Chapter 467 Invasion
The existence of the nine strange beasts is a mystery.

Looking at the memory of the entire ancient period, there is no trace of these nine strange beasts.

Even Liang Qin, who retained the memories of the ancient times, seemed to be unaware of the origin of the nine alien beasts.

However, in the East China Sea, the nine alien beasts have already demonstrated mysterious power.

But obviously, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

It seems that there are even more mysterious and terrifying powers hidden in the bodies of these nine strange beasts.

And if it can be discovered, it may be of great use in dealing with the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cult in the future.

After Wu Mohuan raised this question, everyone also looked at Ye Eleven expectantly.

Now that the capital and Liang Mu cannot be contacted, the knowledgeable Ye Shili has become everyone's only hope.

But to everyone's disappointment, Ye Shiyi shook his head: "I don't know their origins either, so I can only rely on you to explore on your own."

A series of disappointed sighs suddenly sounded in the laboratory.

Only Sima Bo squinted at Ye Shiyi.

Even when he admits his lack of knowledge, this man still looks calm and calm.

Sima Bo had to wonder whether he really didn't understand or pretended not to understand.

So before leaving the laboratory, Sima Bo solemnly asked Ye Eleven a question: "Mr. Ye, are you an awakened one too?"

If you are not an awakened person, how can you know so much about the awakened person?
"It's not important, Dr. Sima." Ye Shili just smiled and avoided talking about this question.

And Sima Bo didn't ask any more questions, took a deep look at Ye Eleven and left.

When Yexi and Yexi were the only ones left in the lab, a puzzled voice came from under Yexi's hood: "Ah cough, Eleven, why did you tell them about our relationship?

Didn't you say it would be dangerous to do so? "

"Because it's not important anymore"

Ye Shiyi looked at the dotted line on the whiteboard in front of him and muttered to himself.
When Sima Bo and his party were trapped in Lucheng, the whole world was also hit by snowstorms.

In the mountains, in the rivers, in the fields.
Cities, towns, villages.
Every corner is covered with snow.

Transportation, communication, electricity, water power.
Everything modern has been paralyzed by this unprecedented heavy snow.

The entire human society seems to have returned to primitive times overnight.

Not only that, animals in the wild are also forced to invade human territory due to the deterioration of their living environment.

For a time, it caused many conflicts.

And the bad news is obviously more than that.

While the various countries were busy restoring order, a white ship broke through the ice and arrived outside a certain city on the west coast of the Lijian country.

"It's MRS!"

Seeing the logo on the ship, the city fell into ecstasy.

In the eyes of city residents, MRS must be here to save the fate of this city!

"There must be sweet and delicious bread and beer on board!"

"And a warm stove!"

"It's best to have a few Gatling machine guns. I'm going to kill those wild leopards from the mountains!"

Amid the anticipation throughout the city, the MRS ship slowly sailed into the city port.

The people cheered and lined the road to welcome them, looking at the ship expectantly.

In the eyes of countless hopes, the door of the cabin opened, and a passage extended from the hull to the ground of the port.

However, in the next second, the scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

Because what came out of the ship was not the crew with support supplies they expected!
But a vicious glyph tooth beast!
The ice-colored eyes were filled with dark smoke.

Like a demon, with an ominous look.


I saw the glyph tooth suddenly leaped, directly from the boat into the crowd.

This jump also broke the eerie silence.

Screams pierced the sky, and the crowd began to flee in all directions.

Then, more and more glyptodonts jumped out of the ship.

Like armored vehicles, they ruthlessly rolled over the crowd.

Facing the hard armor of the glyphodonts, human beings are no match at all, so they can only flee in a hurry.

On the deck, a giant glyptodon, which was bigger than all other glyphtodons, looked coldly at the chaotic port.

Other glyptodonts only had black smoke in their eyes, but this one had black smoke even on the surface of its armor.

And in those ice-coloured eyes, there was actually humanized thinking, as if thinking about what to do next.

If Sima Bo and the others were here now, they would definitely recognize that this was the Glyptodon they met back then.

But obviously, at this time, this glyph-toothed beast has become the leader of the entire glyph-toothed herd.

Under its command, the Glyphtooth herd not only occupied the MRS ships, but also drove all the way to the territory of the Lijian Kingdom!

"Chief, chief, I have shown you the way and helped you sail the boat. Can I leave now?"

An old man with a Mediterranean hairstyle stood tremblingly beside the leader of the glyphedodon, and asked nervously.

It was Dr. Odap of MRS.

At the beginning, he was very high-spirited, carrying a whole shipload of supplies and MRS researchers, and headed to the East China Sea with confidence.

He intends to find the underwater treasure spread by Liang Qin.

Who would have thought that halfway through the journey, he would suffer a blow from the awakened ones of the Tongtian Dynasty, and then be ruthlessly trampled by the Glyph-tooth herd!
Odap had no words to describe the dark days these days passed.

If I had to describe it, it would be even more miserable than a slave!
It seems that in order to retaliate against the arrest of the MRS, the leader of the glyptodon was extremely cruel to the humans on board.

This point can be guessed only by looking at Odap's tattered appearance.

At this time, facing Oudapu's careful inquiry, the glyptodon leader didn't even look at him, but just roared into the boat.

Soon, a glyph tooth jumped out.

He bit Odap's clothes and dragged him forcefully back into the boat.

This pretty much shows what the Glyptodon leader means—

If you want to leave, there is no way!

Seeing that he couldn't leave, Oudapu couldn't bear it anymore.

While being dragged away, he yelled at the glyptodon leader: "You don't keep your promise, you're not human!
Pooh!You are not human!
Let me go, or I will, I will"

After thinking about it for a long time, Odap didn't know what he could do, so he could only shed two lines of old tears sadly.

For the act of going to the East China Sea, I almost regretted it.

The glyptodon leader didn't care about Odap's struggle, and just looked away.

From the port, he looked towards the wealthy city not far away.

On this day, Lijian Kingdom was officially invaded by ancient creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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