Chapter 750
Not long after, Liang Mu came to the [Fighting Restaurant] where he woke up.

When Liang Mu saw this name again, he still couldn't complain.

Which senseless boss would give his restaurant such a name?

The reason why Liang Mu came back here was to think that since he woke up outside this restaurant, would Dongji Xingjun and Jelly have stayed here too.

Even, in the restaurant?

"Welcome officer!
What would you like, sir? "

As soon as he entered the door, Liang Mu was warmly welcomed by the waiter.

Compared with yesterday, Liang Mu is no longer that sleazy beggar.

When he was in the Tin Hau Mansion, he took a shower and changed his clothes.

So even though he can't be called a noble son at this time, he is still clean.

Coupled with his already gentle temperament and the paper fan he bought on the way, he looks like a refined scholar on the whole.

Where did Liang Mu get the money from?

Of course it was given by Tin Hau Mansion.

Tianhou Mansion is worthy of being the number one force in Tianhou City, and they are extremely rich.

Before everyone goes out, they can go to Zhou Ying to collect a service fee.

Perhaps this is another reason why local snakes are willing to contribute to the Tianhou Mansion.

However, Liang Mu, who received the service fee, did not handle the affairs of Tianhou Mansion, but came to handle his own affairs.

"Have a half jug of your restaurant's signature wine first."

Liang Mu replied casually to the waiter.

"This guest officer. Is it the first time to come to Tianhou City?"

Xiao Er suddenly asked with a smile.

Liang Mu was startled, but on the surface he pretended to be calm.

He glanced at Xiao Er lightly, but didn't speak.

"Guest officer, please calm down, I didn't mean to inquire about the origin of the guest officer.

It's really your performance as a guest officer. It looks like an outsider who came to Tianhou City for the first time.

Because we fight restaurant, but Tianhou City's most famous restaurant.

If you are a local, it is impossible not to know what the drinks on the signboard of our fighting restaurant are. "

Hearing Xiao Er's eloquent and eloquent talk, Liang Mu's heart shuddered secretly.

I didn't expect to order a dish casually, but so many things were exposed.

I was still too careless.

Fortunately, what was exposed was not very fatal.

"Well, I am indeed from a foreign country."

Liang Mu simply admitted the matter.

And using this identity, he casually asked Xiaoer: "When I came to Tianhou City a few days ago, I accidentally got separated from a friend outside your restaurant.

Dare I ask if I have met my friend? "

"Oh? Other little ones can't guarantee it. As long as this person comes and goes, as long as he looks a little distinctive, the little one can clearly remember it in his head.

Please tell me what your friend looks like. "

Xiaoer looked confident.

"Maybe I'm not very clear. Is there a pen and paper in the store?" Liang Mu asked.

"Ha! Apart from drinks and tea, the most indispensable thing in the store is paper and pens!

Sir, please wait, I'll get the little one for you! "

Soon, Xiao Er brought the pen and paper and half a jug of wine to Liang Mu.

Liang Mu took the pen and paper, raised his hand and drew the portrait of Dongji Xingjun.

"Guest officer, your painting skills are really amazing!"

Looking at the lifelike portrait, Xiao Er was amazed again and again.

And this is one of the few skills that Liang Mu can show.

Maybe he doesn't have the unrestrained ability of practitioners to fly to the sky with swords, but he has a head with rich artistic knowledge!

But at this time, Liang Mu was not in the mood to listen to the waiter's praise. He just pointed at the portrait and asked, "How is it? Have you ever seen this friend of mine?"

Xiaoer stared at Dongji Xingjun on the portrait for a long time.

But the frown became tighter and tighter.

Looking at Xiao Er's expression, Liang Mu already had a result in his mind.

Sure enough, Xiao Er shook his head: "Guest officer, I'm sorry, I have never seen this person in the portrait before."

Liang Mu sighed slightly disappointed.

He didn't draw jelly for Xiao Er to recognize.

After all, Tianhou City seemed to be different from other mission places he passed by this day, and he didn't see any strange beasts.

If you draw the appearance of jelly rashly, it may scare others.

It will also bring risks to the jelly who does not know where it is.

So he finally chose to draw only the appearance of Dongji Xingjun.

But it's a pity that the waiter has never seen it.

"Guest, you don't have to worry too much." Seeing that Liang Mu was depressed, the waiter immediately comforted him, "Your friend Yushu Linfeng has a handsome appearance and stands out from the crowd.

In any place, it is very eye-catching.

It doesn’t matter if you didn’t find out about it from me. You might gain something by asking around in a few more places. "

Yushu facing the wind, handsome and elegant?
Liang Mu almost spit out the wine from his mouth.

It is true that Mr. Dongji Xing is not bad looking, but when adjectives such as Yushu Linfeng and handsome are given to Mr. Dongji Xing, Liang Mu always has a feeling that he is giving it to a dog.

But Xiao Er's words made him feel a lot better.

Indeed, as Xiaoer said, a guy like Dongji Xingjun who is restless for a moment can easily create a commotion.

As long as I inquire a few more places, I should be able to find the trace of that guy.

Afterwards, Xiao Er resigned, and Liang Mu sat alone in the corner of the hall on the first floor, tasting the wine in the shop.


While drinking, Liang Mu suddenly sighed.

He didn't dislike the taste of the wine.

As the signboard of Fighting Restaurant, the waiter's words are not exaggerating, the wine tastes really good.

But now Liang Mu is not in the mood to savor the wine in the glass carefully.

Before he found Jelly and Mr. Dongji Xing, his heart was always empty.

No matter how good the wine is, it is like a cow chewing peonies when it enters such a stomach.

"Brother, why are you sighing?"

At this time, a clear voice came from the side.

Liang Mu looked up subconsciously, but saw a handsome young man in purple, looking at him with a smile.

Liang Mu lowered his head again, looked at the wine glass, and didn't want to talk to this person.

But at this time, a large number of customers suddenly poured into the store.

No, to be precise, several batches.

Among them, there seemed to be two groups of people who went straight upstairs.

The atmosphere between them was as tense as before the gunpowder was unburned.

The other people who came into the store squeezed into the first floor, found a seat one after another, and sat down.

The hall on the first floor, which was not very full at first, soon only left the table where Liang Mu was sitting in the corner that was not full.

"Oh." Seeing this, the young man in purple asked Liang Mu helplessly, "Can I set up a table here at Xiongtai?"

"As you please." Liang Mu replied lukewarmly.

He was already in a depressed mood, and coupled with the alcohol that was gradually coming to his heart, he didn't want to talk to this man even more.

But just as the young man in purple was seated, another young man in gold came over.

"Brothers, would you mind letting me set up a table together?"

The gentle voice came to Liang Mu's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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