Chapter 45
After listening to Yang Xu's words.

Wang Weijiang lifted his spirits and subconsciously looked at Wang Yaozu.

Wang Yaozu waved his hand hurriedly: "I never mentioned you to A Xu. This is his own ability."

Yang Xu smiled slightly: "When shaking hands just now, I accidentally touched the artery on the back of Mr. Wang's hand, so it was diagnosed."

If you want to build a good relationship and attract attention, you must show some ability.

Hearing this, Wang Weijiang's face was full of shock and disbelief.

Wang Yaozu responded with a smile: "A Xu is a well-deserved genius doctor. You can ask him to recuperate your body. My methods are not worth mentioning in front of him."

"Dean Wang is too modest, but old Mr. Wang's illness can indeed be cured." Yang Xu replied affirmatively.


"Can you really heal?"

Wang Weijiang looked excited.

Yang Xuxin said, this is too scary!

There is something wrong with him, but it is not a fatal emergency. As for this?
Seems to be aware of his own gaffe.

Wang Weijiang explained embarrassingly: "Axu, if I could meet you decades earlier? It is because of this congenital heart disease that deprived me of the opportunity to join the army, which made me regret for the rest of my life, and also disappointed the old man for the rest of his life."

The old man gave him this name because he wanted him to join the army to serve the country and defend the frontier.

Ultimately expectations turned into disappointments.

Then he sighed again and said, "Jianhua was born without this disease. I thought it disappeared from our family, but how could it be passed on to Xiaohui from generation to generation, alas..."

"Inheritance from generation to generation is a normal phenomenon. Now that medicine is more and more developed, the impact will become smaller and smaller." Wang Yaozu spoke comfortingly.

Yang Xu followed suit and nodded.

Just as he was talking, the car stopped at the entrance of Donglong Hotel, and the destination arrived.

"Axu, Yaozu, you guys go up first, I'll make a call, I'll be a little later."

Wang Weijiang confessed.

Yang Xu followed Wang Yaozu into the hotel.

Yipin Hongtu Private Room.

Stepping in, you will see six middle-aged and elderly people in their 60s and [-]s sitting in front of the big round table.

If an insider is present, they will recognize that most of them are the heads of Fuchuan's traditional Chinese medicine community.

One of them had a similar eyebrow to Li Gangfeng, and when he saw Yang Xu, his face became extremely ugly.

"President Wang? This is the genius doctor you told us about?" A skinny old man with a tight fit spoke out first.

"Yes, his name is Yang Xu, he is 20 years old this year."

Hearing this introduction, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads.

Everyone knows that the experience of Chinese medicine is very important. They have been practicing medicine for decades, and it is only gradually that they have achieved today's achievements.

"20 years old, you haven't graduated from university yet!" Li Shengtang said calmly.

He came directly from the Third People's Hospital.

Li Gangfeng's injuries were serious, and the doctor said that he would have to lie in bed for four months, and it would take more than a year to fully recover.

His son was so seriously injured.

Wang Yaozu not only refused to help seek justice, but also asked him to apologize and compensate the murderer. This was simply too much!
"I didn't finish my junior year and dropped out of school." Yang Xu responded calmly.

These words were tantamount to adding fuel to the fire, and the scene suddenly heated up.

Li Shengtang couldn't help sneering in his heart: "You little bastard is really arrogant!"You provoked public anger, and when Wang Yaozu can't cover you, let's see how I deal with you. "

Wang Yaozu pressed his hands down, and the scene was slightly calm.

"As the old saying goes, there is no priority in learning, and the master is the teacher! I am ashamed of A Xu's medical skills. If any of you don't believe it, you can stand up and have a friendship!"

The audience was silent for a moment.

Everyone looked at each other, they were all famous people.

There is no glory in winning, and it is embarrassing to lose.

"I'm coming!" Li Shengtang stood up.

He has learned all about Yang Xu from Li Gangfeng.

Instead of believing that Yang Xu is a genius doctor, he would rather believe that Wang Yaozu was deceived.

Wang Yaozu looked slightly annoyed, and said that Li Shengtang would come to apologize and compensate, but it turned into a provocation.

This made him feel uncomfortable.

Wang Yaozu suppressed his anger, and introduced: "Ah Xu, he is Li Gangfeng's father, Li Shengtang. He was also a Chinese medicine practitioner in his early years. Later, he resigned to do business and founded the Shengtang chain of large pharmacies."

Yang Xu nodded and accepted the challenge happily: "How do you want to compete? What's the prize?"

"Caitou?" Li Shengtang's face turned cold: "If you lose, you will not be able to practice medicine for the rest of your life."

"Okay, what if you lose?" Yang Xu asked casually.

"I can't lose!" Li Shengtang responded firmly.

"Don't be so absolute, everything happens in case."

Li Shengtang pondered for a while: "If I lose, I will give you 5 yuan."

Yang Xu smiled coldly: "You bet 5 yuan that I won't be able to practice medicine for the rest of my life. You've done a good job!"

Li Shengtang said with contempt on his face: "How much money do you want to make for a local doctor who doesn't even have a medical qualification certificate?"

Then he joked: "Or, I'll do you a favor and let you double your current net worth?"

He heard from Li Gangfeng that Yang Xu was very poor and almost didn't have any pants to wear.

So, there is an element of deliberate humiliation.

"Axu's old medicine was sold to me at a price of 230 million." Wang Yaozu added.

Li Shengtang's face turned dark, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

But he didn't dare to attack directly, but looked at Yang Xu coldly.

"Okay, I will do as you say!" Yang Xu responded.

In fact, his worth is more than 230 million.

He didn't know how much the card Wang Weijiang gave him before was worth.

The bet is reached.

Li Shengtang hurriedly said: "Let's find someone randomly. You and I will use traditional Chinese medicine to diagnose the disease and write out a treatment plan. The six of them will be the judges."

As soon as this proposal is mentioned, the audience unanimously agrees.

Li Shengtang sneered in his heart, he is a frequent guest of Donglong Hotel.

All the employees here know him, and as long as he hints, it's easy to tell a deer a horse.

Boy, play with me!

You are still young!
"Call a waiter to be a patient!" Li Shengtang suggested again.

"What kind of waiter are you looking for? I'll be the patient." Before he could finish speaking, Wang Weijiang strode in.

Seeing someone coming, the audience was suddenly quiet.

How did this big Buddha come here?

"What? I'm not welcome?" Wang Weijiang said with a smile.


There is a chorus.

Wang Weijiang sat down casually and stretched his arms on the table: "Which one of you will come first?"

"Let him come first! I'll go to the waiter to get a pen and paper." After speaking, Yang Xu turned and walked out the door.

Li Shengtang stepped forward bravely. He had not seen a patient for many years.

If the waiter is asked to come, he is sure to let the other party cooperate.

This big guy didn't dare to think about it.

"Mr. Wang Haihan, I haven't practiced medicine for many years, so I may be a little unfamiliar. Please forgive me if I make a wrong diagnosis!" Li Shengtang said politely.

"It's okay, just look at it boldly, I won't really let you treat it."

It sounds polite, but there is a slap in the face inside and outside the words.

Old Li Shengtang blushed, and said nothing, put his second finger on Wang Weijiang's wrist artery, and began to diagnose.

(End of this chapter)

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