rise of empire total war

Chapter 571 Nightmare

Chapter 571 Nightmare
Looking at the familiar furnishings around her, Elizabeth walked on the marble floor, feeling a little confused.

She didn't know how she suddenly appeared here. In her memory, she was obviously sleeping on the bed in the room arranged for her by the servants, but when she woke up, she was in the Hippolito Palace in Vienna. up.

"Is anyone there?" she called softly.

No one responded, but her voice echoed in the empty palace, and it lasted a long way before finally disappearing.

Elizabeth suddenly felt uneasy. She carefully observed her surroundings and boldly walked towards the location of the main hall, hoping to find some familiar faces on the way.

However, before she walked out of this corridor, she saw a Janissary soldier in military uniform lying on the ground with a musket in his hand. Elizabeth was startled and ran over to check on the soldier However, before she got close, she noticed that the soldier's chest was stained red with blood, and there was an imperceptible muzzle.

Her trotting pace faltered suddenly, her face turned pale, and she looked at the fallen soldier in disbelief. The Hippolito Palace is the residence of the Stuart royal family. How could there be a corpse?

Elizabeth cautiously approached the soldier, and stopped only a few steps away from him. There was a strong smell of blood in the air. She could tell that the soldier was no longer breathing. is dead.


Elizabeth screamed in a low voice, then bypassed the corpses, and ran quickly towards the main hall, but as she walked, more and more corpses appeared in her field of vision, and some of those corpses were dressed in military uniforms of the Holy Roman Empire. Some were dressed in the military uniforms of the Roman Empire, but looking around, there were still more corpses on the side of the Holy Roman Empire.Elizabeth immediately understood what was going on, and it was obvious that the Romans were calling.

At this moment, several gunshots suddenly rang out not far away. Elizabeth shuddered and ignored the corpses on the ground. She quickly ran in the direction of the gunshots. While running, she saw Groups of Roman soldiers in red uniforms ran towards the direction of the gunfire, but strangely, they did not find Elizabeth. Although Elizabeth was puzzled, she still followed.

Soon, she saw a dozen soldiers in dark blue military uniforms shooting at the Roman soldiers, and saw a flash of light from the muzzles of their muskets, and several Roman soldiers fell on the opposite side. She took a closer look , Behind those soldiers stood a person she was very familiar with——Richard.

"Dad!" She couldn't help shouting, but her voice was quickly drowned out by the sound of gunfire. After the Roman soldiers fired, the guards protecting Richard fell down one after another, and Richard himself was also shot by stray bullets. After being hit in the arm, he took a few steps back. He endured the pain, raised the flintlock pistol in his hand, and shot at the enemy on the opposite side. The gunfire rang out, and a person fell on the opposite side, but Richard was quickly shot out by dozens of muskets. The projectile hit and fell to the ground...



Elizabeth sat up from the bed suddenly. She gasped for breath, her eyes swept over the furnishings of this unfamiliar room, but she quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a dream.

She thought to herself, only then did she realize that her back was wet with cold sweat, and even her clothes were sticking to her skin, which made her very uncomfortable. Apart from her back, her forehead was also covered with sweat, and the golden long Hair sticks.

Looking out the window again, the sky outside the window had already turned fish-belly pale. Elizabeth saw that it was still early, so she lifted the quilt, turned over and got out of bed, took off her sweat-soaked underwear, and put on a brand new dress. She was thoughtful and prepared some clothes for her to change and wash, which saved her from the embarrassment of sleeping without underwear.

After changing her clothes, she lay back on the bed again, forgetting the content of the dream just now, and fell into a deep sleep again.

However, the nightmare was not ready to let her go so easily. A few hours later, Elizabeth woke up again from the dream. This time the nightmare continued from the previous nightmare. In the dream, she saw Richard being shot to death with her own eyes. , Stephanie committed suicide and died for her country. The Holy Roman Empire quickly disintegrated after losing the emperor, and finally fell under the offensive of the Roman Legion.

Although she knew it was just a dream, Elizabeth still felt deep fear in her bones.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the room, and then a softer voice sounded from outside: "Your Highness, breakfast is ready for you. Your Majesty invites you to have dinner with us."

Hearing this, Elizabeth was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Please wait for me, I will go there in a while."

After finishing speaking, Elizabeth did not pay attention to the responses of the people outside. Elizabeth changed another underwear and put on a thick robe. It's only changed twice in one night, and I'm afraid she will be able to change a whole basket in a few days.

After changing her clothes, Elizabeth pushed open the door, and a gust of cold wind rushed towards her face, making her shiver uncontrollably. Seeing this, the servant who had been waiting outside quickly put on the cold cloak La Seruna to Elizabeth. On the body, he said: "Your Highness, please follow me."

"Okay." Elizabeth nodded, tightened the cloak on her body, and followed the servant. The cloak that the latter put on her didn't fit well, and it almost covered the little princess.

After walking a few steps, the servant leading the way suddenly saw a figure, his eyes lit up, he hurriedly greeted him, saluted, and said respectfully, "Your Highness Li Xini, why are you here?"

"I'll take a look at Your Majesty." The middle-aged man called His Highness said lightly. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the petite figure following behind the servant. He rolled his eyes and pretended to be indifferent. He asked, "Who is that child?" who?"

The servant quickly understood the object of the prince's inquiry, turned his body slightly, and introduced him: "Your Highness, this is Princess Elizabeth from the Holy Roman Empire."

"Princess Elizabeth?" Li Xini squinted his eyes and looked at Elizabeth who was wrapped in a cold cloak. With just one glance, he concluded that this foreign princess would be an all-powerful beauty when she grew up. However, looking at her Looking at his eyebrows, he suddenly thought of his only sister who died in infancy.

At that moment, he suddenly understood his father's thoughts. It was not without reason that he was so enthusiastic about Elizabeth, but because he saw people's emotions, and he remembered the little princess who stumbled and called him father more than ten years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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