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Chapter 800 What Happened in the Future

Chapter 800 What Happened in the Future
After that battle, Liang Jijian took Luqiu Mei's soul and left the ninth plane.

The sad Luqiu Mei didn't know where to go, just wandering aimlessly in the universe.

Time, to her who is a sword spirit, has no concept.

She just remembered her father's entrustment before he died, and she must find the two people and one Buddha in the long river of time.

Even Luqiu Mei didn't notice that she wandered for 500 million years.

During those years, her soul was drowsy, sometimes awake, sometimes asleep.

Some past memories are gradually forgotten due to too long a time.

The only thing I haven't forgotten is to find someone.

Until one day, she finally found one of the people she was looking for on a blue planet.

that person's name
【Li Shi】!
Luqiu Mei at that time had already forgotten why she was looking for Li Shi.

She even forgot her last name, only remembered that someone once called her Meier.

Lu Qiumei realized that Li Shi might be able to help her recall the past.

So she took out all the power she had accumulated over 3 million years and gave it to Li Shi.

With the help of Luqiu Mei, Li Shi became the master of the tenth plane.

But even so, Luqiu Mei only recovered part of her memory.

He only remembers that he is from the Nine Great Planes, but he still can't remember his origin.

Ever since, she began to look for the other two targets deep in her memory.

This time, she found another person named

Later, Luqiu Mei witnessed the birth of a legendary statue.

Ye Hong, after experiencing countless hardships and obstacles, became the master of the eleven planes.

So far, Luqiu Mei has seen two of the three targets.

The only difference is that the Buddha statue has never been seen.

Afterwards, after searching and confirming, Luqiu Mei inquired about the Buddha statue.

It turns out that the body of the Buddha statue is a high-ranking monk who has become a real Buddha, named "Pharmacist Liuliguang King Buddha".

He is generally called Medicine Buddha.

During Yehong's legendary journey, Medicine Buddha once helped him.

But after that, Medicine Buddha left only a star map and disappeared.

The only thing they know is the news that Medicine Buddha went to the ninth plane.

So Lu Qiumei took Li Shi and Ye Hong to the ninth plane, intending to find Medicine Buddha.

But after reaching the ninth plane, they discovered that the entire ninth plane had lost all life and was on the verge of collapse.

The disaster called Eternal Calamity is spreading from the ninth plane to the tenth plane.

At that time, the tenth plane, the eleventh plane, and the twelve planes. Countless lives will perish in eternity.

At that time, Luqiu Mei finally recalled her mission.

He also recalled his own origin and identity.

It turned out that she wanted to take Li Shi, Ye Hong, and Medicine Buddha back to the past, back to the time when Yongjie never appeared, and stop this disaster!

But at that time, Medicine Buddha appeared in front of Luqiu Mei.

And told her that he is the ruler of the No.12 plane.

But even if the power of the three major masters is gathered, it is still impossible to pass through the long time of 500 million years.

Because, there is a lack of [space-time coordinates].

If you start time travel rashly without space-time coordinates, you may get lost in the space-time gap.

Especially with such a long space-time travel.

At this time, Medicine Buddha suggested to open the gate of time and space first, and he has a way to find the coordinates of time and space.

It turns out that the true origin of Medicine Buddha was a monk from the ninth plane 500 million years ago.

After Luqiu Wuji launched the eternal calamity, he was forced to leave his hometown with other survivors.

Returning to the ninth plane this time is also to find a way to save my hometown.

So the appearance of Luqiu Mei gave him hope.

After that, the gate of time and space opened.

Medicine Buddha successfully got in touch with his past self, the Twelve Monks, through space-time dialogue.

So far, the problem of star coordinates is solved.

Traveling through time and space, the official start.

In order to avoid the collapse of time and space, after several discussions, they decided to leave one person in the future, holding the [Thread of Time and Space].

The rest of the people entered the gate of time and space together and went back to the past.

The one left in the future is the Medicine Buddha.

Because he can't go back to the past, otherwise he will be confused with his past self, that is, the space-time coordinates.

So those who go to the past, besides Li Shi, whose alias is Li Shi, and Ye Hong, who is aliased as Ye Shiyi, there are three people who have become the will of the tenth, No.11, and No.12 planes at that time. exist.

They are Luqiu Mei, Yexi and Fat Rou.

With the help of Medicine Buddha, five people formed the "Defiant Fate" organization, and officially embarked on a journey of time and space to rewrite fate and prevent eternal calamity.

However, the ups and downs of the journey are far beyond the imagination of the rebels.

When the rebel traveled through time and space for the first time, he found that he had not returned to the era when the Star Demons were not released.

Instead, it appeared after the Tucun incident.

After that, although he worked hard, he still couldn't change his fate.

In the end, Guliang Xuanji still died, and Luqiu Wuji launched the real eternal calamity.

Since then, the rebels, unwilling to give up, traveled through time and space again and again.

But without exception, they can only go back to after the Tucun incident at the earliest.

Only then did he realize that the long river of time and space had been cut off by the powerful Eternal Calamity at a certain point.

And that node was when Luqiu Wuji was in despair after experiencing the massacre of the village.

It was the first awakening of Luqiu Wuji's power of eternal calamity, but it was so powerful that it blocked time and space.

From then on, no force of time and space can return to this past.

Realizing this, the rebel fell into despair.

Because that node was a huge turning point that changed Luqiu Wuji's state of mind.

If you can't cross that node, no matter how hard you try, you can't change your future fate.

Therefore, in time and time again, the rebels can only watch the world being swallowed up by eternal calamity step by step.

There is no such thing as ancient times, ancient times.
The reason why we have different memories is just because you have changed time and space again and again? "

Hearing this, the members of the Demon Slayer Legion instantly understood and asked in astonishment.

"Yes." Fatty spread his hands helplessly, "We have really tried our best, and we also want to gather all your strengths to fight against fate together.

But that crazy woman"

When he said this, Fatty shrank his neck and secretly glanced at Luqiu Wuji.

After finding that the latter was still silent, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he whispered: "But her Eternal Tribulation is really against the sky, even if we have the power of time and space, we can't beat her alone.

I can only watch helplessly as you die again and again in eternal calamity.

All the members of the demon slayer fell into silence.

Because there were no accidents, they would end up in the same fate as in the past again today, perishing in eternal calamity again.

(End of this chapter)

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