Chapter 222 Eternal

Just looking at a straight line and a curve, no one can tell the difference.

But they all kept silent, waiting for Ye Shiyi to explain in depth.

"Memory is an invisible existence.

But there are many carriers in the world that can preserve and visualize memories.

Such as photos, videos. Or everyone's brains.

But in ancient times when technology was underdeveloped, there was only one way to preserve people's memories.

That is books. "

Hearing this, the group of people couldn't help but move slightly, as if they were about to grasp the point that Ye Shi wanted to say.

"What would happen if there was a book that recorded the life of an ancient general and preserved it in modern times?
There could be many answers.

For example, it is used as novel material, used for war research, or used as a cover for instant noodles, etc.

But what if the book happens to fall into the hands of someone with general traits and the tides of time and space happen? "

Ye Shiyi said, looked at Wu Mohuan with a smile, and seemed to point out: "Then that talent has a high chance of awakening the memory of that general, and becomes a special awakener who is more powerful than ordinary awakeners."

Wu Mohuan's eyes trembled slightly when he thought of his "Imperial Art of War".

The rest of the people also looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking of themselves from this example.

As long as the generals in the example are replaced by imperial doctors, Si Le, Si Haicheng, and Juggernaut, it seems to work.

"Do you understand now?

You who have special books are special awakeners.

In other words, it is more appropriate to call you [inheritors].

And to do that, some special kind of help is needed.”

Ye Shiyi turned back to the whiteboard, picked up a pen and drew a circle in the middle of the curve.

And wrote three words in the circle - [The Eternal].

Then he continued: "There is such a person who has a large number of ancient books in his hands.

It is like a being whose life is almost eternal, bringing the memories of ancient times into the modern era in the form of books.

Such a person, I call him the Eternal.

Only with the help of the Eternals will special books fall into your hands and help you become the inheritors.

This person. You don't need to name me, you should know who it is, right? "

Everyone didn't speak, but the face of the same person appeared in their hearts.

Liang Mu!

If Ye Shiyi's theory holds true, then Liang Mu is the Eternal who gave them the special book!
"By chance, we discovered the existence of a suspected Eternal in Wucheng.

Therefore, I was asked by Mr. Ye to go to Wucheng in person to find the Eternal One.

That's right, the Eternal we suspect is Mr. Liang.

Therefore, we have secretly investigated the people who have been in contact with Mr. Liang, including you. "

Shang Zi's words broke the silence.

"I originally wanted to invite Brother Liang to come to Lucheng to meet Mr. Ye, but I never thought that after the time and space tide happened, Brother Liang suddenly disappeared.

Perhaps the supernatural Eternal One has already sensed my purpose."

Shang Zi regretfully shook his head.

"No wonder you know us so well. It turns out you have known us for a long time."

Wu Mohuan shook his head with a wry smile.

Although Liang Mu disappeared, Shang Zi had already locked them through Liang Mu and those who had transactions with Liang Mu.

Therefore, after the space-time tide happened, Shang Zi immediately knew that they had become inheritors.

"Yes, so I also know that you will come to Lucheng to find me.

Because like you, with the help of Mr. Liang, I became an inheritor and inherited the memory of the prime minister of the Tongtian Dynasty. "

Shang Zi smiled.

"Then how much have you inherited?

Do you know how the Tongtian Dynasty was destroyed?

What is the so-called disaster? "

Sima Bo quickly asked the questions he was most concerned about one after another.

But Shang Zi shook his head, and spread his hands apologetically: "Unfortunately, the level of memory I inherited should be similar to yours.

If you use the game level as an analogy, I'm just a rookie at the bronze level.

But through the dream that night, I found my tomb.
Well, that's a weird thing to say.

It should be said that I found the tomb of the prime minister of the Tongtian Dynasty. "

"Where is it? Can you take us there?" Sima Bo asked immediately.

"There's no need to go, because I've already had someone evacuate everything in the tomb and bring it back." Shang Zi smiled.


Before Sima Bo could ask further questions, Shang Zi interrupted: "Dr. Sima, I know you are a research madman.

In order to restore the truth of the ancient times and explore more secrets about awakening, I will do my best to assist you in your research.

But before that, we have to work together to deal with a group of people. "

"Is it the mysterious force you mentioned just now?"

The smart Wu Mohuan immediately thought of this matter.

"En." Shang Zi nodded, his expression gradually becoming serious, "During the excavation of the prime minister's tomb, we discovered that there is a secret force that is also coveting the things in the tomb.

We speculate that that force may also know some information about the awakened and inheritors.

And it shouldn't be the first time they've done this.
You guys should know who I'm talking about, right? "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene gritted their teeth.

Does this need to be said?
Shang Zi almost showed Yongjie's ID card!
The Tomb of Marquis Wu on Riyue Island, the Tomb of General Zhenhai on Haimen Island, and the Tomb of the Imperial Physician in the south of Yangcheng
Which place has not seen eternal calamity?
Wu Hou, Zhenhai, Si Qing, Chi Wen.
Which little guy has not been murdered forever?
Obviously, Yongjie is also eyeing the prime minister's tomb this time!
Fortunately, Shang Zi acted quickly and moved the contents of the tomb ahead of time.

"Although we obtained the contents of the tomb one step ahead, Yongjie obviously did not give up.

So they took advantage of this serial murder case to deliberately disrupt the investigation, with the purpose of diverting the attention of the local police.

And their real purpose is to take the opportunity to steal the items from the Prime Minister's tomb in our hands."

Shang Zi said slowly.

"Wait!" Wu Mohuan keenly noticed something, and hurriedly asked: "Mr. Shang, these things are all your speculations, right?

In other words, the people of Yongjie don't know that you have noticed their existence? "

"Of course." Shang Zi laughed.

Wu Mohuan also laughed.

But the smile of the two of them stunned the others.

"Huanhuan, what are you laughing at?"

Bai Xi asked in confusion.

The others also looked at the two with puzzled eyes.

Wu Mohuan and Shang Zi smiled at each other, and said four words in unison.

"Urn! Hit! Catch! Turtle!"

(End of this chapter)

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