Please stop kneeling, I'm really not an expert!

Chapter 18 One dares to teach, one dares to learn

Chapter 18 One Dare to Teach, Two Dare to Learn
"It happens that both of you are here, so let's start class."

Liang Mu looked at the old and the young in front of him with a smile.

But he seemed confident and calm, but he couldn't help showing timidity in his heart.

After all, it was his first time as a teacher, and he would be lying if he said he was not nervous.

If you can't teach well, you will lose your adult.

"Before class, each of you write a piece of work, let me see your foundation first."

Liang Mu said this to the two of them.

This is the first step of Liang Mu's plan.

When the two finished writing, he just had to pretend to comment, and then let the two of them practice by themselves!
Liang Mu, you are a genius!

Hearing Liang Mu's words, Duanmuyan nodded, and was about to start writing immediately.

However, at the moment of writing, he thought that there was an aunt at the scene——Wu Mohuan!

If his handwriting is too good, it is very likely that Wu Mohuan will recognize his identity.

Must not be exposed!
After thinking about it, Duanmuyan gritted his teeth, deliberately used a completely different brushwork from usual, and wrote awkwardly on the paper.

2 minute later.

Looking at Duanmuyan's stiff handwriting, Liang Mu nodded secretly.

Sure enough, he grew up in a foreign country, and it is awkward to write Yan Guo characters.

However, when he saw Wu Mohuan's words, he almost laughed out loud.

I saw that the word was crooked, like a primary school student's homework.

But when he thought of Wu Mohuan's special physical condition, Liang Mu stopped looking at it with strange eyes.

But the flash of narrowness at the corner of his mouth was still seen by Wu Mohuan.

"I'm just not interested in calligraphy since I was a child!" She was ashamed and annoyed.

"Haha, it's okay, no one is perfect." Liang Mu smiled and patted Wu Mohuan on the head comfortingly.

Since reading the words of Duanmuyan and Wu Mohuan, his confidence has skyrocketed.

It seems that I am really qualified to be the teacher of the two of them!

Wu Mohuan, who was patted by Liang Mu again, did not react so violently this time.

But on a fair face, the blush was still unavoidable.

Biting his lip, he lowered his head.

Duanmuyan at the side saw this scene, and couldn't help feeling full of admiration for Liang Mu.

To treat the eldest lady of the Crow Feather Club like a cat!

Big boss is indeed a big boss!
"Today's lesson is to copy the words I wrote."

Liang Mu recalled how he used to practice cursive calligraphy, and handed over the two pictures he had written to Duanmuyan and Wu Mohuan respectively for them to copy.

This method can not only be lazy, but also avoid exposing the fact that he is half-level, it kills two birds with one stone!
"Copy the boss's words?!" Duanmuyan couldn't believe his ears.

Afraid that Liang Mu would go back on his word, he immediately placed Liang Mu's words under the white paper, and began to copy them seriously.

Wu Mohuan gave Duanmuyan a strange look, but said nothing, and started copying.

Strange to say, at the moment they wrote, there seemed to be some kind of power coming from Liang Mu's words that were placed underneath.

Through the white paper, it reached the brushes of the two of them.

Then there seemed to be an invisible hand controlling their nibs.

fold, lift, pause, bleed
Everything is so flowing, natural and accessible.

Before they knew it, the two of them had no distractions, completely absorbed in every stroke.

Looking at the two studious students, Liang Mu nodded in satisfaction.

This copying is a whole day.

If it wasn't for Liang Mu's reminder, the two probably wouldn't even know it was dark.

"Thank you, boss, I really benefited a lot today!"

Before leaving, Duanmuyan thanked him excitedly.

He didn't know how many years he hadn't been so excited!
Although it was only a short day, Duanmuyan felt as if he had been reborn.

The once stagnant level of calligraphy has shown signs of breakthrough!

Duanmuyan, who was so excited and forgetful, touched all over his body, finally took out a wad of money, and was about to hand it to Liang Mu.

"Boss, I know this money is far from worth your teaching me, but I really can't think of any other way to thank you."

Looking at the money in Duanmuyan's hand, the corner of Liang Mu's mouth twitched imperceptibly.

In the past, he might have accepted the money immediately.

But for him now, money is undoubtedly the most useless existence.

All daily necessities are prepared systematically.

He doesn't have to worry about things like water and electricity.

The only place where money is needed is probably Xiaoqiu's takeaway money.

However, Xiaoqiu's family told Xiaoqiu to tell Liang Mu very early on that the takeout money can be deducted from the tutoring fee, as long as Liang Mu occasionally helps Xiaoqiu with homework.

In this way, money is even more useless to Liang Mu.

"If you really want to thank me, buy a book from my store."

Suddenly, Liang Mu said so.

"Buying books?" Duanmuyan was taken aback.

In fact, the moment he took out the money, he already regretted it.

For a boss like Liang Mu, how could he thank him with something as vulgar as money?

What moved him was that Liang Mu didn't scold him.

But in another way, gave him a step down.

So at the next moment, Duanmuyan nodded immediately: "Boss, I understand!"

After that, he randomly picked a book on the bookshelf and asked about the price.

Liang Mu also closed his eyes slightly as usual.

'coming! '

Wu Mohuan fixed her eyes on Liang Mu.

She had a strong premonition that Liang Mu would offer an unusual price!

Sure enough, when Liang Mu opened his eyes, he smiled and said to Duanmuyan: "As long as you promise to stay in Wucheng for a month, you will be considered as buying this book."

Duanmuyan was stunned, with a troubled expression on his face.

Liang Mu's conditions caught him off guard.

Because for him, the current Wucheng is undoubtedly a dangerous place with ambushes from all sides.

But some things are more important than life!

Duanmuyan quickly figured it out, gritted his teeth and replied, "Boss, I promise you!"

Wu Mohuan on the side was thoughtful.

She is not a fool, she has already recognized Duanmuyan through some details, but she is just too lazy to expose it.

What made her even more curious was why Liang Mu asked Duanmuyan to stay in Wucheng for a month.

Somewhere, she always felt that Liang Mu was playing a big game of chess.

Could it be that within a month, something major will happen in Wucheng?
She sadly found that not only did she fail to see through Liang Mu, but she found that the fog covering Liang Mu's body became thicker.

Glancing at Duanmuyan, Wu Mohuan still didn't ask about her books and writing.

When you have a chance in the future, ask yourself again.

In the middle of the night, Liang Mu was lying on the bed, not falling asleep.

In addition to the front hall, the bookstore also has a back room.

Includes small bedroom and bathroom.

It's just because the place is small and the light is insufficient, so Liang Mu prefers to stay in the front hall.

The reason why he didn't sleep was because he was waiting to verify one thing.

(End of this chapter)

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