Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 19 Confrontation in the dark

Chapter 19 Confrontation in the dark
"Sure enough, there are no system rewards."

Even after waiting until late at night, Liang Mu could not wait for the system reward.

Liang Mu even took a nap for a while in the middle, but the result remained unchanged.

This result confirmed Liang Mu's guess.

First, physical reinforcement should be the reward of the system, and it will happen during sleep.

Second, not every book sold can receive a reward.

If he guessed correctly, the one who can get the reward must be a special existence like [First Book] or [Key Book].

For example, when Bai Xi and Wu Mohuan bought books, they both had corresponding reward reminders.

But Mumuyan did not.

But here comes the question, what kind of books can meet the conditions of [Key Books]?
Liang Mu also tried to ask the system. Unsurprisingly, the system didn't give any hint about this.

This night, Liang Mu thought deeply about the existence of the system for the first time.

Especially those [pricing] that are so painful that they are so unconstrained, do they also hide some kind of law?
Liang Mu sorted out the current pricing.

Excluding Cheng Xuan's unsuccessful transaction, the remaining ones were those of Bai Xi, Wu Mohuan and Mu Muyan.

The three pricings are [come to the bookstore to read books three days a week], [come to the bookstore three days a week to learn about calligraphy], and [stay in Wucheng for a month].

The most obvious similarity is that they are all related to time.

But what can this explain?

After Liang Mu thought deeply, he discovered another hidden similarity.

That is these prices, which seem to be a price, but in fact they seem to be a benefit to book buyers.

For example, for student Bai Xi, she was given a lot of opportunities to read books.

For Wu Mohuan, a terminally ill patient, he gave her space to soothe her mood.

For Mu Muyan, an old man from a foreign country, it is a good place for him to learn calligraphy.

So this is actually a system that helps others?

Liang Mu always felt that as long as he understood the rules, he would be able to leave this shabby bookstore early.

But so far, the clues are not enough.

"Let's go to bed first."

Liang Mu yawned and slowly closed his eyes.


A short and dull voice opened Liang Mu's closed eyes instantly.

Although the sound was fleeting, Liang Mu's enhanced hearing ability still caught the sound of something falling to the ground.

What followed was a light and slow sound of friction, getting closer and closer.

Did a wild cat get into the store?

In the past two days, Brother Kui, who thought he could sit back and relax, received a piece of information.

The information came from the younger brothers who followed Wu Mohuan.

According to the intelligence, Wu Mohuan still frequents the nameless bookstore.

This can't help but make Brother Kui fall into confusion.

Calligrapher Lu Pinao has already been taken away by him, why does Wu Mohuan still go to the bookstore so often?
Thinking of Lu Pinao's failure to write a masterpiece, Brother Kui couldn't help but become suspicious.

Could it be that the real master of calligraphy is still in the bookstore?
At this time, Brother Kui finally recalled the scene when he first met Lu Pinao in the bookstore.

Liang Mu's harmless face vaguely appeared in his mind.

"Could it be that kid.?!"

Brother Kui suddenly realized that he and Wu Henan seemed to have entered a misunderstanding.

They had preconceived ideas, thinking that the calligraphers should all be Duanmuyan's age.

No matter how bad it is, he should be a middle-aged man like Lu Pinao.

A young existence like Liang Mu was immediately excluded by Brother Kui.

However, according to the information in his hand, the young man whom he always thought was an ordinary clerk had never left the store these days.

It's almost like a shop owner living in the shop!
But if Liang Mu is really a master of calligraphy,
When Brother Kui thought that he had arrested the wrong person for Wu Henan, his scalp suddenly became numb.

He decided to visit the bookstore again.

And he chose to go alone and quietly late at night.

Turn over the window and land on the ground, all in one go.

Although Brother Kui is physically strong, he has great experience in controlling muscle strength.

If he wanted to, he could sneak into the bookstore like a cat, making only the tiniest sound.

Just like now.

Going around the bookshelves, Brother Kui approached the back room of the bookstore step by step with gentle steps.

He has made up his mind that once he really finds out that Liang Mu is the calligraphy master, he will kidnap him directly like Lu Pinao without saying anything.

If Liang Mu is not, then he must know some clues, so he should be kidnapped directly.

In short, when Kui came here today, he had already made up his mind to forcibly take Liang Mu away.

As for why it was chosen in the middle of the night when no one was around, the reason was to avoid being discovered by Wu Mohuan.

There is a simple wooden door separating the front hall and back room of the bookstore.

Brother Kui was expressionless, and slowly put his hand on the doorknob.

Once again, he used his muscle control skills to open the door silently.

In the darkness, Brother Kui groped for Liang Mu's existence.

The bedroom is so small that Brother Kui can easily touch the existence of the bed.

In the darkness, he sneered silently, and stretched his hand under the bed.

However, something unexpected happened to Brother Kui.

Under the quilt, there is nothing!
At the moment when Brother Kui was stunned, the sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from behind his head.

His heart froze for a moment, and with the fastest reaction speed, he used his left arm to block the fragile back of his head.

At the same time, he burst out with ferocity, clenched his right hand into a fist, and swung it towards the source of the sound with a fierce force!

However, at the next moment, something even more unexpected happened to Brother Kui.

The block with the left hand did work, blocking the punch from the darkness.

But that powerful force pierced Brother Kui's left arm like an electric drill.

It was sour and numb, as if the acupuncture points had been tapped.

This brief contact made Brother Kui dare not despise the other party at all.

Because judging from this punch, the opponent's muscle control ability is no worse than his, or even better than his!
At the same time, Brother Kui's counterattack with his right hand failed to work.

The person in the dark seemed to react quickly, dodging Brother Kui's punch.


These two words came out of Brother Kui's mind.

At the same time, Liang Mu's face also appeared.

But in less than half a second, Brother Kui shook his head secretly.

In my impression, with Liang Mu's thin body, how could it be possible to erupt with such astonishing strength?

Then there can only be one answer——

There is a master who is secretly protecting this bookstore, or protecting Liang Mu!
In the darkness, Brother Kui couldn't see the face of the master, so he couldn't verify his conjecture.

But he understands that only by determining the position of the master can he have a chance to defeat the opponent!
"This friend is very skilled. May I ask his name?"

Brother Kui squinted his eyes and straightened his ears at the same time.

As long as the opponent opens his mouth to expose his position, he will give a heavy blow without mercy!

(End of this chapter)

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