Chapter 57, Unblock!
"Yes, it is to study the East China Sea."

Sima Bo finally accepted the wood carving, but his expression became more and more ashamed.

"Please forgive me for my limited ability. I have searched all the materials in my hand, but I can't find a breakthrough in the research.

That's why I have the cheek to come to Mr. Liang for advice! "

Liang Mu secretly scolded the system.

Look at your stupid system, what kind of conditions are you offering to torture a good people's teacher like this?
However, Liang Mu did not expect that Sima Bo would really study such an illusory project seriously.

My heart is both moved and blamed.

"Teacher Sima, don't worry.

If you have time to go to Sun Moon Island to relax and relax, maybe there will be a breakthrough. "

Liang Mu thought of the Sun Moon Island that Wu Mohuan had mentioned to him last time.

Since he can't go to Sun Moon Island by himself, let Sima Bo experience the scenery on his behalf.

At the same time, let Sima Bo no longer be obsessed with that absurd research.

It can also make Liang Mu feel less self-blaming, and it can be regarded as doing a good deed for the system.

Hearing Liang Mu's words, Sima Bo's mind started to work quickly.

As a boss, every word of Liang Mu must have a deep meaning!
And from this sentence, Sima Bo keenly discovered a key point.

That is Sun Moon Island!

'Could it be that Boss Liang is hinting that the key node that I haven't been able to find is Sun Moon Island? ! '

The more Sima Bo thought about the possibility, he only felt that all the blockages in his mind had dissipated.

Liang Mu's words, like enlightenment, instantly brightened his dim sea of ​​consciousness!

He bowed deeply to Liang Mu: "Thank you, Mr. Liang, for your guidance!"

Liang Mu felt helpless.

I just let you go on a tour. Is it necessary to thank you so exaggeratedly?

And when they were talking, Wu Mohuan also noticed the words Sun Moon Island.

Some flickering clues gradually formed a straight line in her mind.

Ever since Liang Mu asked Duanmuyan to stay in Wucheng for a month, Wu Mohuan began to think about the deeper meaning.

After that, Sima Bo, Duanmu Xianya, and the grandson of Sima Bo came to Wucheng one after another.

And for different people, Liang Mu also offered different conditions.

Among them, Sima Bo's research on the conditions of the East China Sea confuses Wu Mohuan the most.

However, when Liang Mu clicked on Sun Moon Island just now, Wu Mohuan immediately recalled the strange feeling when he mentioned Sun Moon Island to Liang Mu for the first time.

At this moment, she finally understood everything!
Starting from Duanmuyan, Liang Mu is playing a big game.

Everyone who is assigned a task by him is his pawn.

Until this moment, she finally saw the key to this chess game, and it was also the place where Liang Mu would make his move next - Sun Moon Island!

What will happen on that island?

What does this man want to do?
If I am also one of the pawns, what kind of role am I playing?
Amid all kinds of speculation, Wu Mohuan fell into confusion.

After leaving the bookstore and returning to the new residence arranged by the Archaeological Association, Sima Qingjian couldn't wait to start flipping through the "Prime Ancient Medicine Canon".

Just like a child seeing a toy that he can't put it down, every bit of the book is attracting Sima Qingjian.

From morning to night, I can't bear to stop for a moment.

Even when I sleep, I hold the book tightly.

What she didn't know was that after she fell asleep, a faint starlight ran out from the "Prime Ancient Medicine".

Like a group of naughty children, they bounced and landed on a row of needles she put on the table.

Gold needles, silver needles, steel needles... No matter what kind of needles they are, they are all stained with starlight at this moment.

The stars are shining brightly.

And almost at the same moment, Liang Mu, who was about to sleep, also paused.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully selling key books.

Obtain a mystery reward. "

"Here again."

After going through the previous few times, Liang Mu was not so excited.

Just before going to bed and waiting for the reward to be realized, he began to think about a question.

That is, the secret discovered during the day.

Liang Mu once thought that the so-called key books that can trigger rewards must have some common characteristics.

However, he recalled that the few books he had sold in the past had the only thing in common, that they were worn out.

But which book in the store is not worn or old?

But after the system set conditions for Sima Qingjian, Liang Mu discovered a secret.

The system seems to be able to see the occupation of the book buyer!

In other words, the conditions of the system are very likely not random, but targeted.

So, is it possible that the so-called key books are not specific books, but specific people?

But the problem came again.

Looking back, Bai Xi, Wu Mohuan, Mu Xiaoya, and Sima Qingjian who triggered the key book conditions, do these four people have any common characteristics?

Gender, three women and one man.

First name, last name and given name have nothing in common.

Age makes a difference.

Occupation is definitely not the same.

After looking around, Liang Mu couldn't find anything in common between the four of them.

Liang Mu, who couldn't figure it out, chose to fall asleep.

While snoring, he had another dream.

The dream this time seems to have a little more detail than the last one.

It's still the boundless book, or the meteor shower falling from the sky.

Once again, Liang Mu was engulfed by a meteor shower.

But this time, Liang Mu saw a strangely shaped dark cloud in the sky where the meteor shower fell.

Like a raised hill, like an open palm.

But before Liang Mu observed carefully, he woke up.

"[The fourth volume of the Nine Books has been unsealed, and you have received the reward: enhanced medical skills.]"

Before opening his eyes, this line of words flashed through his mind.

Liang Mu looked at his body and found that he was sweating all over at some point.

He didn't rush to shower and change, he just sank into anger.

"Medical skills??"

"Brainless system, you are not a human being, are you?"

"By the way, I almost forgot, you are not a human in the first place!"

The reason why Liang Mu was so angry was, of course, that the so-called medical skills were of no use to him.

He is a book seller, what does he need medical skills for?
Could it be that someone is sick and doesn't go to the hospital, come back to the bookstore to look for him?

I'm afraid it's not the birthday star who eats arsenic-I'm impatient to live!
If art can still help Liang Mu spend his days, then medicine is really useless!
That day, Liang Mu scolded the system all day long.

And on the same day, Sima Qingjian also woke up happily.

He carefully put the "Prime Ancient Medicine" in his arms into the safe.

Stretched and smiled slightly: "Okay, it's time to fulfill the promise to Manager Liang and go to the Penglaifu community for free consultation."

At the same time, Sima Bo also took the archaeological team and embarked on a journey to Sun Moon Island.

(End of this chapter)

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