Chapter 221 Scholars

"for what?"

Everyone was whetted by Shang Zi's words.

But Shang Zi didn't intend to continue talking, just took a sip of the tea in the cup slowly, and smiled at the crowd: "Before explaining the power in detail, I want to bring you to meet someone first."

"who is it?"

"A...a scholar specializing in awakening."

Afterwards, Shang Zi led everyone out of her office, and walked back to the passage where she came.

When he was halfway there, he stopped suddenly.

Facing the solid wall, he tapped lightly three times.

In the next second, a magical scene appeared.

The originally flat and smooth wall was sunken inward, revealing a metal door.

Above the gate is covered with dense electronic components.

"This is an optoelectronic magnetic energy induction combination lock?"

Caishiyan looked at the metal gate in surprise.

"As expected of Mo Yan's computer genius, you can tell right away."

Shang Zi glanced at Caishiyan appreciatively, and then put his face in front of the metal door.


Immediately, a beam of light shone from the door, scanning Shang Zi's face several times, as if sensing something.

During this period, Cai Shiyan also gave a general introduction to this kind of lock to the confused people.

"The so-called optoelectronic induction combination lock is a kind of lock that performs encryption and decryption through laser induction.

But the one in front of it also has a magnetic induction function.

The combination of the two can theoretically achieve a very high encryption effect.

But this kind of composite product, I have only seen semi-finished products in the hacker world, and this is the first time I have seen a complete one. "

Caishiyan was amazed as she introduced.

After a complicated scan, the metal door finally opened.

Behind the door is a laboratory full of instruments.

There are chemical instruments, physical instruments, and many unknown objects like antiques.

In the center of the laboratory stands a huge transparent glass, which isolates all the instruments on the other side.

At this time, there was a figure in a white coat facing away from them, arranging the instruments.

It seemed that this person was the scholar that Shang Zi planned to take them to meet.

"Please come in with me."

Shang Zi took the lead to enter the door and invited.

The moment a group of people all followed into the door, the metal door behind them was also closed immediately.


At the same time as the door was closed, the lights on the top of the laboratory also turned on.

The man behind the glass wall turned around slowly.

I saw that it was a young man who looked only in his twenties.

He has a handsome face like a cream niche, but his deep eyes carry the vicissitudes of old people.

With a thin body and slender fingers, he looks like a college student who has no strength to restrain a chicken.

For some reason, everyone was stunned the moment they saw this person.

It seems that there are many attractive stories about this person, which makes people unable to take their eyes off.

But the young scholar smiled slightly and opened his mouth: "Welcome to my laboratory, my name is [Ye Shi].

Nice to meet you, fellow Awakened. "

Everyone raised their heads subconsciously.

They were surprised to find that Ye Shiyi's voice came from the loudspeaker installed above their heads.

Because of this, Ye Shiyi's voice sounded a little distorted, unlike his original voice.

"Let me explain." Shang Zi pointed to the glass curtain wall that separated everyone from Ye Shiyi, and sighed, "Mr. Ye has a very special physique, which makes him have to stay in a dust-free environment for a long time. Can not contact with the outside world, otherwise the body will get sick.

So I can only talk to you like this, I hope you can understand. "

A group of people hurriedly expressed that it was okay and sympathized with Ye Shiyi's experience.

No wonder Ye Shiyi looked so thin, and there was such a tragic reason.

"You all want to know about the awakening, right?

Let Mr. Ye dispel your doubts for you. "

Shang Zi said to the crowd first, and then nodded to Ye Eleven.

Ye Shiyi inside the glass curtain wall also nodded to Shang Zi, and said to the crowd again: "Have you ever heard of [Time and Space Tides] theory?"

A group of people looked at me and I looked at you, shaking their heads in confusion, expressing their ignorance.

They know about the tide, but this is the first time they have heard about the tide of time and space.

"As we all know, the tide is an activity caused by the gravity of the sun and the moon.

If the sea water is replaced by blue stars, and the sun and moon are replaced by more other planets
Then when the collective gravitational force of many planets on the blue star reaches a certain critical value, it will trigger the blue star to carry out certain activities that transcend time and space.

I call this activity [Tide of Time and Space].

When space-time tides appear, Blue Star's [Lines of Time and Space] will be deflected.

In turn, people living on this planet will have the opportunity to observe scenes from the past or the future.

There is also a certain chance that it will be affected by the memory of humans in other time and space.

For example, people living in modern times suddenly get the memories of ancient people.”

Hearing this, many people at the scene reacted.

Can't help exclaiming: "Awakening?!"

"That's right, this is the essence of awakening." Eleven nodded and continued: "The East China Sea tsunami a few days ago and the sudden loss of the sun are actually manifestations of the strengthening of the gravitational force of the stars.

Therefore, the space-time tide appeared on the blue star, and the ancient memory of the Tongtian Dynasty was deflected to modern times through the influence of the space-time tide, and was obtained by some people.

These people are the awakened ones. "

"What Mr. Ye means is that there is no reincarnation at all?
The reason why we have the memories of the ancients is only because we happen to be affected by the tide of time and space, so that we are virtually substituted into the ancients in the memory? "

Sima Bo asked with a frown.

He wasn't entirely convinced by the theory.

Because according to Ye Shiyi's theory, it should be the ancient memory that took the initiative to attach to them.

But the previous research and exploration, it is clear that they first took the initiative to find their corresponding ancient identities, and then they awakened.

It's like there is a rope, pulling their actions in the dark.

This is in great conflict with Ye Shiyi's theory.

"Of course, you are different from ordinary awakened ones."

Ye Shiyi shook his head and dragged out a whiteboard.

Pick up a pen and draw a pattern on it.

"Everyone, please look here."

Everyone looked along and found that Ye Shiyi had drawn two lines on the whiteboard.

A straight line, a curve.

"This straight line represents ordinary awakened people, that is, those people who were interfered with by ancient memories as I mentioned just now.

This curve represents you. "

Ye Shiyi pointed up and said.

(End of this chapter)

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