Chapter 58 The Strange Disease
"This is the Penglaifu community that store manager Liang mentioned, right?
The name is quite fairy-like. "

Sima Qingjian looked up at the big characters on the gate of the community, and smiled slightly.

She liked things with ancient rhymes since she was a child.

The name of the neighborhood in front of her subconsciously gave her a good impression.

"But why did Store Manager Liang ask me to come here for a free clinic?"

At that time, Sima Qing agreed to Liang Mu's condition without thinking about it.

But when he calmed down afterwards, he realized something was wrong.

A bookstore manager, why don't you care about what a community does?
With doubts and incomprehension, Sima Qingjian was about to step into the community.


An uncle in a security uniform stopped Sima Qing in front of him.

What caught Sima Qingjian's attention was that the security guard wore two layers of masks.

The pair of exposed eyes were full of vigilance.

"Aren't you from this community? What are you here for?!"

This interrogation-like tone made Sima Qing frowned.

Are the security guards in this community too unfriendly to outsiders?
If it were the same as before, Sima Qing would definitely turn around and leave when he saw it, and he would never accept this tone.

However, she who agreed to Liang Mu chose to be patient.

"Uncle, I'm here to give a free clinic to the residents of the community."

Sima Qing saw the red sandalwood medicine box in his hand.

Inside are some special tools for ancient doctors.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Sima Qingjian's self-introduction, the security guard suddenly became extremely angry: "Another charlatan here to cheat food and drink? Get out!"

Sima Qing was taken aback at the sight: "Again? Could it be that Doctor Gu came here before me?"

"I don't know what ancient doctors and modern doctors are. I only know that those liars are carrying boxes like you!"

The security guard's eyes became more and more fierce.

Sima Qingjian thought of quitting again, but after thinking of the promise to Liang Mu, he endured it again.

Trying to squeeze out a smile, he said, "Uncle, I am different from those quack doctors. I am a genuine ancient doctor."

"Hehe! That's what those liars said before!" The security guard was so angry that his double-layer masks trembled, "I kindly took them to Xiao Huang's house, but what happened? No one can cure Xiao Huang's strange disease!

I was scolded by Xiao Huang for several days! "

"Wait!" Seeing that Sima Qing heard something wrong, he said in surprise, "You just said...a strange disease?"

"Are you really not understanding or are you pretending?" The security guard said impatiently, "Everyone on the street knows that someone in our Penglaifu community has a strange disease that cannot be cured.

Now the rumors are getting more and more evil, and they are starting to say that it is haunted.”

While talking, the security guard shrank his neck and pressed the mask on his mouth hard, as if remembering something scary.

"Things seem to suddenly get interesting"

Sima Qingjian muttered to himself, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

"Uncle, I'll show you something to prove that I'm not a liar."

Sima Qingjian took out a certificate with a light blue cover from the windbreaker pocket.

On the cover is printed a column of gilded characters - [Ancient Physician Qualification Certificate].

The security guard took the certificate dubiously and opened it to read.

There are materials such as Sima Qingjian's name and photo in it.

The most eye-catching thing is the small characters under the name - [Junior Ancient Physician].

The signing unit is [Yangcheng Ancient Physician Association].

"Are you really a doctor?"

The security guard looked at the certificate over and over, and looked up and down Sima Qingjian suspiciously.

"It's Physician Gu, not a doctor." Sima Qingjian corrected with a smile, "Uncle, can you take me to Xiao Huang's house you mentioned, I want to see that strange disease."

The security guard was about to say something, but Sima Qingjian immediately continued: "If I am a liar, you will be scolded at worst.

But if I can cure that strange disease, you will be thanked by the whole community.

With this credit, promotion and salary increase are not a problem. "

The security guard was stunned, his flickering eyes were clearly filled with excitement.

"Hmph! If I find out that you are a liar, you will die!"

The security guard threw the certificate back to Sima Qingjian, and walked towards the community.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and follow!"

He turned around and glared at Sima Qingjian, who was still standing.

"Yeah!" Sima Qingjian quietly made a gesture of victory, and trotted to follow.

In a house located on the tenth floor of a building in the community, the smoke drifted away.

Incense is burned in every corner of the house.

A couple of middle-aged men prayed to the image of a Bodhisattva hanging on the wall.

"Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva, bless my son's illness and get well soon!"

In the center of the room, a long-bearded man dressed in a yellow robe and dressed as a Taoist priest was holding a mahogany sword and muttering words.

"Sanqing is above, the evil spirits will disperse!"

"The Qi is upright and the gods are bright, and the Taoism is manifested!"


"Ding dong!"


"Ding dong!"

The bearded Taoist glared at the direction of the gate, screaming angrily: "Who is disturbing this way of exorcism?"

"Don't be angry, Daoist, I'll open the door right away!"

The husband of the couple was frightened and ran to open the door.

After the door was opened, it was found that the security guard of the community was standing at the door with an overly handsome young man.

"Old Huang, I brought you a doctor again."

While talking to Papa Huang, the security guard secretly poked his head and looked into the hall, as if he was on guard for something.

In the next second, a tiger-like roar came out: "Well, you bastard, you brought a liar to my house again, haven't you been scolded enough by my old lady?!"

The wife of the couple, Huang Ma, rushed out of the hall with a rolling pin.

The security guard hid behind Sima Qingjian in fright, without daring to raise his head, pointed at Sima Qingjian, and a voice came from behind: "This man is not a liar, he said he will definitely cure your little Huang's strange disease." !"

'When did I say that it will be cured? '

Sima Qingjian complained in his heart, and looked into the hall.

When she saw the smog in the room and the bearded Taoist priest holding a mahogany sword, she frowned suddenly: "I can't get rid of any disease if I make the house so smoky!"

Huang's father and Huang's mother were shocked.

When Sima Qing saw the tone of reprimand, there was an irrefutable majesty.

Maybe this young man really has two brushes?
However, the long-bearded Taoist was not happy, and shouted angrily: "The smog? You are insulting my true Taoism! There is no pardon for the crime!"

Sima Qingjian glanced at the Taoist priest, and said with a sneer, "Don't think that you can pretend to be a Taoist just by knowing a few polite words.

I advise you to replace the cedar sword in your hand with a genuine mahogany sword, maybe you can pretend a little more. "

The bearded Taoist was startled, and subconsciously looked at the wooden sword in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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