Super halo system

Chapter 41 Mutated Mouse

Chapter 41 Mutated Mouse
"Who is it?!!!" the young man roared.

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly hid in a corner with a few pieces of mahogany, and continued to study this rune.

The back that was burned before has been repaired by the magical system, and this time it consumed [-] force index.

But Zhou Xiaochun didn't pay any attention to it. At this time, his force index had already exceeded 20. You can completely ignore this point of force index.

"The same rune has so many variations, it's amazing!"

Zhou Xiaochun's eyes were red, and he studied selflessly. He found that all these things seemed to need something to "suppress".

Because after modifying the lines, the yin and yang will be out of balance, and various accidents will occur. Only by suppressing with "yin and yang things" can the accidents be used.

And this so-called "yin and yang thing" is a biological body with flesh and blood.

Whether others can do this, Zhou Xiaochun doesn't know, the reason why Zhou Xiaochun thinks this is feasible is because the nature of the runes he comprehended is yin and yang.

"It seems that we need to continue to do research with small animals."

Zhou Xiaochun rolled his eyes, then lightly jumped onto a ridge behind the equipment room, and rushed towards the place in his memory.

Not long after, Zhou Xiaochun arrived at Teacher Chen Guangyin's residence.

Songling High School is a key high school, and the area inside is not small at all, comparable to half a junior college.

Chen Guangyin is a biology teacher. It is said that he used to be a biology graduate student. Although he is now teaching at Songlin High School, he still has not given up on his doctorate exam.

Therefore, he raised many mice just for experiments.

With a light kick on the ground, Zhou Xiaochun crossed the three-meter-high wall. For him now, this is as simple as finding something out of a bag.

In the yard as far as the eye can see, there are a large number of iron cages, and there are many small white mice in them.

At a glance, there are at least thousands of them, large and small, with all kinds of smells, which are very unpleasant.

Zhou Xiaochun even suspected that Chen Guangyin bred mice professionally, otherwise why would there be so many?

But that doesn't matter anymore. After confirming that Teacher Chen Guangyin was not there, Zhou Xiaochun opened an iron cage and caught a little white mouse.

Just as he was preparing for the experiment, Zhou Xiaochun suddenly stopped, thought for a while, and took all the mice out of the iron cage in front of him, and put them into another iron cage.

Then, Zhou Xiaochun drew a rune, and after the rune was completely separated from the peach wood, he branded the rune on the vacated iron cage.

With a flash of light, the entire iron cage glowed red, and the red light lasted for six seconds before subsiding.

Zhou Xiaochun found that the quality of this cage seemed to be better than the previous rune products.

But he didn't think too much, and started to experiment. First, he drew a complete rune, and then caught a small white mouse.

The moment Zhou Xiaochun punched the rune into the little white mouse's body, Zhou Xiaochun made a sudden stroke and modified one of the lines.

This line is exactly the line that was modified for the first time behind the cafeteria.

After the modification, Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly put the mouse into the iron cage that had been made into a rune product.

Sure enough, the little mouse didn't die immediately, but twisted its body, it seemed to be in pain, but it couldn't make a sound.

"Ka..." One of its legs exploded violently.

However, the strange thing is that the next moment, the leg grew out again, and then continued to explode, and then grew again, and continued to explode...

"Damn's too perverted, it's simply unscientific, it completely violates the conservation of energy!"

Zhou Xiaochun was dumbfounded.

One of the mouse's forelimbs exploded continuously, splintering the bones, and then grew new legs at an astonishing speed, but it exploded again the next moment.

I don't know what the power that provides the growth of that leg is, and I don't know where that power comes from.

In the end, the little white mouse passed through life and death, and the tragic cycle ended. For it, death was a kind of relief.

Zhou Xiaochun also felt a little unbearable, but when he thought of his own inspirations, this unbearable was soon abandoned.

Then, he drew the second rune, preparing to make the rune with the wooden blocks flying around. That rune was quite dangerous and injured him at the time.

Grabbing a small white mouse again, Zhou Xiaochun carefully integrated the complete rune into its body, and at the moment when the fusion was about to be completed, he modified one of the lines with one stroke.

The red light appeared and lasted for five or six seconds before slowly withdrawing.

Then, the little white mouse stiffened and suddenly arched its body.


Numerous 'flying needles' burst out.

Zhou Xiaochun turned pale in shock, the flow of time slowed down in his eyes, and at the same time he hurriedly turned around to avoid it.

"Puff puff puff puff puff..."

Countless flying needles wiped Zhou Xiaochun's face, shot in all directions, shot into the surrounding walls, shot into the iron cage, and shot through the little white mice one by one.

In an instant, dozens of mice died.

After a volley of flying needles, Zhou Xiaochun came back to his senses, and was stunned when he saw this scene.

And the culprit of everything, the little white mouse, became completely bald, without a single hair, and the depilation was very thorough.

"Fuck me..." Zhou Xiaochun couldn't calm down, and pulled out a pure white mouse hair from the iron door next to him.

This mouse hair can no longer be regarded as a real ordinary mouse hair, it is as hard as a steel needle and extremely small.

The most astonishing thing is that the terrifying firing force just now shot into the iron door like the anti-theft door by a full millimeter.

If it hits someone, it won't kill him?
Zhou Xiaochun looked at the little white mouse in the cage again, unexpectedly, the little white mouse crawled around in the cage like nothing happened.

"True evil!" Zhou Xiaochun muttered, then ignored the little white mouse and continued with the next rune.

This time, it was the rune that turned peach wood into a 'sun'.

The moment he grabbed the third mouse and put the rune into the mouse's body, Zhou Xiaochun completed the modification with one stroke.

Then, he quickly put the little white mouse into the rune cage.

As before, the red light appeared, which was the ray of runes, the precursor of the birth of rune products.

Zhou Xiaochun didn't know if other people had done such an experiment, but he already knew that rune products should include living things, such as these modified mice.

The body of the third little white mouse glowed, and then—it never went out again, but the original red light gradually turned into gold.

A heat wave is coming.

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly took a few steps back to prepare for emergencies.

But unexpectedly, the little white mouse struggled in pain for a few seconds, and then its eyes suddenly lit up, looking at Zhou Xiaochun.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zhou Xiaochun found that the eyes of this little mouse exuded a scorching golden light, but they were extremely cold, with a hint of tyranny!

The little white mouse suddenly jumped up and knocked open the small door of the iron cage.

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly wanted to catch the little white mouse.

The glowing little white mouse rushed forward instead of retreating, rushed towards Zhou Xiaochun, jumped up from the ground, and bit it.

Zhou Xiaochun was taken aback, and hurriedly punched him.


The little white mouse was sent flying more than ten meters away, but Zhou Xiaochun let out a scream, and his fist was severely burned.

"Zhou Xiaochun? Why are you here?" Teacher Chen Guangyin suddenly opened the door and came in, stunned.

"Whoosh..." The glowing white mouse suddenly jumped up and bit Chen Guangyin.

"Fuck!" Zhou Xiaochun kicked up a piece of peach wood and hit the mouse with great accuracy.

The little mouse flew upside down, but the mahogany block was instantly ignited by the high temperature.

After landing, the little mouse just staggered and rolled a few times before running out in a hurry.

"Stop for me!" Zhou Xiaochun said to himself that something is wrong, this mouse dares to bite even him, what if it meets other students?He yelled and chased after him like a gust of wind.

(End of this chapter)

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