Chapter 42

" going on?" Chen Guangyin was in a daze, not realizing that he almost lost his life just now.

At the same time, he was also surprised by the little mouse that can only glow: "Could it be that there are beasts with mutated rune bones mixed in?"

Suddenly, Chen Guangyin saw that a group of white mice he raised had died, and his expression changed drastically: "Zhou Xiaochun, what's going on??!!"

Chen Guangyin didn't notice that a completely hairless little mouse was sneaking out. Every ten seconds, an imperceptible red light flashed on the little mouse.

As the red light appeared, new mouse hair grew on its body at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Zhou Xiaochun rushed out like the wind, accelerating 30 meters suddenly, trying to catch the glowing mice running around in front of him.

However, the mouse also undergoes a certain transformation, extremely fast, and escapes abruptly every time.

Zhou Xiaochun became angry, passed by a small construction site, grabbed a hammer like hammering stones, and continued to chase and kill the glowing mice.


Zhou Xiaochun jumped high, then fell heavily, and the big hammer slammed down.

The glowing mouse jumped out dangerously, and the big hammer smashed a big hole in the ground.

Now Zhou Xiaochun's single-handed fist is more than 3000 kilograms strong, such a hammer is definitely more than 3000 kilograms or even stronger, and the concrete floor can't bear the weight at all.

"Stop!" Zhou Xiaochun yelled, and continued to chase, while running wildly, the sledgehammer in his hand kept smashing wildly.

"Boom..." "Boom..."

Suddenly there was a loud noise at the entrance of the teaching building. Many students turned their heads and were dumbfounded to see Zhou Xiaochun chasing a luminous body and bombarding it indiscriminately. Wherever it passed, the floor exploded.

Suddenly, the glowing mouse jumped into a classroom, and Zhou Xiaochun's face changed drastically: "Everyone, get out of the way..."

He accelerated violently, rushed into the classroom, and swung a sledgehammer to slam it.


A big hole was smashed at the door of the classroom.

The luminous mouse jumped towards the podium, and Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly smashed it with a hammer.


The podium is torn apart.

The glowing rat jumped toward the group of students, and Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly hit it with a hammer.


The floor collapsed and the cement flew!
"Ah ah ah..."

"what are you doing?"

"Get out of the way, this guy is crazy..."

"Zhou Xiaochun, what are you doing?"

The whole classroom jumped up and down, and the screams pierced the eardrums.

This is the classroom of Class [-] and [-], and many people know Zhou Xiaochun.

Seeing that it was difficult to hide, the Luminous Mouse couldn't help but ran out again.

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly hit it with a hammer.


The door frame burst.

The glowing rat suddenly accelerated and fled away. Zhou Xiaochun continued to chase it with a sledgehammer. Wherever it passed, the floor exploded and chickens and dogs jumped.

The students in Class One and Three of Senior High were all terrified, while the teacher of Class One and Three of Senior High was furious: "This Zhou Xiaochun is going too far. Do you think that being a talisman warrior can be unscrupulous?"

Suddenly, the glowing mouse rushed towards the school canteen, its equally glowing eyes were full of tyranny, as if it really wanted to bite.

Zhou Xiaochun couldn't let it do whatever he wanted, he was kind enough to never allow the things he created to hurt the heavenly beings, so he continued to chase and kill them with a hammer.

As soon as the luminous mouse rushed into the canteen, Zhou Xiaochun jumped up high and smashed it down with a hammer, sending the luminous mouse flying into the depths of the canteen.


The shelves in the canteen exploded.


Some students who were shopping here screamed.

The glowing mouse seemed to be injured, but it was still able to run, and jumped to other places again, Zhou Xiaochun continued to chase.

Everyone was stunned.

"Isn't that Zhou Xiaochun?"

"Damn, is he crazy? Destroyed the commissary!"

"Call the security, that student is crazy..."

"Look, what is that luminous body that Zhou Xiaochun is chasing?"

"It seems to be a mouse, the speed is too fast, I can't see clearly..."

Some were shocked, some were frightened, and some were angry.

Zhou Xiaochun is now a celebrity in the school, and almost everyone in this school knows about it. The photo of him realizing the runes in the dormitory before has been dug out, so many people can recognize him .

Zhou Xiaochun didn't care, he would never let this mouse hurt other people.


The cafeteria is ahead, and the glowing mouse rushes in.

Zhou Xiaochun chased after him without hesitation, and the big hammer fell suddenly.


With a loud noise, a stainless steel dining table was smashed flat, causing another burst of screams.

The Luminous Mouse escaped unharmed and escaped through the window behind the cafeteria. Zhou Xiaochun hurried to catch up.

"That student, stop..."

In the cafeteria, several male chefs chased him out angrily.

Behind the cafeteria is the girls' dormitory building. The glowing mouse rushed in. Zhou Xiaochun couldn't care about anything. He must not let this mouse hurt other people.


With a loud bang, a balcony in the girls' dormitory was smashed.

"Whoosh..." The luminous mouse rushed into a girls' dormitory through the window.

Zhou Xiaochun chased after him fiercely.


The glowing mouse escaped from the front door of the girls' dormitory, and Zhou Xiaochun continued to chase and kill it with a big hammer.

At this time, the five girls in the girls' dormitory who were only wearing underwear finally came to their senses, looked at each other for a second, and then screamed collectively.


The glowing mouse also fought hard, with a speed of 30 meters per second, and it was very flexible, rushing into a girls' dormitory again.

Zhou Xiaochun saw it correctly and hurriedly smashed it down with a hammer.


A hole was smashed at the door of the girls' dormitory, and the girls inside were shocked.

"Whoosh..." The glowing mouse jumped onto a bed.

Zhou Xiaochun's sledgehammer descended instantly.


Amidst the loud noise, the iron frame bed was completely deformed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." The girls in this dormitory screamed loudly in fright, and a girl who had just come out of the bathroom was so frightened that her bath towel fell to the floor, revealing her beautiful figure.


The glowing rat bursts out from under the bed and escapes through the window.

Zhou Xiaochun rushed over, deformed the steel bar of the window, and jumped out of the window.

The whole girls' dormitory was up and down, many girls were so frightened that they could urinate incontinently, and some bold girls were furious.

"Everyone, catch that stinky hooligan..."

"Damn it, you actually came to our girls' dormitory to make trouble!"

"Throw him..."

Many girls who reacted quickly grabbed the high heels or banana cucumbers beside them and threw them at Zhou Xiaochun.

Zhou Xiaochun took "Cucumber Forest Banana Rain" out of the girls' dormitory and continued to hunt down the glowing mice.

In the rear, a large group of girls with disheveled clothes chased them out of the girls' dormitory with slippers or mops.

Zhou Xiaochun seemed to have seen nothing, and continued to chase and kill the glowing mouse.

The luminous mouse seemed to be tired at last, very anxious, and burrowed into the cracks in the ground whenever it saw it.

Zhou Xiaochun's sledgehammer came instantly.


A sewer manhole cover was blown off, and Zhou Xiaochun also chased into the sewer.

The girl who caught up behind was stunned.


Suddenly, a manhole cover of a sewer exploded tens of meters away, and the luminous mouse flew out, followed by Zhou Xiaochun, leaping high, and the big hammer fell from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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