Super halo system

Chapter 14 Absorbing Runes, Become a Rune Warrior

Chapter 14 Absorbing Runes, Become a Rune Warrior

"Goddess bless, Goddess bless!"

Zhou Xiaochun exclaimed fortunately, this is definitely the effect of the halo of luck.

Otherwise, it's all good to be lucky once, but it's a bit abnormal to get lucky one after another.

Only the lucky halo has such a magical ability, always making that kind of coincidence unintentionally.

Zhou Xiaochun quickly and nimbly got into the window, and he also took the steel bars of the window to destroy the evidence, and then closed the bulletproof glass window.

In this way, as long as nothing happens inside, the outside will not find out.

When Zhou Xiaochun saw the items on the equipment rack, especially when he saw runes flickering on several items, his eyes immediately lit up.

"Mine, mine, all mine..."

Zhou Xiaochun hurried over, but suddenly he saw a red line out of the corner of his eye, he stopped suddenly, his eyelids twitched.

Fuck, there are infrared alarm systems everywhere.

"It's not over!" Zhou Xiaochun wanted to scold her.


Suddenly there was a loud noise outside.


Electric sparks flew everywhere, and most of the school suddenly went dark.

"Ah, no, the transformer fuse is blown..."

There were screams from the security guard outside.

In the equipment room, Zhou Xiaochun was in a daze, and then overjoyed: "God helped me too!"

He hurried to the equipment rack and immediately took the dagger in his hand.

"Why is there no notification sound?" Zhou Xiaochun was puzzled: "By the way, gloves."

Zhou Xiaochun took off his gloves, and then touched the dagger with his hand.

"Sensed the rune of the earth branch, is it absorbed?"

The previous beep sounded again.

Zhou Xiaochun's heartbeat accelerated slightly, he took a deep breath, and said in his heart, "Absorb."

Immediately, Zhou Xiaochun felt a mysterious force entering his body.

At this moment, Zhou Xiaochun seemed to 'see' that his body was glowing.

The mysterious power is like a string of silk threads, instantly permeating any part of the body, branding the muscles, bones, blood and so on.

In an instant, Zhou Xiaochun felt that his strength was increasing rapidly.

In Zhou Xiaochun's induction, it seemed that a long time had passed, but in fact it was only a few seconds, and everything had stopped.

However, Zhou Xiaochun has changed a lot. He feels that his strength has become much stronger, and his hearing and eyesight have also become stronger.

Originally, the pitch-black equipment room was completely dark, and Zhou Xiaochun could only get the rune products by relying on the rune products to shine.

But now, he can easily see the room, as if he has night vision.

However, the increase in strength is not that big. It is estimated that it has only increased about one hundred catties of one-handed strength, which is not the same as the legend.

According to Zhou Xiaochun's knowledge, after absorbing the runes, under normal circumstances, the strength can be increased by four to five hundred catties, and the absorbed runes will be concentrated and branded on a bone.

But Zhou Xiaochun was different here. The runes he had absorbed spread all over his body. Not only the bones, but also the flesh and internal organs were covered by the runes.

However, because the runes are too scattered, the lines are very sparse.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this reason that the power is scattered, but this way it appears to be even, and it will not be too strong locally to cause an imbalance.


Suddenly, the dagger that lost the rune was instantly wiped out and turned into slag.

Zhou Xiaochun's expression changed, and then he saw that there were still a few more on the equipment rack, and he kept on doing it. Anyway, he took one and took a few.

The second item was a long spear, which Zhou Xiaochun picked up with his left hand without a glove.

"Sensed the rune of the earth branch, do you want to absorb it?" the system prompted.

"Absorb." Zhou Xiaochun replied.

Suddenly, as before, a mysterious force entered the body.

Same as before, Zhou Xiaochun could 'see' that every part of his body was glowing, and traces of lines were quickly scattered everywhere, imprinted in the depths of the cells.

The strength increases rapidly, and the five senses become stronger.

After a few seconds—


The spear turned into fly ash.

Zhou Xiaochun had planned for a long time. Although he was a little guilty, it was just right to be destroyed so as not to leave fingerprints.

The third item is a bow.

"Sensed the rune of the wind branch, do you want to absorb it?" the system prompted.

"Wind element? Absorb!" Zhou Xiaochun's heart skipped a beat.

Same feeling as before.

This time Zhou Xiaochun felt that his strength had improved even less, probably less than a hundred catties, but he felt his body became lighter.

The mysterious runes are scattered to every part of the body, imprinted in the flesh and bones, strengthening the body.

After a few seconds, the bow turned into powder.

Zhou Xiaochun felt very good, his body seemed to be much lighter, and he set his sights on the last rune product.

It was an iron fan.

Zhou Xiaochun couldn't wait to pick it up.

However, this time there was no notification sound.

"what happened?"

Zhou Xiaochun was puzzled, he clearly saw the occasional lines flashing on the iron fan.

Suddenly footsteps came from outside, Zhou Xiaochun's expression changed slightly, he hurriedly put the iron fan back to its original place, and was about to leave.

"No, this iron fan has my fingerprints on it."

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly ran back, picked up the iron fan, put on his gloves again, and climbed out of the window.

When I left, I was much faster than when I came in, because I was much stronger and my body was lighter.

In the dark night, Zhou Xiaochun moved quickly with his waist down. Although the power was out at this time, Zhou Xiaochun still consciously avoided the camera.

At this time, electricity suddenly came on. Fortunately, Zhou Xiaochun's location happened to be in the shadow.

"Quick, don't let him run away!"

Several security guards ran over several meters away holding electric batons.

Zhou Xiaochun secretly wondered, what happened?
Soon Zhou Xiaochun found out that the teachers at the school were very security-conscious, and they were all in a mess, as if they were talking about someone to catch.

"Is there a thief?"

Zhou Xiaochun had a strange expression on his face. Could it be that a thief really entered the school?
It is impossible to go back to the dormitory now, Zhou Xiaochun groped towards the wall.

There are many security guards in Songling High School. Zhou Xiaochun was almost discovered several times, but there were always various coincidences that allowed Zhou Xiaochun to hide.

Relying on his much lighter body than before, Zhou Xiaochun quickly came to the wall, and jumped out of the wall with a light jump.

This was unimaginable in the past, the wall was [-] meters high, but now, Zhou Xiaochun flipped over with a light jump.


Landing lightly, Zhou Xiaochun quickly left here with his waist bowed.

After running more than 1000 meters in one breath, Zhou Xiaochun heaved a sigh of relief.

This time there was no danger, fortunately he had a halo of luck, otherwise Zhou Xiaochun couldn't guarantee that he would not be discovered.

"I'm not in the dormitory tonight, I wonder if I will be suspected?"

Zhou Xiaochun was a little worried, so he took out his mobile phone and called Huang Dalai.

"Come on, it's me, Xiaochun. Has the teacher checked the dormitory?" Zhou Xiaochun asked.

"I'm here, but I didn't enter the dormitory. I didn't notice that you weren't there. But fourth brother, why didn't you come back?" Huang Dalai said.

"I have something to do. I'm outside now. By the way, I have a birthday tonight. I'm so sorry. I forgot to call you, but I bought you gifts."

Zhou Xiaochun just thought of a reason.

(End of this chapter)

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