Chapter 153

"Culture, cultural inheritance..."

The old lady repeated these two words repeatedly, with a kind smile on her face. "This is also a good thing."

Perhaps because of the emotion, some memories of the past gradually became clear in the old man's mind:
That was an early morning many years ago.

Zhang Donglin, who had been away from home for a long time, came back with a tired face... It's just that he has always been talkative, but this time he remained taciturn.

Many people in the family can see that he has something on his mind, but they can't find out why.

At that time, the old lady was also anxious, but she was more aware of the stubborn character of her youngest son, so she could only accompany her silently until half a month passed by.

When Zhang Donglin looked at the worried mother on the opposite side, he finally let go: because he violated the interests of many capitalists in the country, he offended many people.In the conflict of interests, if it continues to drag on, I am afraid that this turmoil will endanger my family...

In business, it has always been the few who earn the money of the majority. This is the unspoken rule of capital.When a person wants to forcibly break this status quo so that most people can enjoy benefits?

Then it is not a business, but a charity!
All in all: People who are too idealistic will eventually be labeled as out of place and tolerated by those around them.

Zhang Donglin still lost, and finally lost to humanity.

He lost a lot of money, and at the same time, most of his assets were tied up in real estate and could not be recovered. At that time, he really became a person who only had a lot of assets, but only had a little cash left on him.

"I can take another gamble to see who can have the last laugh!"

"But I already have a family, I'm not a safe person."

"I also need to be responsible for them..."

At that time, his son Zhang Chuyan was just born, and Zhang Donglin didn't tell his wife Tang Xinyuan about this matter. Instead, he and his wife made up a lie about "raising a son poorly".

in fact.

When Zhang Chuyan was three or four years old, he became a little more sensible, and the old lady also asked the same questions as today. "Chu Yan, what kind of person do you want to be when you grow up?"

It's just that this child has been a character who doesn't like fighting since he was a child.At that time, he answered with a pair of innocent eyes: "I want to be like my grandpa."

His grandpa?
Lao Zhang suffered from physical problems during the war. He only knows how to play chess and feed birds all day long. He doesn't even bother to walk the dog. He likes to move a wicker chair to the yard to bask in the sun...

This answer successfully confused everyone in the large courtyard.

This ambition?Retirement is still something.

At that time, some elders in the family also said that when the child grows up, when he has something he likes to do, he will naturally have a goal...

That may be true.

But a child's disposition and temper, as the old saying goes: "Three years old are judged old, seven years old judged old."

In other words, the personality and spirit of a person's life are actually determined at a very young age...

Zhang Donglin is also a character who is used to being strict with himself, but unwilling to force others.

So this concealment is 18 years...

"If one day, Chu find out that your parents have cheated on you, don't be jealous of them."

The old lady took a sip of porridge and gave another warning. "Sometimes, they also have their own difficulties."

Zhang Chuyan just smiled helplessly. "What can they lie to me? Grandma, I'm in the dark about what you said today. "


What else can I cheat?
Combined with the analysis of the old lady's context, Zhang Chuyan couldn't help laughing again: Could it be possible that my parents, who are workers, can become a multi-millionaire without telling him?
After eating, Zhang Chuyan took the initiative to clean up the dishes.

Then he went over and lightly kicked the local dog Erhu in the yard, and ran away to the river in the village. "How can you sleep when you are so fat? People will treat you like a pig and take you away~"

"Wang Wang~"

Accompanied by the excited barking of dogs in the field, the figures of a person and a dog gradually merge into the background wall of the horizon...

In order to ensure the real effect of the two skills, Zhang Chuyan deliberately stayed in his hometown for three days. Finally, when the old lady was in the best physical condition, he was given the [Stable Situation] status buff.

Since then, it's been done.

Zhang Chuyan brought a bunch of snacks when he came, and when he returned, he carried a bunch of local specialties from his hometown: such as walnuts, dried apricots and so on.

If it wasn't for worrying that the backpack would be too heavy on the road, Zhang Chuyan would have suspected that his grandmother wanted him to carry the ancestral house on his back...

"Grandma, I'm going back now."

Zhang Chuyan felt the roughness in his hands and kept the smile on his face. "I took a total of five days off this time, and I plan to go back to see my mother and the others for the remaining two days."

