Wild mad doctor

Chapter 32 1 wave is not flat

Chapter 32

Yang Xu returned home.

Use the fastest speed to put the old medicine into the snakeskin bag.

The black widow, the first-order spiritual pet, was also allowed in.

Randomly prepared two sets of change of clothes.

I sent the ointment to Yang Ningjun's home and explained how to use it.

When he rushed to the ambulance, Guan Xiaolin was already waiting.

Surprisingly, Liu Lihua also followed, which made him unhappy for a while.

Guan Xiaolin insisted on taking an ambulance instead of a BMW.

Liu Lihua was very angry, but there was nothing she could do.

The car starts.

Under the watchful eyes of the villagers and students, he sped away along the mountain road.


The ambulance just left.

Village head Liu Jianguo returned to Wangshan Village.

After being bitten by a blue and white snake last night, he went to the town hospital.

The wound was quickly treated, but the disease was too severe.

I was busy doing all kinds of disinfection, hanging water, and taking medicine until morning.

He paid more than 2000 yuan, but the situation was only slightly relieved. The doctor asked him to go to a large hospital for treatment as soon as possible.

In the morning, the town talked to him and asked him to step down as village chief.

The scandal of their father and son has spread throughout the town, seriously affecting the image of grassroots cadres.

Liu Jianguo hated it to death!
When he saw the ambulance leaving, his heart skipped a beat.

What's the situation?
Is Hao Zhihui dead?
Jiang Xiangqian didn't receive the alarm call. He thought the strategy failed and the scorpion was gone!
"Third son, what's the situation? Who's family has an accident?" Liu Jianguo stopped a villager casually and asked.

"Teacher Hao committed suicide by cutting his wrist!"

"What?" Liu Jianguo looked stunned and said to himself, why didn't you act according to the script I designed?

I saw the village chief looking confused.

Liu San seized the opportunity to show that he was an insider.

"It is said that Teacher Hao was sick last night. He went to Yang Xu for treatment in the middle of the night and made some ecstatic voices. This morning, Liu Lihua yelled at the clinic and revealed the matter."

"Teacher Hao cut his wrists to prove his innocence by death."

"The blood vessels are all severed, and the county can't cure it. When it comes to the city, it can be cured."

"Why don't you say I didn't go to school well back then! I also went to study medicine, and healed the little widow in the middle of the night, how great it is!"

Liu San regretted, with ambiguity on his face.

"Go away, you're so dirty!" Liu Jianguo scolded him, stepped on the accelerator and left.

"I'm dirty, as if you are so clean." Liu San muttered in response.

Liu Jianguo's motorcycle handlebars were tilted and he almost got into the ditch.

Only then did I realize that I was completely stinky and had no prestige.

back home.

Liu Jianguo started making calculations again.

Then, he called his son Liu Chao's phone number.

Opening his mouth, he roared, "Where did you die? You don't come home all day!"

"Didn't you let me stay in the village? I'm in the county seat now."

Not in front of Liu Jianguo, Liu Chao became much bolder and dared to talk back.

Liu Jianguo sighed and said, "Call Xie Datou again."

Liu Chao looked bitter: "I won't fight, but I will beat you."

"What? He charged us 5 yuan, but he didn't accept it if he didn't do the job?" Liu Jianguo said angrily.

The thought of throwing away 5 yuan in vain made his heart ache.

"Dad, don't mention the 5 yuan. After the Eight Golden Steels returned, they all turned into inhumane soft-footed shrimps. They put all their grievances on me!"

Speaking of this, Liu Chao became depressed and went crazy.

Xie Datou said that the brothers have nothing to do in the future, and they will be enemies when they meet again.

What is this Nima called?

"Give me his number, and I'll call him." Liu Jianguo gritted his teeth and said irritably.

The situation is getting more and more difficult to control. He has to do it himself and let Liu Chao do it on his behalf. He is not at ease.

Soon, Liu Chao sent the number.

The call is connected.

"Brother Xie, right? I'm Liu Jianguo, Liu Chao's father." Liu Jianguo cut to the chase and revealed his identity.

"Do you still dare to call to see that I haven't settled with you?" Xie Datou yelled on the phone.

"If you have a wronged person and a debtor, you should go to Yang Xu if you want to settle the score! We are also victims. To tell you the truth, after being treated by that little bastard, I started to hate women."

Liu Jianguo didn't mention that Hualiu's disease got worse, so he just said nonsense.

Xie Datou shuddered, and with empathy, he slowed down and asked, "What's the matter with the phone call?"

"That little bastard left Wangshan Village and went to the city. Is there a way here so that he can never come back?"

Xie Datou was very moved when he heard it.

The eight king vajras under him have become soft-footed shrimps. If they don't avenge their revenge, people's hearts will disperse, and the team will be difficult to lead.

"There must be a way, the key is the price is right." Xie Datou responded casually.

Liu Jianguo cursed secretly, the bastard got into the eyes of the money, and he was only thinking about the money.

But he said with a smile: "Brother Xie, you have to understand that our goal now is revenge, not something I asked you to do."

"Don't say it so nice. Aren't you doing it for your son? Tell me his location and I'll find someone to chop him to death. It's 20 yuan, and you and I will share [-] yuan each."

"This won't work, I can't afford more money."

"Think carefully for yourself. If you don't agree, I will compromise with Yang Xu and reveal all the deeds of your father and son."

Liu Jianguo's face turned cold: "Isn't this good for you? What's more, you provided the inferior building materials. We are now grasshoppers on a rope. This threat is meaningless."

"Who says it's meaningless? Since I dare to do this, I'm sure I can handle it properly, but the price will be higher; as for you father and son, there is nothing I can do to help you."

"If you were really sure, you wouldn't wait until now, would you?"

Liu Jianguo is an old fox, not as easy to be fooled as Liu Chao.

"Since you said that, there is nothing to talk about, just wait and see my action! Goodbye." After finishing speaking, Xie Datou hung up the phone.

On the other end of the phone, Xie Datou's face was very ugly.

He was just intimidating Liu Jianguo, how could he compromise with Yang Xu.

Leaving face aside, he was a direct accomplice in the bridge accident, and the chances of Yang Xu to spare him are too small.

He didn't act these two days because he learned from Liu Chao that Liu Jianguo was acting, so he chose to wait and see.

Obviously, Liu Jianguo's action failed, otherwise he wouldn't ask for it.

On the other side of the phone, Liu Jianguo felt anxious.

He couldn't figure out Xie Datou's trump card.

If the other party is powerful and reaches a reconciliation with Yang Xu, the consequences will be terrible.

After struggling for a moment, he dialed Xie Datou's number again, gritted his teeth and said, "One hundred thousand, I promise you!"

"Okay, transfer the money and provide detailed information." Xie Datou was happy. It was enough to kill [-] people in the city, and he could still make a net profit of [-].


A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

Yang Xu didn't know that there was a new crisis surrounding him.

He was in the ambulance at the moment, thinking about Lao Yao's action.

Guan Xiaolin didn't sleep well last night, so she lay on Yang Xu's lap.

This girl fell asleep, very dishonest.

Her head was arched and arched, as if every posture couldn't make her comfortable.

Yang Xu's body reacted to her bumping and bumping.

Feeling uncomfortable being pressed against something, she reached out to press it.

This almost killed Yang Xu.

The thought of thinking about taking the old medicine, gradually let go.

(End of this chapter)

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