Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 749 The Mission of the Queen's Mansion

Chapter 749 The Mission of the Queen's Mansion

In the bath shrouded in white mist, Dongji Xingjun sneezed suddenly.

He muttered in his mouth: "A mere fine clothing and fine food deserves to tie down the free footsteps of the number one strongest man under the starry sky?

But before we find that bastard named Liang, it’s okay to enjoy it for a few days.”

"Mr. Dongji, have you finished your bath yet?
I hear you seem to have sneezed?

Could it be a cold infection?
Do you want me to serve you personally? "

The sound coming from outside the door made Dongji Xingjun shiver.

This person, the Queen of Heaven, gave him a headache.

Especially his possessiveness made Dongji Xingjun feel uncomfortable all over.

"If I didn't need you for something, how could Ben Xingjun stay here!"

Mr. Dongji Xing muttered a few words and got up from the bath.

Not long after, wrapped in a bathrobe, she walked out of the room.

The mist that did not dissipate turned into water droplets between Dongji Xingjun's white hair and dripped on the bathrobe.

The hot breath, like strong wine, made Tianhou and the four maids turn red.

Being watched by those pair of azure blue eyes, they felt limp and unable to exert their strength.

'This group of nympho! '

Dongji Xingjun complained in his heart, and then looked at Tianhou expressionlessly: "You are looking for me at night, what's the matter?"

Tianhou's eyes seemed to be attracted by a magnet, and she couldn't move her eyes from the handsome face of Dongji Xingjun.

With a blushing face, he said incoherently, "It's okay. Ah no, there's something wrong!"

"Is something okay?" Dongji Xingjun's tone gradually became impatient.

"Good, so handsome!"

"As expected of the man that the Queen of Heaven has taken a liking to, he is so handsome even when he is angry!"

The maids couldn't hold it anymore.

The Queen of Heaven hurriedly said: "Something is happening, something is really happening!"

While speaking, she waved the reluctant maids back.

And let the black armor soldiers guard outside the courtyard.

When she and Dongji Xingjun were the only ones left in the yard, he said slowly: "Mr. Dongji, I have already sent people to recruit the local snakes in the city.

Just wait until tomorrow, they will search the whole city for the person you are looking for"

Hearing this, Dongji Xingjun nodded and said lightly: "Thanks for your hard work."

Just three words made Tianhou's face turn red with excitement.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back to bed first."

Mr. Dongji Xing was really overwhelmed by the cannibalistic fiery eyes of the Queen of Heaven.

Make an excuse and leave.

"Wait!" Tianhou stopped Dongji Xingjun, "Mr. Dongji, may I ask, what is the relationship between the person you are looking for and you?"


After saying these two words, Lord Dongji Xing left without looking back.

Only Tianhou was left standing there alone, her eyes flickering.

Early the next morning, Liang Mu was awakened by a familiar voice.

"Everyone, gather in front of me within 5 minutes!"

It was Zhou Ying's voice.

Liang Mu witnessed that ruthless person's methods with his own eyes.

Don’t dare to neglect and get up as quickly as possible.

After 5 minutes, all members assembled.

Everyone looked at Zhou Ying, waiting for him to assign the [task] mentioned yesterday.

"The reason why Tianhou Mansion gathered all of you garbage is to let you find someone!

Next, I will distribute the portraits of the targets you are looking for, you must remember them clearly for me! "

Hearing Zhou Ying's words, there was a commotion below.

Different from the rumors, the Tianhou Mansion did not ask them to find any treasure, but a person.

But who is it that he can't even find the Tin Hau Mansion, and why do he need local snakes like them to find him?
Soon, Zhou Ying distributed the portraits of the targets.

In Liang Mu's hand, he also got one.

I saw a portrait of a young man.

Wearing a red robe, he is well-proportioned, neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin.

Liang Mu looked at the red robe in the portrait and blinked.

Why is this style so similar to one of his clothes?
But that one, Liang Mu rarely wears outside.

So is this just a coincidence?

Liang Mu's eyes moved up slowly, looking at the man's face.

The first time I saw it, I immediately stopped in Bengbu!

这 是
"What an amazing look this is!"

All around, a group of people couldn't help but twitch their cheeks.

It's not that the man in the painting is so handsome and compelling, but that they have never seen anyone who can look so ugly!

Up and down, crooked eyebrows.

One big and one small, asymmetrical eyes.

A huge upturned nose like a pig's nose, plus two thick sausage-like lips.
Not to mention, the pockmarked face.

It is hard to imagine what kind of disgust God had in mind when he created man, so that all the unsightly aspects in the eyes of the world would be concentrated on such a face.

"Does such an ugly person really exist?"

"If I were him, I would be so desperate that I would commit suicide."

People around were talking about the man in the painting.

After Liang Mu saw it, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If he was a little bit worried that the person in the painting was himself, then when he saw that handsome face that didn't match his handsome face, he was completely relieved.


Zhou Ying let out a loud roar, suppressing the commotion in the crowd.

Then he announced coldly: "You don't need to care about the identity of this person, as long as you know that he is very important to our Tianhou Mansion, you must bring him back intact!"

"Then you must tell us his name?"

"His name is [Liang Ji]!"

After Zhou Ying reported the information coldly, he asked the local snakes to scatter to find someone.

After that, the local smugglers took the portraits out of Tin Hau Mansion and went to various places in Tin Hau City.

Inquire about the whereabouts of the man named Liang Ji.

Some of them travel together, while others travel alone.

Liang Mu is the latter.

On the street, Liang Mu put the portrait in his arms while looking around.

Find someone?

Nothing to do with him.

With so many people, there is always someone to find.

All he has to do is paddle.

What, pressure from Tianhou Mansion?

Sorry, Liang Mu has no pressure at all.

All he cares about now is how to get his things back.

Also, find the whereabouts of Dongji Xingjun and Jelly.

Therefore, the other local snakes really went to find someone.

And Liang Mu, the fake local snake, used the act of looking for someone to observe the environment of the Tianhou City under his feet.

Whenever there is a chance, I ask the residents in the city if they have seen Dongji Xingjun and Jelly.

It's just that there is no news along the way.

Suddenly, Liang Mu thought of a place.

There, there may be information about Dongji Xingjun and Jelly.

(End of this chapter)

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