Chapter 589 Rebel

The barrier is lifted!

This is the most beautiful voice that Liang Mu has heard these days.

This means that he finally doesn't have to stay in this Heavenly Bird Palace anymore!

Finally, you don't have to face these squawking birds all day long!

Finally, I no longer have to solve arithmetic problems for that nasty witch!
Finally, I can continue to pursue my dream of cultivating immortals!

But the problem is
How to leave the Heavenly Bird Palace?

But Liang Mu soon realized that this was not a problem.

After all, the system will definitely teleport him directly to the next place.

Does this mean that Liang Mu can now do whatever he wants in Tianqin Palace?
For example, I went to pluck the hair of the guys who barked the loudest on weekdays.

For another example, do something a man should do to Huang Xiao?
"Hey Hey."

Lying Old Duck looked at Liang Mu's weird smile, feeling inexplicably terrified.

"Then, then I'll leave first?"

Lie Laoya, who was holding the scroll book, anxiously asked Liang Mu for his opinion.

Liang Mu waved his hand indifferently, and let the old duck leave on its own.

"Thank you Master Liang!"

Lie Laoya gave another respectful salute, then excitedly left with the book in his arms.

That night, Liang Mu took advantage of the darkness of the moon and the high wind to sneak into the next door from his bedroom.

Here is where Huang Xiao lives.

Liang Mu was still struggling with how to sneak in, but when he got closer, he found that the door was ajar.

A multicolored light shines through the crack of the door.

'Hum hum!

Let me do so many arithmetic problems, I should pay some price! '

Liang Mu licked his lips, and approached the door quietly with a strange smile.

But before he approached the door, a sense of drowsiness suddenly hit him.


This intense sleepiness for no reason made Liang Mu realize what was going to happen next.

The system must be sending him away again!
Damn, why so early this time?

He hasn't done anything excessive to Huang Xiao yet!
Liang Mu secretly thought it was a pity, but he couldn't resist the increasingly violent sleepiness.

He could only lean on the stone pillar at the door and fall asleep before losing consciousness.

Liang Mu, who was asleep, didn't know that there was another big scene inside the door at this time.

When the last piece of arithmetic paper fell back to the ground, the stone tablet suspended in the air finally revealed its original shape.

"Success! Success!

This stone tablet I brought back from the ancient ruins has finally been unsealed! "

Huang Xiao was so moved that she almost cried.

Back then, Huang Xiao accidentally discovered this stele in an ancient ruins.

Intuition told her that this stele was not simple.

But when Huang Xiao brought the stone tablet back, he found that the seal on it could not be lifted no matter what.

It seems to be different from all the sealing methods in the world, more like a product of another world.

But Huang Xiao did not give up, but tried various methods.

Finally, she accidentally discovered a feasible method.

The seal outside the stone tablet actually responded to the process of solving the arithmetic problem!

And the more complicated and rare the topic, the greater the impact on the seal.

Ever since, Huang Xiao frantically collected all kinds of arithmetic problems since ancient times.

And domineeringly "invited" all the powerful people in the Tianqin world to the Tianqin Palace to solve the problem for her.

But Huang Xiao was very dissatisfied with the efficiency of those strong people in solving problems.

So in a rage, she turned them all into birds.

And God couldn't stand it anymore, and directly dropped a Liang Mu over to Huang Xiao.

In just a few days, the total number of arithmetic problems needed to break the seal was collected!

Now, she finally fulfilled her long-cherished wish for many years and was able to glimpse the content on the stele!
The first thing Huang Xiao noticed was the pattern on the stone tablet.

On that, there are six masks.

The masks are roughly the same shape, but differ in details.

On the foreheads of the six masks, patterns of the sun, moon, stars, dragon, whale, and sword are respectively engraved.

Huang Xiao had never seen these masks.

But her intuition told her that there were deep ancient secrets hidden inside!
For this reason, Huang Xiao looked at the text on the six masks.

There it is written:

[Our Eternal Holy Sect accidentally discovered a mysterious organization in the process of fighting against the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cult.

There are six people in the organization, wearing six different masks, and no one knows their real appearance.

I only know their strength, which is so powerful that it is elusive.

Close to God, yet walking in the world.

And their position is also impossible to judge.

Sometimes I stand on the side of the Eternal Saint, and sometimes I stand on the side of the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cult.
They seem to be on the edge of the battlefield of every great war.

They are like a group of prophets who can predict every major historical event and participate in it.

And whenever the world wants to track down their traces, they find that they have disappeared completely in the world.

Like a traveler in six time and space, walking leisurely in the long river of time.

For this reason, I call them 'rebels'.

It means a group of people who can go retrograde instead of drifting in the river of fate.

I envied them and wanted to ask them their true origins face to face.

But the battle with the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cult has consumed all my energy, and I have no time to look for them again.

But I can feel that if I have a previous life, I have seen them too.

And my children and grandchildren will see them one day.

The premise is that we have to win this battle and leave future generations for the Eternal Nine Realms
If they fail, they may only be able to leave behind this stone tablet with the masks of the six of them.

I hope that someone who is destined to see the stele can ask the fate-defying person a question for me.

Ask them if the world is real or not.
——Tian Qinzong, Huang Mio. 】

"Huang, Huang Mio!!"

When Huang Xiao saw the last signature, his pupils shrank into a dot instantly.

"Isn't this the name of our ancestor of the Heavenly Bird Sect, one of the Eternal Nine Masters in ancient times?!"

Huang Xiao was shocked.

Unexpectedly, this stone tablet brought back by accident has such a big background.

Huang Xiao was also very concerned about the [Rebels] mentioned on the stele.

A space-time traveler who does not know the prophet, a tide-rider who swims upstream in the long river of fate
Just by imagining, I can already imagine how chic those six people are.

No wonder even Huang Mio expressed envy.

But the problem is, Huang Mio seems to have made a mistake in her judgment.

As a descendant, Huang Xiao had never heard of this organization.

I have never seen anyone wearing these six masks.

But at this moment, Huang Xiao suddenly noticed something strange behind him.

His eyes turned cold, and he shouted at the door: "Who?!"

There was no response for a long time.

Murderous intent flashed in Huang Xiao's eyes, and his figure flew out in an instant.

But when she saw the figure outside the door, she was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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