Super halo system

Chapter 13 Do It, Big Black Dog

Chapter 13 Do It, Big Black Dog
Inside the box was a cake, sixteen birthday candles, a plastic fork and a plastic bowl.

"How does she know it's my birthday?"

Surprised and puzzled, Zhou Xiaochun scratched his head in confusion. He wondered if the girl fell in love with him.

But no matter what, I feel that it is impossible. That girl is so beautiful, and she is also a talisman warrior. How could she fall in love with herself?

"Does she have any plans?"

Zhou Xiaochun couldn't help but think wildly.

But what is there in me that is worthy of that girl's scheme?

Zhou Xiaochun couldn't figure it out, so he didn't want to.

"I just didn't eat."

Zhou Xiaochun started to eat directly, and at the same time, he felt a little emotional. In the past, his birthdays were always at home, and his parents helped him celebrate them.

This time I was alone, and it felt a little different.

Although he can let a few roommates live together, he has something to do tonight.

At this moment, the phone rang.

Zhou Xiaochun picked it up and saw that it was from his mother Concubine Li Man, so he hurriedly connected.

"Happy birthday, baby boy!"

Li Manfei said on the phone.

"Thank you, mom!" Zhou Xiaochun cheered up.

"Happy birthday, son. Have you asked your classmates to celebrate your birthday together?" Zhou Dachun's voice also sounded.

"Thank you dad." Zhou Xiaochun said, "Yes..."

Zhou Xiaochun originally wanted to say that a girl gave him a birthday cake, but he always felt that there was something wrong with Ke Ying, so he held back.

"Have a good time."

"Son, eat more birthday cake..."

"Remember to make a wish, baby son..."

Li Manfei and Zhou Dachun kept talking on the phone.

"Okay, okay, thank you, dad, thank you, mom. Ah, I have something else to do. Goodbye, mom and dad."

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly hung up the phone. He knew very well how nagging his mother was.


Suddenly, Zhou Xiaochun was startled when he saw the blood-colored runes on the peach wood board exuding a faint light.

"Did it work?"

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly picked up the peach wood board and looked at it carefully.

The peach wood board only emitted a very faint light, and there was no other movement.

"I don't know what it means to be successful at all. This high school textbook is so useless!"

Zhou Xiaochun put down the peach board helplessly, and wiped out the cake by himself, almost full of food, then packed up his things and prepared to work.

Gloves and everything are ready, this is the treasure that prevents fingerprints.

After turning off the lights in the classroom and leaving the classroom, Zhou Xiaochun directly added a secondary lucky aura to himself.

"Let's test the situation tonight. If possible, take action tonight!"

Zhou Xiaochun went through the plan in his mind.

As soon as the sleep bell passed, Zhou Xiaochun groped towards the textbook warehouse.

The reason why it took two days to search for news and set up a plan was mainly because Zhou Xiaochun wanted to find out what the school's surveillance cameras were, where they were, how to avoid them, and so on.

"Not good..." Suddenly Zhou Xiaochun's expression changed.

Several teachers came here at the same time, as if to check the dormitory.

Zhou Xiaochun hurriedly hid in the green belt.

"Who's there?" shouted a teacher.

"Meow..." Zhou Xiaochun hastily imitated the meow of a cat.

"It sounds quite similar." A teacher walked over with a sneer.

Zhou Xiaochun cursed secretly, hasn't luck already been activated?How could it be unlucky?

What should I do, should I run away?Zhou Xiaochun was struggling in his heart, could he have been arrested before the start?

A small figure jumped from the side and rushed into the stairs not far away in a flash.

Everyone was stunned, including Zhou Xiaochun.


That was a cat.

Zhou Xiaochun was immediately refreshed, unexpectedly, there are really cats here, it is really lucky.

The teacher was also stunned for a moment, and then was speechless: "Nowadays, all the wild cats have entered the school."

"Haha, Lao Chen, you are too nervous." A teacher joked.

"Could it be that you thought people could hide there?" Another teacher also laughed.

Several teachers walked towards the dormitory area talking and laughing.

Zhou Xiaochun breathed a sigh of relief, there was no danger.

After all the teachers in the dormitory were gone, Zhou Xiaochun proceeded cautiously again.

While avoiding the camera interestingly, Zhou Xiaochun also prayed in his heart for a better aura of luck.

I don't know if the aura of luck really worked, but I hardly met anyone along the way.

Zhou Xiaochun approached the textbook warehouse in the first grade high school without much effort.

"Goddess bless." Zhou Xiaochun murmured very softly as he came to the window.

Suddenly a slight howl sounded, Zhou Xiaochun was startled, and took a closer look——

Damn, there are actually two big black dogs mating here! ! !

Among them, the male dog was staring at Zhou Xiaochun threateningly, as if to say: You dare to disturb us and try!
Zhou Xiaochun secretly thought that he was unlucky, and then he took out a winding wire with ease, and opened the bulletproof glass window easily, as if he was very skilled at it.

"Who is there?"

Suddenly a flashlight came over, and there were security guards checking the night.


Zhou Xiaochun was taken aback. The school's defense is so strict, it's only five steps and one post, ten steps and one sentry.

"Wang Wang..."

Four or five meters away from Zhou Xiaochun, the two big black dogs that were mating seemed to be frightened, they separated abruptly, and then ran away.

"Ah...Damn it, where did the male dog come from to seduce my Xiao Hei!"

The security guard got angry and chased the big dog with a flashlight.

Zhou Xiaochun was stunned, is this okay?

Should it be said that the lucky halo is too unnatural?

It happened to be a coincidence again. It was already a fact that the two big black dogs were mating. The black female dog was supposed to be the security guard's pet, but it was raped by another male. This caused the security guard to chase the big male in anger. dog scene.

All of this seems to be such a coincidence, but it is a matter of course.

While exclaiming wonder in his heart, Zhou Xiaochun was not slow at all. After opening the bulletproof glass window, he could already see the scene inside.

One of the familiar daggers was placed on a shelf.


Bulletproof glass has been placed on the outside, and there are actually two layers of steel bars inside!

"Where is this going to make trouble?"

Zhou Xiaochun was speechless. These protective measures are so strict!
Suddenly Zhou Xiaochun touched his teeth subconsciously, his eyes lit up, and then——


With one bite, sparks flew everywhere, and a length of fine steel bar was bitten off by Zhou Xiaochun.

"So handsome!"

Zhou Xiaochun cheered excitedly in his heart, he didn't expect that after his teeth mutated, he would be so ferocious.

"Hangchi..." "Hangchi..."

Zhou Xiaochun became ruthless, without hesitation at all, he bit off a few steel bars with a few big bites, and a window that allowed people to go in and out appeared.

At this time, several security guards came here and shone their flashlights here.

Zhou Xiaochun cursed secretly, the defense here is too strict, it really deserves to be the rune textbook area.

Do you want to withdraw?It's all come to this point, if this place is destroyed like this, it will definitely be discovered, and there will definitely be no chance next time.

"Your Majesty, Li Wu, quickly help catch that dog, I'm going to stew it!"

Zhou Xiaochun was about to retreat, but found that the previous security guard ran back angrily, and called away the two security guards coming this way.

(End of this chapter)

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