"Okay, slow down on the road, remember to take care of yourself..."

I have gone a long way, but the old voice of exhortation seems to be still echoing in my ears.


With the slight sound of footsteps, he has already walked out of the alleyway and returned to the road.

"Stop it!"

At this moment, there were shouts and hurried footsteps ahead.Zhang Chuyan subconsciously took two steps back, then looked straight ahead warily.

Not long after, he saw a fat domestic pig with ropes messily wrapped around his body, sprinting towards him crazily.There were three or four men following behind, chasing after them desperately...

"Good guy! Who is this? You can't even kill a pig~"

Zhang Chuyan took a deep breath, his eyes were piercing.The moment he turned sideways, he suddenly kicked out his legs, and at the same time, he let out a broken drink. "go!"

With a straight kick, Fat Pig was kicked a little dazed.Under the wrong position, and at such a fast speed, he directly hit the wall next to him.

With the sound of "duang~", the chubby body slowly slid down against the wall.


Seeing this scene, the men behind looked at each other in dismay and slowed down. "This kid... thank you!"

Zhang Chuyan didn't say much about doing good deeds without leaving a name, and left silently after nodding with a smile.

Only vaguely could hear the discussion coming from behind.

"Whose child is this! So fierce?"

"Ask again? With his looks, he must be the kid from Brother Donglin's family!"

the same time.

Outside the Sichuan Provincial Airport.

Zhang Donglin knew from the very beginning that it would be very difficult to persuade Mr. Li to receive conventional treatment.Or to be more straightforward, this is impossible...

Even Zhang Donglin can think of the words of the old man: old is old, what do you do with so much wasted money?Besides, for people in their 90s, many things are bearish.

So Zhang Donglin had no intention of persuading him at all, but instead deliberately turned the topic to his son Zhang Chuyan.

The reason is also very simple:
Not to mention whether the disease will be cured or not, the key is to leave some worries in the hearts of the elderly.Things have eased, then there will be opportunities for detours.

Then I drank wine with the old man for a few days.

As the saying goes, once you get drunk, your worries will be relieved, and you will be able to maintain a good attitude when you drink freely, which makes communication more convenient.

As for why you came to the airport?Of course, it's also cheating and deceiving...

"It's almost time, you have to go see your old comrades again, right?"

"Several of them didn't have any descendants left behind. In the end, only one solitary tomb was left on the mountain. No one has been there to look after it for a long time."

Although the old man has a stubborn personality, he is helpless in the face of Zhang Donglin, a slick old man in the mall.In the end, the few people took the guards and officially embarked on the journey.

Zhang Donglin supported the old man and was about to rush to the airport waiting room.

But I saw a large crowd gathered in front of me making noise, and there were still many people in security uniforms maintaining order, and I could vaguely hear excited screams from the crowd.

"Mr. Zhang, let's go this way!"

The guards on the side looked vigilant, ready to escort the old man through another safe passage.It's just this move that happened to collide with a group of more than a dozen people on the opposite side: surrounded by a dozen people in the middle, there was a tightly wrapped figure in a black sweater and a mask.

These dozen or so people were moving very fast, almost trotting.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

The attitude of the group opposite was so arrogant that the first person stretched out his hand directly, slapped a passing girl to the ground with a random slap, and even cursed. "Blind! Don't you look at the road when you walk?"

The girl was caught off guard and pushed to the ground with a slap.

Fortunately, the elbow hit the ground first, and he was still wearing a coat. The injury should not be too serious, but he struggled to get up with tears in his eyes.

However, on the way these people were advancing, there was a woman passing by pushing a baby carriage...

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Just when the man in the front who looked like a 'bodyguard' was getting used to it, and when he was about to continue to leave the woman behind,

I slapped him with a slap, but it felt like I was pushing against a wall.

The 'bodyguard' glanced at the unshaven middle-aged man in front of him, and said nothing good at all. "There's something wrong with you! Stand aside! We're in a hurry!"

It's just that the middle-aged man in front of him ignored him, and just helped the woman in shock to push the baby carriage away.

