Chapter 418 What is a dream

The next day, the weather over Kyoto was still as gloomy as yesterday.

In fact, not only Kyoto, but the weather around the world seems to be affected and become quite bad.

News about the vision of the East China Sea is also overwhelmingly spread on the Internet.

What netizens care about is not the tsunami, but the unknown creatures in those icebergs.

Some people speculate that those unknown creatures are ancient creatures of the same era as the dinosaurs tens of millions of years ago.

Affected by the ice age, or other reasons, it was frozen in the iceberg and sank under the cold Arctic.

And due to the influence of the weather after the sky change, these ancient creatures that had been frozen for countless years surfaced with the icebergs.

And under the leadership of ocean currents, it flowed into the East China Sea.

Moreover, this guess is not a random guess, but has a theoretical basis.

That was a picture posted on the Internet by a girl studying translation at Yan Guo Jing University.

The content is a photo she accidentally took by the seaside when she was an exchange student in Maoxiong Country in the north.

In the photo, is a giant white dinosaur wrapped in thick fog.

When the photo first appeared, many people questioned it.

But now, with the appearance of unknown creatures in the East China Sea, that photo has been turned up again, and it has been used as an argument for the argument mentioned above.

In addition, the white dragon that appeared in the sky above Kyoto was also moved out together.

Some people think that the white dragon, like the unidentified creatures in the icebergs of the East China Sea and the white dinosaurs in the photos, all come from ancient times.

In addition to this guess, there are also speculations that the unknown creature is an alien visitor.

It is even believed that in the distant ancient times, aliens had already invaded the blue star.

These extraterrestrial creatures are the evidence left behind when aliens invaded at that time.

Two kinds of speculation, two arguments, endlessly debated on the Internet, no one can convince anyone.

But no matter what kind of speculation it is, it seems that it is not good news for human beings.

Since the sky has changed, natural disasters and man-made disasters have occurred frequently.

Now there are even more unknown creatures appearing in the East China Sea.

The living environment of the entire Blue Star seems to be deteriorating day by day.

If it continues like this, maybe one day humans will be forced to leave this planet.

The plots of those sci-fi movies seem to be coming true one after another.

The theory of doom, which was suppressed a while ago, has also revived and continued to spread.

Worry, uneasiness, fear.
All kinds of negative emotions are flooding the human population.

But for Liang Mu, who hadn't watched the news for a long time, he didn't feel it at all.

In his heart, he was always thinking about Li Shi.

Is that guy a human or a ghost?
Why did the book in the confidential archives appear in Liang Mu's hands strangely?
No matter how Liang Mu thought about it, he couldn't figure out this evil thing.

Because of this, I didn't sleep well.

With big dark circles under his eyes, he came to the ancient books library listlessly and began to prepare for his daily work.

He wanted to talk to a few people about this matter and listen to their opinions.

Who would have thought that those guys who are more diligent one by one on weekdays, there is no shadow of them today.

It was almost noon when an acquaintance came——

Wen Yuan.

"Teacher Liang Mu, are you sick? Why do you look so bad?"

As soon as Wen Yuan entered the door, she found that Liang Mu's expression was wrong, and hurriedly asked with concern.

"Come on, sit down and talk."

Liang Mu opened his sleepy eyes and waved to Wen Yuan.

"Sit, sit..." Wen Yuan never expected that Liang Mu would invite her to come to her side. This was an unprecedented treatment, and she was so shocked that her tongue was tied.

But soon, she blushed and came to Liang Mu's side.

Putting two index fingers together, he asked shyly, "But, where am I sitting?"

While speaking, he sneaked a glance at Liang Mu's thigh.

There seems to be only one place to sit!

Wen Yuan's heartbeat accelerated suddenly, as if she was about to rush out of the blue star and fly into the universe.

But she never thought that Liang Mu pulled out a chair from under the table and pushed it in front of Wen Yuan.

"Sit here, of course." Liang Mu took it for granted, "Otherwise, would you be made to sit on the ground?"

Wen Yuan: .
Wanting to cry without tears, she took the chair, and after sitting down, Wen Yuan silently turned her head to the side.

She is hurt.

"Student Wen Yuan, do you usually dream?"

When Liang Mu found someone to confide in, he asked this question.

Wen Yuan was taken aback, turned her head, and nodded subconsciously: "I don't think there is anyone in this world who can't dream, right?"

She was puzzled, wondering why Liang Mu would ask her such a question.

However, there was a hint of joy from the bottom of my heart, covering up the disappointment just now.

Because in her impression, Liang Mu is omnipotent and omniscient.

It seems to be the first time to ask others questions like this.

And maybe, this is the special treatment that I only have!

Thinking of this, Wen Yuan summoned up 12 points of energy, ready to seriously answer every question Liang Mu asked.

"Then when you dream, do you often dream of real people?" Liang Mu asked again.

"It will definitely." Wen Yuan replied seriously: "There is a saying in ancient books: 'If you have a great awakening, then you will know that it is a big dream.'

From the perspective of human medicine, when a person sleeps, brain cells also enter a state of relaxation and rest, but some brain cells are not completely rested, and weak stimulation will cause their activities, thereby triggering dreams.

For example, there is something that excites you during the day, and you are still thinking about it before going to sleep. When other nerve cells in the brain are resting, but this part of the nerve cells is still excited, you will have a dream with similar content. , This is 'thinking by day, dreaming at night'!
From a psychological point of view, dreams are a window through which the conscious sees the unconscious.

Psychologist Freud believes that dreams are the satisfaction of subconscious desires, and people can effectively suppress subconsciousness in a waking state, so that those desires that violate moral customs cannot do whatever they want.

However, when a person enters a state of sleep or relaxation, some desires will avoid the checking function of the subconscious mind, secretly emerge from the level of consciousness, and express themselves in various images. This is the formation of dreams.

Dreams are a substitute for human desires, and they are the main way to release repression. In the form of fantasy, one can experience the satisfaction of this longed-for instinct.

The fire of desire hidden in the subconscious is suppressed and cannot be satisfied due to realistic reasons, while the impulse in the subconscious is constantly fighting with the suppression, forming a pair of contradictions, and then forming a kind of motivation.

This motivation makes the desire find another way or fulfillment, which is the dream.

To sum up the above, I think that the person or thing in the dream is a projection and an abstract extension of the related person or thing in reality.

So, I often dream about real people. "

(End of this chapter)

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