rise of empire total war

Chapter 570 Action

Chapter 570 Action
Elizabeth's head was still in a dizzy state until she was taken by the servants to the room prepared for her.

Emperor Derrickian's attitude towards her was not uncommon. Not only did he not feel sad about the death of his nephew, nor did he anger her because she was a princess of the Holy Roman Empire. On the contrary, he treated her very well, as if he was treating her daughter in general.

Although Elizabeth was only nine years old, she could still sense something was wrong. She sat alone on the wide bed, shaking her two thin legs, thinking about the reason why Emperor Derrick was abnormal.

What she didn't know was that at the same time, Emperor Derrickian, who was surrounded by the imperial guards, was walking towards the dungeon of the Yulia Palace. His face no longer had the kindness he had when he treated Elizabeth before, but was replaced by a deep of prey.

There was a group of soldiers guarding the entrance of the dungeon. When they saw Derrick coming first, they quickly stood their guns beside them, raised their right hand forward, and made a standard Roman military salute. Derrick nodded to them first. Respond, and go into the dungeon.

The dungeon was gloomy. Although a torch was placed one meter apart on both sides of the corridor to illuminate the dim dungeon, it still gave people an unspeakable sense of oppression.

There was a stench and dampness in the air. Derrick scanned every cell first, and there was basically a prisoner in it. They were disheveled, their bodies were in a mess, and there was a stench of excrement and sweat mixed together. , each of them's expression was full of numbness, their eyes were blank, and they didn't react at all to the sudden appearance of Emperor Derrick Xian.

These people were all imprisoned political prisoners. Some of them openly opposed the emperor's rule, some intended to assassinate the emperor, or incited the army to rebel. However, because they were Roman nobles, they were not sentenced to death, but were thrown into the dungeon. .

Derrick didn't pay attention to the prisoners. He stepped on the sewage in the corridor of the dungeon, walked all the way inside, and then stopped in front of a cage for female prisoners. Disdainful smile.

"Open the cell door, I want to go in."

As soon as he finished speaking, the warden who had been following him quickly took out a bunch of keys and opened the cell door. The prisoner inside heard the sound of opening the cell door, and reflexively raised his head and saw Emperor Derrick.

"You..." She opened her mouth, and as soon as she spoke, she was interrupted by the old emperor. The old man in a toga robe walked into the cage under the guard of soldiers, looking down at the prisoners on the ground, Said: "My dear sister, how are you doing?"


Silent, speechless.

The woman he called elder sister just sat quietly on the ground and looked at Emperor Derrick Xian with a flat gaze. After a long time, she chuckled lightly and said, "Brother, if you came to mock me on purpose, That’s unnecessary, I’m already your prisoner.”

"No, I'm here to tell you something about Lucius." Derrick said first, and he looked at his biological sister at the same time. The noble temperament of the past can still be seen on the face.

However, after hearing her son's name, her calmness disappeared in an instant, replaced by a flash of panic in her eyes.

"What's wrong with Lukius?" She asked nervously, "Lukius doesn't know anything, you can't involve him."

"Hehe." Derrick sneered first, he sat on a chair moved by a soldier, looked at his sister, and said, "Lukius is dead, he was poisoned to death on Kuyavi Continent died, and his body was brought back by his loyal lieutenant."


The woman's eyes widened, and she shouted: "This is impossible! He has no enemies in the Kuyawi continent, who would poison him to death?"

"That's the truth, Turia, I can show you his body."

"No... Impossible..." The woman didn't listen to what Derrick said first, and she kept repeating the words of denial in her mouth. Lucius was her only son, how could he die so easily?
Suddenly, she suddenly raised her head, stared at the old emperor with her bloodshot eyes, and shouted, "It must be you! You killed Lukius, and you said it was done by an irrelevant person. Derrick, you are so ruthless, Lukius obviously likes you the most!"

Seeing her like this, Emperor Derrick felt a little helpless. It was obvious that he was going crazy. He knew it would be useless to talk, so he got up and prepared to leave, but at this moment, Turia made an attack, and walked towards her like a cheetah. Rick rushed over first, wanting to hurt him with his teeth and claws, but fortunately, the imperial guards around the emperor found out in time, and kicked her in the abdomen, kicked her flying again, and slammed into the wall on, curled up in pain.

The old emperor was taken aback by this sudden change, but he didn't show any panic. Instead, he glanced at the woman in the corner in disgust, flicked his sleeves, and walked out of the cage.

His sister Turia had united with the nobles to try to poison his eldest son a few months ago, so that the second son who was closer to her would become the heir to the empire, but this palace conspiracy was exposed the night before the operation, and there were a large number of The heavily armed Praetorian Guards stormed the homes of all those involved in the conspiracy and arrested them.All the court servants were hanged, and the participating nobles were either expelled for treason, executed, or thrown into prison. Turia was one of them.


Walking out of the dungeon, Derrick first exhaled a mouthful of stale air from his chest, and inhaled fresh air into his lungs. He looked at the sky full of stars, thought for a while, and went straight back to the study. At the same time, he summoned Bibb, the adjutant who escorted the corpse back. Luce.

In today's conversation with Princess Elizabeth, he probably understood what happened at that time. To be honest, he didn't believe that the Holy Roman Empire would make such a stupid move to poison another empire with which they had a good relationship. This is undoubtedly asking for trouble for himself, especially on the eve of the outbreak of war with other countries.

However, there was a nameplate of an officer of the Holy Roman Empire left at the scene. He was still haunting the vicinity when the incident happened. This cannot be explained clearly. He still needs to listen to Bibulus's opinion before he can make the most correct decision. judge.

Although Hariand's family was involved in the court poisoning case, he was also a nobleman and general of the empire, representing the dignity of the Roman Empire in foreign countries, and when he was poisoned outside, Derrick had to ask the country involved to give a Only by confessing can the dignity of Rome be restored.

(End of this chapter)

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