The secretary who followed behind stepped forward to stop the dozen or so people in front of the interview, and then raised her hand to signal the girl who was pushed to the ground. "You can't leave, you need an apology and compensation."

While speaking, a large group of people gathered at the airport just now also noticed the situation here, and gathered together again shouting a name in their mouths.

"Crazy! Thinking about extorting money every day, you are crazy! Do you know who he is?"

The 'bodyguard' on the opposite side was still arrogant, and raised his finger to point to the masked figure among the dozen or so people. "The first-line star who is popular in China now! Do you know? Can you take responsibility for delaying us? Ah! A bunch of bumpkins, get out!"

"You guys..." When the accompanying secretary was about to say something.

The middle-aged man with the unshaven beard came back just now, with the same smiling expression on his face.His gaze passed over the people in front, and he looked at the masked man in the crowd. "With a special status, you should know how to be more cautious in your words and deeds."

The masked man looked at this side and remained silent.

But the arrogant 'bodyguard' at the front raised his hand again. "Don't babble! Hurry up and get out..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked to the ground by the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Oops! Beating someone!"

The 'Bodyguard' was kicked into the crowd, and a few more were brought down in an instant, screaming for a while.When the situation was chaotic, with more and more people gathered around, because there was still an old man beside him, Zhang Donglin had no choice but to take the old man away from this place of right and wrong first after the guards stopped.

Stand at the door of the waiting room lobby.

Looking at the group of people who were gradually leaving, Mr. Li's face was a little gloomy.It wasn't until the figures of the group of people gradually disappeared into the distance that he looked at the people around him with some scrutiny, especially Zhang Donglin...

"I was going to hand you a cane just now! Why don't you teach me a lesson, these moths of society?"

"Zhang Donglin, what about your previous bloodliness?"

Old Li blew his beard and stared angrily. Seeing that the girl was pushed to the ground and the woman almost suffered, the old man was even ready to rush up with his crutches.

Back then, I followed the chief, and there were so many brothers who lived and died to guard the territory with difficulty. I didn't want to watch this kind of garbage man standing on the heads of the general public to show off his might!

It's a pity that the situation was too chaotic at that time, I don't know who stopped me...

"Ouch! Old man, it's already a society ruled by law."

Zhang Donglin spread his hands, a little dumbfounded. "Can I still go up and beat him to the knees? Besides, you were still by the side at that time. If this incident broke out, it would be bad for your reputation."

Mr. Li snorted coldly, not wanting to hear his sophistry at all.

"I know that solving things like this may not be to your liking."

Zhang Donglin waved behind him, and then explained. "Secretary Tang, please stay and check the identity of the person just now, especially the capital background behind him. What kind of environment will cultivate what kind of character. I need to see an exact identity in the next few days. Solve the attitude.”

The secretary on the side nodded heavily. "I see!"

"Old Li... It's useless for you to stare at me! I'm over 40 myself, almost fifty."

Zhang Donglin pointed in the direction of the waiting hall. "No, the little girl who was injured just now has already gone in. Let's go over and check the situation? I happened to have some special medicine for trauma."

Speaking of this matter, Mr. Li's expression softened a lot. "Walk."

When a group of people rushed to the waiting hall, Zhang Donglin's smiling expression just now gradually became serious.

The bizarre scene just now was actually just the epitome of an entertainment phenomenon.

Although speaking of domestic culture, it is about 5000 years old.

But if you think about it carefully, many good ideologies have gradually begun to stop flowing after the turmoil.Fortunately, after the reform and opening up in recent years, the economy and culture have gradually recovered slowly.

But obviously, it still can't resist the invasion of culture!

Regarding the cultural inheritance of self-reliance and self-confidence, some people in China are already doing it, including books, movies, and TV series, but the effect is not obvious.

After all, in the age of information flow, the direction of public opinion in the entertainment industry is very scary.

No matter how good your original intention is, as long as the capital gives you money, he can slander you as 'consumer patriotism', 'greasy to disgusting', 'outrageous plot'.

Those good and positive aspects that were originally transmitted can be erased in an instant.And because most young people are still inexperienced, they are so simple that they believe everything they say.

"It's really a difficult road!"

Zhang Donglin was in deep thought when he heard a mobile phone ringing on his body.


(End of this chapter)

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