Chapter 799 Three hundred and sixty-five million years
In the gray and foggy ruins, Lu Qiu Wuji quietly hugged Gu Liang Xuanji's body.

Silent and breathless, like two static fossils.

The four figures of Lao Lu, Xiao Qiu, the faceless dumb girl, and Dongji Xingjun also stood expressionlessly in front of them, like four loyal guards.

At some point, Luqiu Wuji's blue eyes moved slightly, and looked deep into the mist.

There, a large number of people came from afar.

"It's finally here"

She glanced again not far away.

There, there was a figure leaning against a big rock.

Eyes closed, head tilted, not knowing what to do.

But it was Liang Mu.

At this time, the people in the distance gradually came to the front, revealing their respective appearances.

Who else could it be if it wasn't the Demon Slayers?

They went up the starlight road, passed through the end point, and arrived here.

It can only be explained that this is the former boundary of time and space, and the ruins of the current boundary of time and space.

"Boss Liang!"

The moment they saw Liang Mu, everyone in the Demon Slayer Legion exclaimed.

"What did you do to him?!"

A group of people glared at Luqiu Wuji and the others.

Those who are impatient are already preparing to approach Liang Mu.

But Luqiu Wuji just raised his eyes, and there was an invisible wall between the two sides, making it impossible for people to get close to Liang Mu.

"The power of time and space!"

The members of the Demon Elimination Legion immediately recognized this powerful force.

In desperation, he could only turn his head to look at the six rebels, expecting them to deal with this force.

But the rebels didn't seem to care about Liang Mu's life or death, they just looked at Luqiu Wuji together.

"Long time no see. No, it should be said, we met again?"

"You still don't seem to let go."

A few people sighed as if they were doing homework.

And Luqiu Wuji said expressionlessly: "Are you guys coming to stop me again?

So many defeats against me, still don't give up? "

Hearing these words, everyone in the Demon Slayer Legion fell into deep thought.

It can be clearly heard that the rebel and Luqiu Wuji have fought against each other more than once.

Moreover, Luqiu Wuji is even better.

Here comes the problem, Luqiu Wuji obviously existed in the ancient times.

What about the rebels?

Also an old monster who has lived for many epochs?
Or is there another source?

Everyone faintly felt that the veil that had been covering the fate-defying man was finally about to be lifted today.

"We are also very tired, do you think we don't want to give up?" The twelve monks spread their hands, looking helpless, "But once we give up, the universe will be gone, and the billions of innocent lives behind us will also perish. .”

"When the old universe is destroyed, a new universe will emerge.

Hundreds of millions of old lives perish, and new hundreds of millions of lives are born.

Why do you have to defy fate again and again for this world that will be destroyed sooner or later? "

"Because our world is not only our own, but also the people we love and the people who love us.

In order to protect them, what is the trivial matter of defying fate? "

Ye Shili smiled lightly.

"District, District"

His understated tone made the members of the Demon Slayer Legion feel admiration and astonishment at the same time.

It seems that this is not the first time Eleventh Night has done this kind of thing.

"Love" heard Ye Shiyi's words, Luqiu Wuji lowered his head, looked at Gu Liang Xuanji's body in his arms, and fell silent.

"Senior Luqiu, if Senior Guliang is still alive, he definitely doesn't want to see you now.

How much he loved this world, and how much he wanted to protect the people he loved.

It is precisely because of this strong will that he realized the true meaning of the power of time and space before he died, and thus saw us in the long river of time and space in the future.

It is precisely because we share the same wish with senior Gu Liang that we have traveled through 500 million years and come to this era.

He is suffering from not being able to stop you personally, so expect us to replace him and stop you from continuing to make mistakes.

Could it be that you really can't feel the thoughts of senior Gu Liang? "

Li Shiyu said to Luqiu Wuji earnestly.

But Luqiu Wuji remained silent.

And everyone in the Demon Slayer Legion who heard these words showed a look of astonishment.

Only a small number of people, such as Shang Zi, Sima Bo, etc. who have studied anonymous people in private on weekdays, showed less surprise on their faces, but they couldn't hide their surprise.

They secretly guessed in their hearts, but without evidence, they still dare not make a conclusion.

Now that I heard the life-defying person tell the story personally, even if I was prepared in my heart, it was difficult to digest for a while.

As for the other members of the Demon Slayer Legion, let alone.

The rebels come from 500 million years in the future? !
Is such a thing really possible?
"Mother, stop it."

Luqiu Mei's address to Luqiu Wuji stunned most members of the Demon Slayer Legion.

It turns out that they have the same surname, isn't it a coincidence?

"Oh, let me, old fat, explain it clearly to you."

Fatty couldn't stand it anymore, and told everyone exactly what was going on.

"This matter, we have to start from the distant ancient times."

In the ancient times, the master of Tianshu Palace established the realm of time and space, the realm of the netherworld, and the twelve planes.

Together with the Heavenly Book Hall located in the gap between time and space, it constitutes the entire universe.

But one day, the Heavenly Book Palace Master went out for a trip, not knowing whether his head was convulsed or something.

But that guy left the extremely dangerous Star Devouring Talisman, which sealed the Star Demon Race, in the Heavenly Book Hall.

Although there were white zodiac animals guarding them, and the Book of Eternity and the Book of Eternal Calamity were left behind just in case, the "in case" still appeared.
Bai Yan accidentally released the star demons in the star devouring talisman, and the universe fell into crisis in an instant.

Therefore, the double book mechanism left by the master of Tianshu Hall was triggered.

The two books of eternity and eternal calamity turned into life and were born in the realm of time and space.

That is, Luqiu Wuji and Guliang Xuanji.

According to the original setting of the Hall Master of Tianshu Hall, the two books will awaken their respective powers, thereby re-sealing the Star Demon Race.

Unexpectedly, a guy named Liang Qin was born in the Star Demon Clan at some point.

The village massacre incident planned by Liang Qin caused Luqiu Wuji to hate the world, and his mood was also distorted.

Thus, an eternal catastrophe beyond the specification was launched.

In order to stop his wife's behavior, Gu Liang Xuanji had no choice but to stand on the opposite side with Luqiu Wuji.

Shuangshu was forced to form a confrontational situation.

In this way, not only was the Star Demon Clan not sealed, but it grew quietly.

It wasn't until the two books fought at the peak of the ninth plane, and then there was a sneak attack by Liang and Qin, which resulted in the death of Gu Liang Xuanji.

However, Liang Qin never expected that before Gu Liang Xuanji died, he could see a corner of the future through Liang Jijian, who was sent by his daughter Luqiu Mei.

Thus, he brought his thoughts to the future through Liang Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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