rise of empire total war

Chapter 61 Meeting

Chapter 61 Meeting
On the second day after returning to Nuremberg, Richard set out to manage the thousands of new islanders.

Thanks to Magnus' policy, the refugees were resettled in five places on the island in units of villages. At the same time, a person with high prestige was elected as the village head among the villagers. These five village heads not only had to deal with Contradictions among the villagers, and at the same time directing people to build village houses and negotiating with the envoys sent by Nuremberg, can be said to be a major responsibility.

Richard's so-called start of administration was to have the five village chiefs informed to come to Nuremberg for the first meeting.

According to his idea, the role of the five villages is to expand the utilization rate of land resources on Kuban Island, and strive to plant crops on every piece of fertile land on the island. Fishermen can be seen fishing at any time on the offshore sea, filling warehouses food.

If you rely on the citizens of Nuremberg, don't think about this kind of thing, because it is impossible. It is impossible for the citizens to give up the more comfortable city life and go to the wild, pick up farm tools and start production work.What they are more willing to do is to rely on their superior living conditions to consume and pay taxes for the lord.

And then the refugees have no choice but to obey Richard's ideas. They are different from the citizens of Nuremberg. Accepted, if it goes against Richard's wishes, he will deal with it mercilessly.

In addition, the refugees are mostly farmers who fled from the countryside due to the spread of the war. They have become accustomed to production, and their obedience and hard work in their bones are destined to not have the idea of ​​​​going against Richard's wishes.

But before that, he had to solve one problem.

Finally, the village chiefs of the five villages arrived in Nuremberg, and led by heavily armored sergeants, they walked into the town hall to meet their young lords.

Richard's youth was beyond everyone's expectations. Before that, they only learned about the lord's great military exploits from the officials who led them here, so they naturally thought that Richard would be a burly, ferocious warrior. type aristocrat.It's just that I didn't expect that this meeting turned out to be a young and handsome boy who looked like he was underage.

Perhaps seeing the surprise of the village chiefs, Richard just smiled and invited them to take a seat. At this time, the village chiefs woke up like a dream and carefully sat on the chairs prepared for them.

"My lord, your youth is beyond our expectations."

In order to ease the embarrassment, a middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle said, and the others echoed, Richard continued to maintain a smile on his face, and said: "It is because I am so young that I need you to help me Administer the new inhabitants of the island."

"This is our duty and obligation, Lord Earl, please rest assured."

"I'm very relieved." Richard said, stretching out a finger to the person sitting on the far left, and said: "Before that, please let me get to know each other first."

The person pointed at by Richard was stunned for a moment, then he quickly realized that he stood up and said, "My lord, my name is Robbins, I am from Mafugat..."

"My lord, my name is Laman..."

"Lord Count..."

After a round of introductions, Richard finally knew the names of everyone present. He looked around and then went straight to the topic.

"I called you here this time. First of all, it's about the construction of the village." Richard said, looking at the five people opposite him. People are still sleeping rough, and I want you to get everyone into a solid home before the temperature cools down."

As soon as he finished speaking, a person asked, "Master Earl, I don't know what kind of house you are talking about?"

"As long as you don't worry about the problem of wind leakage in winter, you can build that kind of simple thatched house with ventilation everywhere." Richard replied jokingly.

Then, he said: "Now that the proper farming season has been missed, your top priority is to settle down. If you still have time after building the houses, you can spontaneously build a road connecting Nuremberg to facilitate activities in the coming year."

"And next year, you need to start farming. In the first year, I will not send people to collect any taxes from you. You just need to work hard. From the second year onwards, I will send people to collect taxes. I hope you can pay by then. Pay taxes that satisfy me."

"Tax-free for the first year?"

Richard's words were like a bomb that exploded the minds of several people. They looked at the young man in front of them in surprise, and did not dare to believe the other party's words easily.

You must know that such things as tax exemption are basically impossible on the Wadasia Peninsula. Those nobles even wished to add a lot of miscellaneous taxes to the lords to increase their own treasury. They are used to it, how can they easily believe that a tax exemption suddenly came.

In fact, the tax exemption for new residents is also one of the results of Richard's thinking. When the refugees first arrived here, they did not bring many valuable items. It can be said that they were poor and had only their strength left. They are going to use their strength. If they are tax-free for one year, they will devote themselves to working for their own interests in exchange for greater gains.After the harvest, they were destined to take their crops to Nuremberg in exchange for daily necessities. This transaction invisibly generated commercial taxes, and finally the money flowed into Richard's coffers.

There was another reason. Richard didn't want to push them too hard. It was what he wanted to see to make his subjects live a better life.


Richard's policy was quickly spread back to the five refugee villages following the footsteps of the five village chiefs. Like the village chiefs, the villagers did not believe it at first, but after the village chief's explanation, they finally chose Believe me, join the others in cheering, not only for tax exemptions, but for the kind and generous Richard.

What Richard did not expect was that his decision inadvertently increased the enthusiasm of the new residents. In the next period of time, the construction site was full of enthusiasm, and everyone was working hard. I have a seemingly beautiful future life.

At this moment, a ship from the Shining Sea sailed into the port of Kuban Island. After a group of mysterious visitors got off the ship, they headed towards Nuremberg along the road under the guidance of the heavily armored soldiers guarding the port.

 I've been very busy recently. I have to practice radio gymnastics every day besides class, so I can barely write two chapters and upload them.

(End of this chapter)

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