Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 466 The Second Space-Time Tide

Chapter 466 The Second Space-Time Tide

Sima Bo also made a special effort to investigate the background of overnight eleven.

But no matter how many contacts he used, he couldn't find any information.

A person who seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Sima Bo felt the same way, and his granddaughter's teacher—Yeguxi should be called Yexi now.

Just like Ye Eleven, Sima Bo couldn't investigate any information about Ye Xi.

But Sima Bo never thought that these two seemingly unrelated people were actually related by aunt and nephew!

It's no wonder that Yexi appeared immediately after they were rescued back to Lucheng.

and many more!

A thought that had never appeared before suddenly appeared in Sima Bo's head!
Was it really just a coincidence that Yexi chose Sima Qingjian as his apprentice back then? !

Looking at Ye Shiyi and Ye Xi, Sima Bo's eyes gradually became deeper.


Compared with Sima Bo's suspicion, Sima Qing saw more surprise.

She pointed at Yexi dumbfounded: "So, teacher, you really are an old man!"

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Xi from the opposite side threw an unknown object and slammed it on the face.

He also smashed what she hadn't finished saying back into his stomach.

"Deserving it."

Looking at the embarrassed Sima Qingjian, Duanmu Xianya gloated at his misfortune.

Although she was also curious about Yexi's age, she would never say it directly like Sima Qing saw this idiot.

No, you were beaten, right?
"Ahem, my aunt and I didn't mention it in advance, because it's not important." Ye Shiyi coughed dryly twice, pointed to the outside, and smiled slightly, "Shouldn't the most urgent thing be to care about what happened outside?"

"Mr. Ye, we were just about to ask you, what's going on outside?"

After being reminded by Night Eleven, everyone also withdrew their attention and sat upright.

"You should still remember the [Time and Space Tides] I mentioned to you when you came here last time?"

Ye Shi asked first.

Everyone nodded immediately.

They are still deeply impressed by the theory of space-time tides.

Because that was the first time someone used theoretical knowledge to explain the principles of awakening and awakened people.

"As we all know, the tide is an activity caused by the gravity of the sun and the moon.

If the sea water is replaced by blue stars, and the sun and moon are replaced by more other planets
Then when the collective gravitational force of many planets on the blue star reaches a certain critical value, it will trigger the blue star to carry out certain activities that transcend time and space.

I call this activity [Tide of Time and Space].

When space-time tides appear, Blue Star's [Lines of Time and Space] will be deflected.

In turn, people living on this planet will have the opportunity to observe scenes from the past or the future.

There is also a certain chance that it will be affected by the memory of humans in other time and space.

For example, people living in modern times suddenly get the memories of ancient people
This is the principle of awakening. "

What Ye Shili said back then is still clearly imprinted in everyone's minds.

"So obviously, last night, another space-time tide occurred, and the time-space line of the blue star was deflected again."

Ye Shiyi's words made everyone feel inexplicably terrified.

No wonder when I fell asleep last night, I felt so similar to the last sky change, which was the first space-time tide!
"What will be the specific impact?" Jindai Suzuha, who came to the laboratory for the first time, asked curiously.

Unlike others, she has never heard of the theory of space-time tides, and it was Caishiyan who explained it to her.

So it's very strange right now.

"It can change the ecological environment, such as the large-scale snowfall we are seeing now.

It's more important."

Ye Shiyi raised his eyes and glanced at everyone, and said lightly, "Of course, the whole world will be destroyed like in ancient times."


"The ancient times were destroyed by the tide of time and space?!"

Hearing Ye Shiyi's words, some people were shocked, while others were silent.

And those few people who were silent actually had such speculation long before today.

After all, Liang Qin himself said that an incomprehensible force destroyed the entire ancient era.

It also completely destroyed his dream of unblocking the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cult.

It can be said that Liang Qin was the chief culprit who destroyed the Tongtian Dynasty, but the tide of time and space was the real culprit that ended the entire ancient era.

The atmosphere in the laboratory suddenly became heavy.

Because they know that the current era is like a candle in the wind, and they may follow the footsteps of the ancient times at any time and be taken away by the tide of time and space!
"Don't be so pessimistic, I haven't finished the bad news yet." Ye Shiyi's words immediately drew eyes.

Is this man a devil? !

"The pagoda on the East China Sea is called [Sacred Pagoda] according to the name in ancient times.

As you all probably already know, the Holy Tower suppressed an evil sect in ancient times.

That's right, it is the Eternal Tribulation Demon Sect.

Then I might as well tell you that when the sacred tower emerges from the bottom of the sea, it means that the seal has been lifted.

That is to say"

Before Ye Shi finished speaking, everyone turned pale.

In other words, the Eternal Tribulation Demon Sect has reappeared!

Maybe at this time, it has already started to move towards the land.

Before this era is destroyed by the tide of time and space, it seems that it must first be ravaged by the Eternal Tribulation Demon Cult!

"Why is the fate of mankind so miserable?"

Shang Zi looked up at the sky, wanting to cry but no tears.

"Eternal Tribulation Demon Cult. What kind of existence is it?"

Sima Bo frowned and asked Ye Shiyi.

"This question needs to be explored by yourself." Ye Shiyi smiled mysteriously, and pointed to his head, "Use the power you just obtained."

"I just got it, Mr. Ye, you mean?"

Sima Bo hesitated to speak.

And the reactions of others were similar.

"Every tide of time and space will cause some people to look at [self] in another time and space, resulting in memory fusion.

Just like the awakening that was triggered last time.

And this space-time tide will allow people in this time and space to see themselves in ancient times.

Of course, you will also gain the power of ancient times.

This may be the only good news for you. "

Ye Shili smiled faintly.

There was silence again in the laboratory.

Because everyone is silently recalling the dream from last night.

And, the one in the dream is both familiar and unfamiliar, different from the self in ancient times.

Perhaps as Ye Shiyi said, that is another self from ancient times!
Hope, still there!
"Mr. Ye, do you know the origin of the nine of them?"

At this time, Wu Mohuan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly pointed to the nine strange beasts and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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