rise of empire total war

Chapter 60 Returning to Nuremberg

Chapter 60 Return to Nuremberg

"Let's go! Let's go back to Nuremberg!"

Outside the gate of Luwen City, Richard led the soldiers on their way back to Cuban Island.Accompanying him are his loyal guard of early generals, elite feudal knights, and two princesses of the kingdom of Ravana.

Just as Richard expected, the two princesses Stephanie and Sophia asked to accompany him after learning that he was going back to Cuban Island. Richard had no reason to refuse them and could only acquiesce.

On the way back to Cuban Island, Richard and his party did not stop much along the way. It took less than a month to arrive at Port Bell, and took the "Paul" merchant ship across the sea to enter the island's new port.

Speaking of which, during Richard's absence, the port and the chanting house were built successively.

The newly built port has completely become the only window for Cuban Island to communicate with the outside world, and fishing boats and merchant ships can be seen sailing in and out of it every day.

The chanting house, a religious building, stood next to the town hall and quickly replaced the town hall as the core of the city—the residents of the city are all devout Christians, and the chanting house is the only official place for them to pray .

Oh, by the way, when talking about the chantry school, we have to mention the pastoral affairs officer provided by the system - to be precise, the identity of the priest named Peter Scanrel should be called a cardinal.

That is, one of the candidates for Pope in the game.

As a distinguished cardinal, Peter Scanrel has been very busy since he came to this world. Almost every day, residents come to the chanting hall to confide in him the troubles, confusion and doubts in their beliefs, so that he Some can't breathe.

After hearing about Peter's deeds, Richard was filled with deep admiration and began to consider whether to recruit a few priests to relieve his pressure - this was not just about helping Peter. After the refugees came to the island, Richard Germany needs to be converted to God by priests.

The total number of refugees who landed on Kuban Island totaled more than [-] people, most of whom were young and middle-aged men.In order to facilitate management, Magnus, who was appointed by Richard as the interim governor, divided all the refugees into five groups and asked them to form villages in five places on the island for farming.

Magnus's policy successfully allowed the refugees to settle down, but the lack of infrastructure still caused these new residents to complain. Compared with their previous lives, the only changes they had were that they were no longer wandering and could barely eat enough.

But these two changes are enough to satisfy most people. While grateful to the Count of Cuban Island for taking him in, they gritted their teeth and picked up tools to work for the construction of the gathering place.

As for those few people who are jealous of the living conditions of the residents in Nuremberg, they can only hide their thoughts in this environment and dare not express them.

On July 1105, 7 in the continental calendar, Richard led his army into the city as a victor under the cheers of the leaders.When he left, he took away more than 10 Danish soldiers, and when he returned, he had the identity of Earl of Luwen and the accompanying elite feudal knights on his head.

This day is undoubtedly the busiest day since the founding of Nuremberg. In order to celebrate the victory and achievements of His Majesty Caesar, citizens spontaneously took to the streets and held celebrations in every corner of the city.

Looking at these enthusiastic citizens, Stephanie felt a deep sense of worry in her heart. Richard, who was supported by the people, had great war potential. If it really developed one day, it might also threaten Lawrence's throne.

You know, Richard also has the blood of the Carrera Dynasty flowing in his body, and he also has a weak legal claim to the throne of the Kingdom of Ravana.

"To treat him, you can only win him over, not against him." Stephanie thought to herself as she looked at the smiling Richard.

Richard didn't know that all this would make Stephanie have so many thoughts, and now he was standing on the balcony of the town hall with a big smile on his face, overlooking the entire lively town square.Residents of Nuremberg built bonfires one after another in the town square, while spontaneously bringing food or drinks from home, as if crowdfunding a party.

Still the atmosphere in Nuremberg is good.Richard couldn't help feeling that he still couldn't find a sense of substitution in Luwen City, and he didn't feel comfortable doing anything, so he could only be so happy physically and mentally when he stayed in his old nest.

Since these activities were organized spontaneously by the people, Richard did not join in. After watching for a while on the balcony, he returned to the study and summoned Peter Scanley, who had always wanted to meet him. you.

Cardinal Peter is in his forties this year. He is slender, wearing a white robe, a black bishop's hat on his head, and holding a scepter in his hand that symbolizes status.

Before speaking, Richard checked Peter's personal attributes:
Peter Scanrel
Age: 45
Piety: ★★★★★ (this person is quite devout)

Favored by God: Compared with ordinary people, he is more favored by God and blessed by his holy light (Piety +1)

Commendable piety: Years of devotion to sacred causes have made this person extremely firm in his faith (piety +3)

Cardinal: The Pope personally conferred the post of cardinal on this person (Piety +1)


The attribute is not bad, at least he is the only person with the highest star rating among Richard's affairs officers.

Richard thought to himself, looked at Peter, and said, "Your Excellency, welcome to Nuremberg, a city blessed by God."

"Your Majesty Caesar, I have come here under your summons to spread the faith of God to every corner of the world." Peter said calmly, "In Nuremberg, I witnessed the piety of every resident, which Makes me very happy.”

"Hmm..." Richard nodded, secretly wondering if the other party would make any request.

"I heard that a large number of refugees have come to live on this island recently. The god they believe in is not the Almighty God, but a god called the phantom deer that they have never heard of. I think this is not acceptable."

"Oh? You mean..."

"I want to go to those refugee villages to spread the teachings of God, but I'm afraid I can't complete this task alone, so Your Majesty Caesar." Peter paused, and then said: "I ask you to recruit another priest to assist me .”

"There is no problem at all." Richard agreed immediately, "I will immediately send someone to recruit a pastor and let him assist you in your missionary work."

"Thank you, Your Majesty Caesar, and may God bless you." Peter Scanrel said, lowering his head and crossing himself on his chest.

"In addition to those refugees, Your Excellency, I also hope that you can go to Luwen City after this, and educate the local residents to enshrine Christ."

"As you wish, Your Majesty Caesar."

(End of this chapter)

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