Chapter 74 That Fascinating Slap
"What the hell is this place? Why are there so many mosquitoes?"

Wu Henan slapped his hands and feet bitten by mosquitoes angrily, chattering non-stop.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come here in person."

"The savage didn't see it, but I saw a lot of mosquitoes!"

In order to avenge Sima Qingjian, Wu Henan followed Sima Bo.

For the sake of Sima Bo, he excitedly went out to sea by boat and followed behind.

However, this trip was not as happy as imagined.

Wu Henan, who has never experienced hardship since childhood, has already begun to miss the land, and he can't wait to turn around and return immediately.

And beside him, surrounded by a group of strong men in black.

Brother Kui is also located in it.

"Young master, isn't our main purpose to obstruct Sima Bo's research?

Savage or something, it must be a rumor. "

Kui Ge smiled.

"What's obstructing you? It's so ugly!" Wu Henan looked at Brother Kui displeasedly, "It's obviously the young master. I'm merciful. I can't bear to see Dr. Sima working hard at such a young age, so I came here to pick him up. !"

"Yes, the young master is right!" What else could Brother Kui say?Of course it is echoed repeatedly.

But secretly, he picked up the phone, as if he wanted to send someone a message.

However, upon closer inspection, there was no signal at all.

For some reason, Brother Kui suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

At this time, Wu Henan started to shout at the subordinates who were clearing the way: "A group of idiots! Can't the flashlight be brighter?

So dark, do you want me to fall? "

The men hurriedly turned on the lights.

In an instant, the surroundings were as bright as day.

On the other side, Sima Bo and his party were also advancing cautiously in the forest.

Suddenly, the Pearl-breasted Yan, who was walking in front, stopped and motioned for everyone to keep quiet.

"Did you hear that?"

Everyone listened attentively, and they found the sound of rustling leaves rubbing against each other.

However, the frequency of the sound was strangely fast.

And this voice is getting closer and closer to them!
Sima Bo, who had experienced the previous incident, suddenly held their breath.

Could it be that black-haired guy? !

"Turn off all the lights in your hand!"

Zhuxiongyan hastily issued an order.

Although she had never seen any savages, she used her rich experience to make an instant decision.

Because in this kind of environment, people emitting light will definitely become the most conspicuous targets!
One after another light sources gradually dimmed.

Soon, it was pitch black around the group of people, only the sound of tense breathing remained.

And the rustling sound never disappeared.

Like a ghost wandering in the dark, watching them.

"Big Brother Liang is protecting me, I'm fine!" '

Bai Xi tightly grasped the wooden carving Liang Mu gave her, and secretly cheered herself up, her will gradually became firmer.


The sudden scream made everyone who was already nervous tremble.

The students in the archaeological team covered their mouths tightly to prevent themselves from uttering a sound.

"It seems that it's not our place."

Pearl Breasted Swallow was a little puzzled.

Because of the screams, there was a distance from them, as if they were on the other side of the woods.

"Could it be those guys who followed us?"

However, no matter who the other party is, it is a good thing for them.

Because in this way, they can continue to explore more safely.

"Keep going!"

With a command, the team set off again.

On the other side, the big men in black tightly surrounded Wu Henan, looking in front of him warily.

Under the light, one of their partners was clutching his abdomen in pain, as if he had been punched hard.

And at the edge of light and darkness, a figure covered in black hair was staring at them coldly.

I saw that it had a thin body, its arms were above the knees and hanging naturally.

Sharp-billed monkey cheeks look like apes.

However, its hands and feet have transparent webs.

The scariest thing, of course, is the pair of green eyes.

Cold, evil, fierce.

"This, this, what is this?!"

Surrounded in the middle, Wu Henan looked in horror at the black-haired monster not far in front of him, his hands and feet went limp from fright.

"Monkey? Duck?" Brother Kui was also confused.

However, in the face of this strange creature that suddenly appeared, none of them dared to underestimate it.

Because just now, this monster attacked one of them at a very fast speed.

And that terrifying power has made the injured person unable to react until now.

So they are observing carefully, looking for the monster's weaknesses and flaws.

However, Wu Henan, who was so frightened, couldn't bear it for half a second.

"What are you doing in a daze? Get rid of it!"

Wu Henan roared to the surroundings.

The subordinates had no choice but to choose to do it.


Amid a series of unsheathing sounds, they pulled out the daggers they carried with them.

Some people were separated to protect Wu Henan, while the other group approached the black-haired monster.


The black-haired monster suddenly let out a sharp monkey-like cry, and took a step back, avoiding the light, and retreating into the darkness.

But just when everyone thought it was scared away, suddenly there was a scream from behind.


One of the people protecting Wu Henan cried out in pain.

That monster managed to sneak attack again!

The dark environment seems to have no effect on it.

"Ahhh! I can't stand it!"

Wu Henan collapsed.

He was so frightened that he left the team and ran out of the forest alone.

"Turn off the lights! Eldest young master, turn off the lights!"

Brother Kui finally noticed what attracted the black-haired monster, and hurriedly reminded him loudly.

But Wu Henan, who was already so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, how could he still listen?
Holding a flashlight, he ran away like crazy.

In the darkness, a black shadow flashed past.



The sound of pants being torn and Wu Henan's screams sounded at the same time.

When everyone looked again, they found that Wu Henan had been pulled down by the monster at some point.

On the bare buttocks, there is a webbed palm print, which is extremely obvious.


The black-haired monster held Wu Henan's pants high, and jumped left and right on the spot, as if showing off his spoils.

It also seems to be openly provoking a group of people.

"Retreat first! This is this guy's territory, we can't fight it!"

Brother Kui saw the situation clearly, greeted everyone, lifted Wu Henann, who was naked from the lower body, and fled in the north direction where he had come from when he was in a state of embarrassment.

The black-haired monster wanted to continue chasing after it, but it seemed to have suddenly noticed something, and suddenly looked to the south.


It screamed angrily, and rushed to the south with hands and feet.

In the south of the woods, Bai Xi who was advancing suddenly let out a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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