sharp eyes, he looked solemn.

For ten years.

When the old man was unable to come due to health reasons, Zhang Donglin brought the old man's expectation and would come over every Ching Ming Festival to help.

It's just that every time I come here, there will always be a different mood.

Sending the old man to the top of the mountain, Zhang Donglin chose to avoid it, at least he needed to leave some alone time.

Just at this moment, the phone rang again.I took it out and saw that it was the secretary in charge of the previous airport incident who called to report the situation.

"Okay, I know."

Zhang Donglin briefly explained a few more words, hung up the phone, and dialed another number. "I happened to pass by your province, come out to get together at night?"

"Hey! Huh?"

The voice of the person on the phone was a little excited. "I just said that today's news is different. It's you! After hiding for so many years, you finally want to go out?"

"Haha, I'm very busy at home. How can I have so much time?"

Zhang Donglin smiled. "Just after this incident, I suddenly had some other ideas."

"Although there are many good people in this society, if you don't have enough strength and face some unfair things, you can only suffer in silence in the end."

"I used to fight alone, and it was still too difficult to get things done."

The person on the other side of the phone seemed to have thought of something, and gave a heavy 'en'.

But did not say much.

He just quietly waited for Zhang Donglin's next words.

"I just have a rough idea...that is, I will spend part of my money every year to invest in some people, preferably freshly graduated college students."

"This age just understands the truth and is at a critical turning point in life. If the money can be used to help them realize their dreams and successfully plant a seed of faith."

"Wait for them to pass on the gift they received, maybe after a long time, in a subtle way, they can change the outcome of many things..."

The sound paused for a while.

"Dong Lin, it seems that you are still as naive as ever!"

This time, the tone on the phone suddenly became severe.

"Isn't that what you did back then? You have given so many benefits to others, but who can think of you?"

The voice of the person on the other side of the phone was raised a few degrees. "Because of betrayal, how much you suffered back then! Have you forgotten?"

"Don't I still have some of your friends? It's enough."

Facing the question, Zhang Donglin laughed freely. "Besides, after what happened back then, I have also grown up, haven't I?"

"Some things, even if there is no result, someone always needs to try."


(End of this chapter)

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