Chapter 33
Yang Xu quietly looked at the other people in the car.

No attention was paid to either of them.

These are doctors and nurses in the town hospital, and it is the first time they have come into contact with such dangerous injuries.

All of them were in high spirits, for fear of any accidents.

In fact.

Yang Xu would touch Hao Zhizhi every once in a while to confirm the latest situation.

No problem at all.

It's just that the little fairy in his arms made him angry.

That kind of feeling that is both afraid of being discovered and very exciting, like cheating.

Yang Xu secretly planned to get to the city, finish the work, and send Liu Lihua away.

Live a sweet and happy world for two.

Especially the big bed room of the hotel, it must not disappoint.

Yang Xu is looking forward to a wonderful life!

The phone rang suddenly.

Guan Zhiwen called.

As soon as he got connected, he said excitedly, "Xiao Xu, I have the test reports for steel bars and cement."

Yang Xu cheered up: "How is it? Can you find out the problem."

"The cement is a fake. The color is no different from normal cement, but the coagulation degree is only a quarter of the normal product."

"The steel bars are made from scrap steel containing impurities recovered from small factories that were eliminated, and then rough-processed. The load-bearing and tensile strength are seriously substandard."

Guan Zhiwen finished speaking indignantly.

Yang Xu was shocked.

Liu Jianguo and his son are really beasts.

To build a bridge for your own village, even if you trade high for low, you should exchange for some decent building materials!
Using such materials, the project built is tantamount to murder.

Slightly calming down, Yang Xu replied: "Uncle Wen, you are waiting in the city. Xiaolin and I are on our way here. We will talk in detail when we arrive."

"Why did you come to the city suddenly?" Guan Zhiwen was a little surprised.

"It's hard to say. Hao Laoshi committed suicide by cutting his wrist. The situation is a bit serious. He is currently being sent to the No.1 Municipal Hospital. We will discuss it in detail when we meet."

"Ah?" Guan Zhiwen felt a little short-circuited in his brain. He hadn't been in the village for a few days, so why did such a big thing happen.

End the call.

Yang Xu sent Qiao Na a V letter, asking her when the bridge structure evaluation report would be released.

Xu Caifeng also sent a message, hoping that she could make a substantial breakthrough.

Later, Guan Tielin, the deputy village head, called and said that he had raised 5 yuan and transferred it to Yang Xu's card.

Wangshan Village is extremely far from Fuchuan City.

The ambulance drove for four hours before arriving at Fuchuan No.1 People's Hospital.

Guan Zhiwen was already waiting at the door.

The emergency department received the patient and immediately organized the operation.

"Xiao Xu, what's going on?" Guan Zhiwen asked at the door of the operating room, frowning.

Yang Xu pondered for a while: "Liu Jianguo and his son, in order to blame me for murder, quietly hid the poisonous scorpion from Heishiya in Mr. Hao's Xia Liang quilt."

"What? Don't tell me, did Mr. Hao commit suicide by cutting his wrists?" Guan Zhiwen couldn't turn his head around.

"The cause was a poisonous scorpion. The area where Teacher Hao was stung was very private, so he quietly went to me for treatment."

"Can you walk away after being stung by a scorpion from Heishiya?" Guan Zhiwen questioned.

He is a village doctor, and he is familiar with the horror of the Black Rock Cliff poisonous scorpion.

Yang Xu hesitated again: "Ms. Hao was stung at a special place. After she lay on the bed, she covered Xia Liang's chest with the quilt."

As he spoke, Yang Xu gestured.

If there had been no suicide, he would have been buried in his heart for the rest of his life.

But at this time, it is necessary to reveal a thing or two to Guan Zhiwen and Guan Xiaolin.

Guan Zhiwen understood as soon as he heard it.

The structure of women's breasts is special. Many people even apply the breastmilk of milk baby women after being stung by scorpions, which can reduce swelling and relieve pain.

He yelled angrily, "What a deranged beast!"

"Which of you is a family member? Complete the information and go to the window to pay the prepaid fee." The nurse came over and handed out a form and a receipt.

