Chapter 46

Yang Xu brought a pen and paper.

As soon as he put it on the table, he took the initiative to step aside.

Unlike other people who tense up and waited for the diagnosis result, he sat aside and played with his mobile phone like a god.

Subconsciously click on the V letter.

There was still no reply in Qiao Na's dialog box.

I don't know what to do?
Has the bridge structure safety assessment report come out yet?
I made a phone call intentionally, and remembered her confession again.

I have to think patiently and continue to wait.

Xu Caifeng replied to the message, and she has already connected with Xie Datou, and the effect will be seen in a few days.

He also expressed his gratitude to Yang Xu, the ointment is very effective and can curb the progression of Hualiu's condition.

"Axu, it's your turn!" Wang Yaozu reminded.

Yang Xu put away his mobile phone and got up, only to see that Li Shengtang had already stepped aside, the air conditioner was on in the private room, and there were still beads of greasy sweat on his forehead.

Li Shengtang was very apprehensive, and didn't know how many items he could answer.

After glancing at Yang Xu, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

My heart said, no matter how bad I am, I will still be hundreds of times better than this kid!

Yang Xu sat down casually, fingered Wang Weijiang's pulse, and began to write vigorously.

In a few minutes, I wrote a full page, and then started the second page.

The old Chinese medicine practitioners present were all dumbfounded as to what was going on.

Li Shengtang even laughed out loud: "Could it be that he wrote down all the names of the diseases he's heard? Such a genius doctor is really a joke in the world!"

Like 15 minutes.

Yang Xu wrote three full pages.

Stopped in the confusion of the crowd.

"I'm done with the diagnosis."

Li Shengtang sarcastically said again: "You think diagnosing a disease is just writing essays? Will you get high marks if you write more?"

"I finally know how Li Gangfeng's stupid disease came about!" Yang Xu responded lightly.

"You..." Li Shengtang choked, and Yang Xu scolded both father and son with one sentence.

"Okay! Don't say a few words, let's move on to the judges." Wang Yaozu interrupted the verbal exchange between the two.

After receiving the diagnosis results from them and passing them among the judges, everyone looked a little weird.

Finally, it was handed over to Wang Weijiang.

Wang Weijiang glanced at me and said with some annoyance: "Axu, how could you write out my privacy?"

Not to mention congenital heart disease, blood tumors, high blood pressure, and high uric acid.

Things like being lazy in middle age, taking too much Viagra, snoring, grinding teeth, etc. are all written down.

While Wang Weijiang was annoyed, he was overwhelmed with admiration. No one knew about these private matters before.

"Mr. Wang, medical treatment is taboo for illnesses. Is there anything wrong with my diagnosis?" Yang Xu asked with a smile.


He intends to show off his skills, exchanging strength for respect.

"That's not true!" Wang Weijiang responded with a buzz.

"Don't worry, old Mr. Wang, I will help you cure these diseases."

Hearing this, Wang Weijiang's face lit up with joy, and his annoyance immediately disappeared.

The short conversation made everyone realize that Yang Xu's diagnosis was better.

"In terms of diagnosis results, I think A Xu won, but most of your treatment plans include acupuncture and massage, and only three diseases include drug treatment, so I can't comment."

Wang Yaozu's evaluation was very pertinent and was unanimously approved by everyone.

"Li Shengtang diagnosed four kinds of diseases, right one wrong three."

Hearing this result, cold sweat broke out on Li Shengtang's face.

He wanted to say that Yang Xu and Wang Weijiang knew each other and were suspected of operating behind the scenes.

But he didn't dare to speak out.

"Now it's time for you to fulfill your bet." Yang Xu said without losing the opportunity.

"Don't go too far!" Li Shengtang became angry, feeling that Yang Xu was bullying too much.

"Excessive? Betting that I won't be able to practice medicine for the rest of my life, aren't you excessive?" Yang Xu replied coldly.

"Li Shengtang, I am willing to gamble and admit defeat. A businessman is most afraid of breaking his promise." Wang Weijiang spoke up, obviously more towards Yang Xu.

Others also nodded one after another.

Li Shengtang gritted his teeth: "Okay, I'll pay you 230 million."

"Who said this is all I'm worth?" Yang Xu asked Wang Weijiang, "Mr. Wang, may I ask how much money you have in the card you gave me before?"

"200 million!"

"Ah! So many?" Yang Xu was shocked.

Li Shengtang was about to vomit blood.

Finally, under the witness of everyone, 430 million was transferred to Yang Xu.

"You guys eat, I still have something to do, let's go first!"

I'm going to be so angry that I can't even eat a bite of food.

After the transfer was completed, Li Shengtang was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, your son's dirty work is not over yet!" Wang Yaozu stopped him.

He still remembered that Li Shengtang didn't give him face before!
"Gangfeng was severely injured by him, and I promised not to hold him accountable. What else do you want?"

Li Shengtang couldn't hold back his anger and asked coldly.

"He deserved the serious injury. If it were me, I would beat him to death." Wang Weijiang said coldly.

Li Shengtang misfired immediately.

He knew very well that this master was not joking.

"Give up Li Gangfeng's villa as an apology!" Wang Yaozu added.

Li Shengtang only felt a sweet roar.

Too bad!
That villa cost 100 million when it was originally purchased.

Now it has appreciated a lot, and it is impossible to buy it.

This is cutting his flesh!
Wang Yaozu, I'll fuck your mother, I'm so generous!Li Shengtang cursed in his heart.

And these people present have a good relationship on weekdays, but none of them stood up to speak out for him.

Finally, he gritted his teeth: "Okay, I agree to let it out, let's do it!"

Wang Yaozu didn't answer, but looked at Yang Xu.

Yang Xu nodded.

Wang Weijiang added: "Your Majesty Axu has a lot of people, so I don't care about it; but I take it to heart, and pray that your son will not fall into my hands in the future. If you are afraid, send him out of Fuchuan as soon as possible."

Li Shengtang didn't dare to refute, nodded and left.

The most annoying thing is over.

The rest is to eat and drink, toasting and staggering.

Wang Yaozu ceremoniously introduced everyone present, all of them are of heavy class.

They were also very enthusiastic and took the initiative to exchange contact information with Yang Xu.

In a blink of an eye, it was 09:30 in the evening. After eating and drinking enough, it was time to end.

Yang Xu rejected Wang Weijiang's next arrangement, and agreed to go and recuperate his body tomorrow afternoon.

Leaving Donglong Hotel, Yang Xu returned to No.1 People's Hospital full of enthusiasm.

He still couldn't forget the big bed inspection agreement with Guan Xiaolin.

What if Liu Lihua objected?

Hands and feet are not tied, as long as the two of them are willing, what can't be done?

Back in the ward, it was past ten o'clock.

Only Hao Zhihui was there alone, and the three members of the Guan family were not seen.

"Where are they?" Yang Xu asked.

"It's been a tiring day, so I asked them to go to rest early."

Hao Zhizhi responded weakly, and his face turned red inexplicably.

"What's wrong? Is there any discomfort?" Yang Xu said, subconsciously went to check the pulse.

", I'm fine!" Hao Zhizhi finished.

Only then did Yang Xu realize that she hadn't changed into her hospital gown yet.

What does this mean?Accept me to change?

Inexplicably, his heart beat faster.

(End of this chapter)

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