Chapter 419 Thank You Wen Yuan

Wen Yuan treated Liang Mu's question as an exam, so she answered strictly according to the standards of the paper.

But after answering, Wen Yuan's face blushed quietly, and she took a peek at Liang Mu.

Because in her recent dreams, the person who appeared most frequently was Liang Mu.

However, facing Wen Yuan's long speech, Liang Mu just looked at her speechlessly and said, "I just ask if you often dream about people in reality. Why do you say so much?"

"I'm so sorry! Next time I will think clearly before answering!"

Wen Yuan turned her head to the side again injured.

"So, have you ever dreamed about someone who doesn't exist in reality?"

At this time, Liang Mu asked another question.

But this time, Wen Yuan did not rush to show off her knowledge, but seriously thought about how to answer this question concisely.

How can someone who doesn't exist in reality enter a dream?
Wen Yuan originally thought that there was a contradiction in this question, but when she thought about it deeply, her heart was shocked.

There is a special situation where people dream about people who do not exist in reality.

That is the dream of the awakened!
Although some awakened people have never met each other in reality, they met each other in dreams because of the fetters of the ancient times.

So Wen Yuan suddenly realized.

Liang Mu's question is asking if she is an awakened person!

'But shouldn't you know better than me whether I am an awakened person? '

Another question popped up in Wen Yuan's mind.

After all, with the help of the "Ancient Mythology" that Liang Mu sold her, she successfully awakened and remembered her previous life.

But doubts are doubts. On this question, Wen Yuan nodded honestly: "I have dreamed about it."

"Huh?" Liang Mu looked at Wen Yuan in surprise, "Tell me who you dreamed about?"

The person he mentioned in the question just now does not exist in reality refers to Li Shi.

But he didn't expect that Wen Yuan also had such a dream.

But Wen Yuan's thoughts were completely different from Liang Mu's.

When Liang Mu asked her who she was dreaming about, Wen Yuan completely figured out Liang Mu's intention!
This is to test the degree of her awakening!
After all, the higher the level of awakening, the more people in the previous life will be dreamed about.

"I dreamed of eight people, some of whom I have seen in reality, and some of whom have not yet."

Wen Yuan answered while thinking.

The eight people she mentioned are of course the Baya apostles of the Yongjie Sect.

With the awakening of the Baya apostles, Wen Yuan gradually remembered their faces under the effect of synchronous memory return.

But in the reality of this life, she has only seen Ding Peilan and a few other apostles.

Most of the apostles have never met.

But Liang Mu was taken aback when he heard this answer.

Eight people? !

Fuck me, it's even more exaggerated than him!
Thinking about it this way, he only dreamed of one Li Shi, so it didn't seem like a big problem.

Thinking of this, Liang Mu felt a lot relieved.

Sure enough, shameless creatures like humans just like to see others live worse than themselves.

"Thank you, student Wen Yuan!"

Liang Mu stretched out his hands and pressed Wen Yuan's shoulders.

While expressing my sincere thanks, I also felt the touch of Wen Yuan's pair of fragrant shoulders by the way.

Hmm, a little awkward.

Wen Yuan was at a loss, not knowing where she was helping Liang Mu.

But before she could think about it, Liang Mu turned around and looked for it on the table: "To express my gratitude, I decided to give you a present."

Liang Mu looked for it, his eyes fixed on the pile of books on the table, and he suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He borrowed these books from the Huaqing Ancient Books Library on purpose.

Except for the "List of National Teachers of the Tongtian Dynasty", which he specially put at home, everything else is here.

Afterwards, Liang Mu specially selected a copy of "Xizhou Mythical Tales" from the pile of books and gave it to Wen Yuan.

No, it should be said that it was lent to her. After all, it will still be returned to Huaqing later.

And this book is also in line with Wen Yuan's major in religious studies, she should like to read it.

"Thank you, Teacher Liang Mu!"

Sure enough, Wen Yuan liked the book very much and thanked her with a smile.

After Wen Yuan left, when Liang Mu was arranging the books on the table, he was suddenly taken aback and picked up a book on the table blankly.

The title of the book is "Myths and Strange Talks of Xizhou".

"Strange, isn't this book lent to Wen Yuan?"

But Liang Mu didn't care too much.

Maybe Wen Yuan took the wrong book when she left, and she should come back later.

On the other side, Wen Yuan, who was in a good mood, also returned to the dormitory.

When she took out the book that Liang Mu lent her from her bag and was about to read it, her expression suddenly froze.

I saw that what was taken out of the bag was an ancient book called "List of National Teachers of the Tongtian Dynasty".

"Strange, is this the one that Mr. Liang Mu gave me?"

Confused, Wen Yuan subconsciously opened the book.

But this look, but gradually into the gods.

At this time, the group led by Bailong had already entered the East China Sea for a night.

Observing the East China Sea at close range made everyone on the dragon's back even more shocked.

The huge tsunami wave after wave on the sea seemed to overturn the sky.

The torrential rain that has hardly stopped has brought great difficulties to everyone's progress.

After flying all night, Bailong came to a familiar place.


Zhenhai suddenly howled towards the sea below.

Caishiyan also pointed excitedly and shouted: "We have arrived at Haimen Island!"

When everyone looked down, they saw a strange island.

Two long islands form an X shape.

It was the place where Zhenhai and General Zhenhai's fall was discovered before -- Haimen Island!

The last time everyone was on the island, the feeling was not obvious.

But this time when everyone looked down at the shape of Haimen Island, they felt more and more that the entire island looked like two slanted and intertwined sword marks.

The edges are sharp, not at all like a naturally formed island.

At this time, the waves kept hitting Haimen Island.

But this island seems to be guarded by a mysterious force, making it impossible for those waves to wash up on the island.

From a distance, the tombstones of the Zhenhai Regiment seemed to be glowing faintly.

Perhaps, it was the remnants of those ancient warriors who silently guarded this small island.


Zhenhai's howl became more desolate.

For a moment, everyone felt something and fell silent.

"Sinan moved again!"

Caishiyan suddenly called out.

Everyone looked along and found that the direction Sinan was originally pointing at had changed from southeast to due east.

And that direction was exactly the direction the ghost ship was headed at that time.

At this moment, the last words left by General Zhenhai on the tombstone inexplicably popped up in everyone's mind.

【One day, the immortal ship will carry our will to find the truth.】

And now, after an epoch, they, the core awakeners of the Tongtian Dynasty, are also marching towards the so-called truth!

(End of this chapter)

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