Yang Xu glanced at it.

I am a good boy, 4 yuan.

"Uncle Wen, I'll pay the fee first, and Xiaolin will know about it, so let her talk to you."

After saying a word, Yang Xu turned and left.

He didn't want to talk about Liu Lihua's shit.

And it's not very good to say it from his mouth.

Guan Xiaolin blushed, and glanced at his back resentfully.

Heart said, what do you want me to say?
Can I tell my dad that I went to find you quietly in the middle of the night?
It's embarrassing!
Liu Lihua, Tian Xiuzhen and Li Gangfeng arrived.

"It's my mother's fault, you should ask her!"

Guan Xiaolin kicked the ball neatly.

Guan Zhiwen then looked at Liu Lihua: "Why did Mr. Hao commit suicide?"

"She wants to commit suicide, who can stop her?"

"You..." Guan Zhiwen was almost stunned.

"Hey, it's been a long time since we last met. Has Guan Zhiwen's temper gotten worse? He didn't even care about a word when we met, but he just interrogated him like a prisoner?" Tian Xiuzhen said loudly.

Guan Zhiwen responded helplessly: "I just want to know the truth."

"You're not a criminal policeman, how can you find out the truth?"

Choking again, Tian Xiuzhen changed the subject: "Let's go, isn't there someone here? What time is it, we haven't had lunch yet, let's find a place to eat."

"Go and eat, I've eaten!" Guan Zhiwen responded.

"What? You didn't even give me a phone call when you came to the city, and you didn't go when I invited you to dinner. Is this against me?"

Tian Xiuzhen was pretty good at speaking, and with a few words, Guan Zhiwen was cornered.

"You guys go! I'll stay here with Brother Xu, and show him something by the way." Guan Xiaolin spoke up, and deliberately lifted the snakeskin bag.

"A girl, who do you think is the same as you?" Liu Lihua dismissed with blank eyes.

"Okay, can you two stop pinching, pinch at home and pinch outside, those who don't know will think you are enemies!"

As soon as Guan Zhiwen spoke, the mother and daughter immediately silenced themselves, demonstrating the status of the head of the family.

"Go and eat, I'll wait here for a while to see how the operation is going; Xiaolin stay and tell me why Mr. Hao committed suicide?"

Liu Lihua's face darkened, and she said aggrievedly: "I'm going to provoke you! She was making profligate noises at Yang Xu's house in the middle of the night. I misunderstood their relationship and said some nasty things."

"Auntie, I can't really blame you for this! As a doctor with medical ethics, he would never take patients home, not to mention lonely men and widows, it's midnight, and the voice is very ambiguous. Anyone who hears it will misunderstand." Li Gangfeng stood up and helped to excuse.

But Liu Lihua was very happy.

Sniffing his nose, he answered: "Listen carefully, Gangfeng is a returnee with a master's degree in medicine, and he is the most reasonable. Let him analyze and see if it's my fault!"

"He is?" Guan Zhiwen asked doubtfully.

There seems to be no such person in the circle of relatives.

"Gangfeng is the person I introduced to Xiaolin. He is the director of the Third City Hospital. He is outstanding personally and his family is in good condition. He is a good match for Xiaolin's talent and appearance."

Yang Xu came back after paying the fee and happened to hear this sentence.

He deliberately waved it in front of his nose: "It stinks! Whoever farts here really doesn't pay attention to environmental hygiene."

Tian Xiuzhen's face turned green: "Look, what kind of qualities are these, and which ones are worthy of Xiaolin?"

"Whether it's worthy or not, you don't count!" Yang Xu said to Guan Zhiwen, "Uncle Wen, I'll go out for a while, you and Xiaolin will stay here first, and you can hit me at any time if you have anything to do." Telephone."

"Okay, let's go!"

After Guan Zhiwen finished answering, Yang Xu took the snakeskin bag and left.

Li Gangfeng's face turned cold, and he secretly took a photo, using the excuse of going to the bathroom, but actually made a phone call quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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