Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 73 I, Sima Bo, Didn't Avoid Women!

Chapter 73 I, Sima Bo, Didn't Avoid Women!
The black Four Seas Flying Swallow was sailing on the channel leading to Sun Moon Island.

The cruise ship carefully built by Mo Yan is certainly not just a transport ship.

In fact, there are all kinds of leisure and entertainment facilities on Nuoda's ship.

The students in the archaeological team had never seen much of the world, and they had already been immersed in having fun.

Hu Yanzhi and other crew members worked diligently to familiarize themselves with the control environment on the ship to prevent any accidents.

The female bodyguard team sent by Mo Yan was well-trained to patrol the ship.

And Sima Bo dragged Sima Qingjian into the room, euphemistically calling it research materials, but in fact he was playing chess with Sima Qingjian.

However, Sima Qingjian found that his grandfather was absent-minded, staring at the door from time to time, as if he was afraid of something breaking in suddenly.

Sima Qing smiled narrowly: "Grandpa, are you avoiding that sister named Zhuxiongyan?"

When we went to the bookstore together last time, Sima Qingjian saw something tricky.

When I boarded the ship today, it was even more confirmed.

Sima Bo seemed to be very apprehensive towards the Pearl-breasted Yan.

Presumably pulling her to play chess was just to avoid Pearl Breast Yan.

"Hiding?" Sima Bo smiled disdainfully, "When did your grandpa and I end up hiding from women?"

"Ah" Seeing that Sima Qing seemed to understand something, he suddenly realized: "Then you just fell in love with him?"

She winked again and said, "No wonder grandma suspects that you haven't gone back for so long because you fell in love with a certain young and beautiful female college student. Grandpa, you really are dishonest."

"You're talking nonsense again!" Sima Bo shot Sima Qing a glance.

But before he could continue speaking, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Dr. Sima, I have something to tell you."

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao will be there, and there are pearl-breasted swallows outside the door.

Hearing this voice, Sima Bo's expression changed.

The aged body unexpectedly exploded with powerful strength at this moment.

Like a cheetah returning home after hunting its prey, it shrank into the quilt on the bed.

And told Sima Qingjian: "Tell that guy that I fell asleep!"

Sima Qingjian laughed dumbfoundedly and shook his head repeatedly.

Is this still called hiding?

She stood up and went to open the door for Zhuxiongyan.

Contrary to Sima Qingjian's expectations, Pearl-breasted Yan did not come to play tricks on Sima Bo.

He just said indifferently: "The anti-tracking radar monitoring system on the ship has found some information, I think it is necessary to inform you.

After 5 minutes, the main conference cabin will gather. "

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked away.

"A sassy sister"

Sima Qingjian sighed silently, turned to Sima Bo on the bed and said, "You heard everything, right?"

Sima Bo lifted the quilt with a dazed look on his face: "What's the matter with anti-tracking?"

Sima Qingjian covered his forehead, speechless to his grandfather.

As a Ph.D. in archaeology, Sima Bo, a top expert in the industry, has devoted almost his whole life to archaeology.

So there is a surprising slowness in other aspects of knowledge.

She didn't explain, but seriously suggested: "Let's go and have a look."

In 5 minutes, Sima Bo, Sima Qingjian, Hu Yanzhi, and Zhuxiongyan, representatives of the three parties on the ship, gathered in the main conference cabin.

The so-called main meeting cabin is the cabin with meeting room function.

There is more than one conference cabin on board, and the main conference cabin is naturally the largest and the most comprehensively equipped.

A huge LCD screen stands in the middle of the cabin.

Zhuxiongyan controlled the computer, projected a radar map on the monitor, and showed it to several people in the conference cabin.

This map is dynamic.

Pearl-breasted Yan pointed to a green ship-shaped dot flashing on the map and said, "This is the Four Seas Flying Swallow, which is where we are."

Diffused light waves spread out from the green dot.

Zhuxiongyan pointed to these light waves and said: "This is radar electromagnetic wave, which is used to scan and detect the surrounding environment."

Marks of different shapes appeared in the area of ​​the map swept by the light wave.

But the most conspicuous ones are some scattered red boat-shaped light spots.

"These are ships traveling in the nearby waters.

Take a close look at this one."

Zhuxiong Yan pointed to a flashing red dot on the map and said: "According to the feedback from the anti-tracking radar monitoring system, this ship has more than 90.00% similarity with our trajectory.

Almost certainly, it's following us. "

"Following?" Sima Bo and others looked at each other.

"What are we doing following us?" Hu Yanzhi asked blankly.

"Are you sure that the Shilaozi radar system will not go wrong?" Sima Bo asked with a frown.

Zhuxiongyan looked very displeased: "This anti-tracking radar monitoring system was developed by the computer genius [Caishiyan] of our organization, how dare you question it?"

Stared at by Zhu Xiyan's fierce eyes, Sima Bo lost all momentum.

Sam Sam turned her head away, not daring to say another word.

Sima Qingjian looked at the red dot thoughtfully, wondering who might be following them.

Could it be that they are not the only ones who are interested in the savage rumors?
"In short, you should pay more attention in the future, and it's best not to hang out outside.

Playing chess in the cabin is fine. "

Pearl Breast Yan said expressionlessly.

Sima Bo looked even more embarrassed.

Sima Qingjian was also trying to suppress a smile.

Only Hu Yanzhi, who knew nothing, was groping the back of his head in a daze.

When the Four Seas Flying Swallow arrived at the south side of Riyue Island, it was still dark.

Sun Moon Island was still submerged under the sea, and the miracle of low tide during the day could not happen every time after all.

So the cruise ship will stop at sea, waiting for the night to fall, and the low tide will land on the island.

However, the radar system found that the tracking ship had circled to the north side and stopped accordingly.

Its purpose of landing on the island is already clear.

It seems that the previous guess is correct, the other party has been following the Four Seas Flying Swallow, and plotting something wrong.

After discussing with several insiders, they decided to inform the entire crew of the ship about the matter, so that everyone could be more vigilant.

Finally, night fell.

The tide receded, and Sun Moon Island reappeared between the sky and the earth.

A group of people recharging their energy on the Four Seas Flying Swallow all boarded the island together.

Only part of the crew is left to guard the cruise ship.

This time, Sima Bo, who had been prepared for it, had all the tools.

There is also a group of bodyguards protecting Pearl-breasted Yan, which doubles her confidence.

With a wave of his hand, he led everyone straight to the woods from last time.

But before entering the woods, Pearl-breasted Yan patted Sima Bo, who was leading the horse, and gestured backwards: "Old man, step back a little.

If something goes wrong later, I won't be able to play chess. "

As he said that, he led the bodyguard team to take the lead in clearing the way.

Sima Bo looked aggrieved, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Looking at Sima Bo who was being punished, Sima Qing covered her mouth and snickered: "Sister who is very vengeful."

The group of people who entered the forest one after another did not notice that a group of people also stepped into the forest on the other side of the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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