Chapter 590 Keep Your Life

In Huang Xiao's line of sight, there was a figure with his back turned to him.

Leaning on the stone pillar at the door, there was no sound.

It seems to be practicing meditation, and it seems to be asleep in place.

It was Liang Mu!

"what are you doing there?"

Huang Xiao looked at Liang Mu's back in surprise.

But Liang Mu never answered.

Huang Xiao felt more and more strange that things were going on and slowly walked towards Liang Mu's location.

But only halfway through, Huang Xiao's footsteps stopped.

Squinting his eyes, he looked at a figure that suddenly appeared beside Liang Mu.

The figure clearly appeared out of thin air, but it didn't appear to be abrupt at all, as if it was standing there all the time.

I saw that it was a woman in a white neon dress.

She has a graceful figure and a fairy air.

But an oil-paper umbrella covered the woman's face.

"Who are you?"

Huang Xiao narrowed her eyes, secretly using her supernatural powers.

But that seemingly ordinary oil-paper umbrella completely disabled Huang Xiao's magical powers, making it impossible to see through the appearance of the person inside.

A sense of crisis instantly rose in Huang Xiao's heart.

On the other side, the woman holding an oil-paper umbrella walked to Liang Mu.

The oil-paper umbrella in her hand covered her and Liang Mu together.

From Huang Xiao's point of view, the woman stretched out a hand and gently adjusted Liang Mu's clothes.

Like wife and husband, like daughter and father.

"My name is Luqiu Mei."

At this time, the woman finally spoke.

Lu Qiumei?
Huang Xiao frowned as she recalled, but she couldn't find any information about the name in her mind.

He just asked: "Where are you from? Why do you appear in my Tianqin Palace?"

"Come here to save your life."

Luqiu Mei continued.

"Huh?" Huang Xiao sneered exaggeratedly, "Are you kidding, is there anyone in the Heavenly Bird Palace who can beat me?
I need you to protect my life?

Be honest, what are you doing here? ! "

"The life-seeker may not be a human being, but"

As Lu Qiumei said, she suddenly pointed the oil-paper umbrella in her hand to the bedroom behind Huang Xiao.

Because of this, Huang Xiao saw Lu Qiumei's appearance.

No, to be precise, she still doesn't know what Luqiu Mei looks like.

Because Lu Qiu Mei’s face was actually wearing a mask!
It would be fine if it was an ordinary mask, but Huang Xiao had just seen this mask not long ago!

It is one of the six masks of the rebels!
That's the one with the sword engraved on it!

Could it be that.
Is this Luqiu Mei one of the six rebels? !

But why is it such a coincidence?
Huang Xiao had just broken the seal on his forefoot and discovered the organization of the Rebels.

Luqiu Mei, wearing the mask of a rebel, came to the Heavenly Bird Palace on her hind legs.

Suddenly, Huang Xiao thought of Huang Mio's description on the stele about the rebels—

They can predict the prophet!
When Huang Xiao was shocked, a sword light flew out from Luqiu Mei's oiled paper umbrella.

Huang Xiao had never seen such a fast Jian Guang in his life.

So by the time she reacted, the sword light had already passed her body and flown into the palace behind her.


A roar.

Huang Xiao subconsciously turned around, only to find that the stele had been blown into powder by Jian Guang.

"what are you doing?!"

Huang Xiao couldn't believe that he had worked so hard to decipher the stele for so many years, the stele with the precious message written by the ancestors.
It was blown to pieces by Lu Qiu Mei!
Emotionally broken, she completely lost control and yelled at Luqiu Mei.

However, when Huang Xiao turned her head, she found that Lu Qiumei had disappeared.

Only a plain word floated into her ears.

"Some secrets will only harm you."

Huang Xiao froze in place.

The sudden appearance of Lu Qiu Mei made her feel powerless like never before.

It seemed that all methods were useless to that woman.

She finally understood how her ancestor Huang Mio felt at that time.

The rebels are really powerful beyond words!
Just when Huang Xiao was stunned, another figure appeared next to Liang Mu.

But she is a faceless dumb girl.

For some reason, the faceless dumb girl quietly looked at a certain position beside Liang Mu for a long time.

It was astonishingly where Luqiu Mei was standing just now.

After an unknown amount of time, the faceless and dumb girl nodded slightly to Huang Xiao, then carried Liang Mu on her back, and left.

Looking at the back of the faceless and dumb girl leaving, Huang Xiao smiled wryly.

Who said that no one in the entire Heavenly Bird Palace could beat her?
Isn't this one?
Ever since the faceless dumb girl appeared, Huang Xiao has been unable to see through her reality.

But after tonight, she felt that the faceless dumb girl and Lu Qiumei had a fight.

and many more!

They both wear masks, so there won't be any connection between these two people, right?

That night, Huang Xiao couldn't sleep all night.

What reverberated in his head was all about the rebels.

Lu Qiumei said that she came to save her life, but destroyed the stone tablet. Does that mean that the stone tablet will bring Huang Xiao's death?
Also, why is the mighty Luqiu Mei so gentle towards Liang Mu?

As well as the faceless dumb girl that Huang Xiao couldn't see through, she always accompanied Liang Mu.

What is the origin of Liang Mu?
Is it really the answer I thought in my heart?

"The headache is killing me!
I'm so bored!
Don't sleep! "

Distraught, Huang Xiao went straight out of the bedroom, intending to go outside.

But not long after she went out, she suddenly looked in one direction.

From there, a white column of air suddenly rose into the sky.

And there was a strange cry, which came over.

"Quack quack! My uncle has made a breakthrough!"

Huang Xiao immediately recognized the voice of Lord Goose.

However, that strange and powerful aura made Huang Xiao frown.

Go there without hesitation.

At the same time, the birds in the Tianqin Palace were also alarmed.

When they came to the scene and saw a middle-aged man with a short neck but thick limbs, they were all dumbfounded.

"Are you Lord Goose?"

Someone asked uncertainly.

"Nonsense! Of course it's my uncle!"

Although the appearance is different, the arrogant tone is exactly the same as that of the eunuch.

"Master Goose, you can change form?!"

All the birds were surprised and delighted.

Not all alien beasts can transform.

Only the king of alien beasts, and the king of alien beasts who have reached a certain level, is qualified to transform.

But now that Mr. Goose can transform into form, it means that he has reached that realm!

It also means that a top powerhouse who can compete with Huang Xiao finally appears in the Tianqin Palace!
The victims of these witches finally have a chance to get out of trouble!
"Don't call me Mr. Goose!" The man shook his head repeatedly, "Listen to me.

From today on, you all have to call me a lying duck! "

"Lying old duck?"

"What a strange name."

"No. Mr. Goose actually has a name?!"

When this startling voice appeared, a woman's voice also sounded faintly in the night sky: "Mr. Goose, who do you think is the master?"

(End of this chapter)

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