rise of empire total war

Chapter 564 Elizabeth

Chapter 564 Elizabeth
The Sea of ​​Glittering, close to the waters off the Nanwadasia Peninsula.

On the deck of Jupiter's flagship, a petite girl quietly leaned against the ship's side, looking at the sea ahead with a lonely expression.

Her name is Elizabeth Stuart, a princess of the Holy Roman Empire. She should have lived a carefree childhood by staying with her parents. However, in the attack more than ten days ago, she was forced by heavily armed Roman soldiers. Take it away and bring it all the way to this huge battleship.

She has never left her parents for half a step since she was a child. It is impossible to say that she is not afraid of being taken away suddenly. After being taken away, she would have nightmares and be woken up every night. After waking up, her whole body would be soaked in cold sweat. Even the bed sheet under her body was wet, but those Romans didn't pay attention to her, seeing that she was soaked, they just threw a new dress over to deal with it.

After boarding the battleship, her treatment improved. Although she was still a prisoner, she was still a princess of a powerful empire. Not only did she change to a room with a better environment, she was also served by a burly and thick-looking maid. ——The last time she saw a woman of this size was in Vienna. The wife of the court chef was such a rude rural woman. It was fine to have bad skin, and she showed big yellow teeth all day long. This little princess is still very good, and she often takes out some gadgets from the countryside to make her happy.

It wasn't until the past few days that her sleep quality had improved. At least she wasn't woken up by nightmares every night. She often slept until dawn, and after she got up to wash up, she could have lunch directly.

Elizabeth is very smart. To be precise, there are not many people in the Stuart family who are not smart.She knew that the possibility of escaping after boarding the battleship was about zero, so she gave up the idea of ​​escaping. In fact, she had no chance to escape even if she was not on the battleship. She was taken all the way from Amatlia to Lyctor. The failure to escape from Sicheng for so many days is an obvious example.

"Your Highness, you should go back."

At this moment, a rough man's voice sounded from behind her. Elizabeth subconsciously looked back, but what caught her eyes was a wall of flesh, a wall of flesh dressed in coarse cloth.

"I understand, Ingrid, I'm going back now." She sighed slightly and said, then turned back to the cabin under the watch of the maid.

Just as she was returning to the cabin, the sailor hanging on the pole suddenly opened his throat and shouted loudly: "We found an unknown fleet approaching our army ahead!"

"Unknown fleet?!" Elizabeth was shocked. Her first thought was that the imperial navy came to rescue her. She turned her head to look at the sea area ahead of the fleet with hope. The small fleet was heading towards them. Although it was a long distance away, she was smart enough to recognize it at a glance. It was clearly the Hawker gunboat serving in the Imperial Navy!
"Father is here to save me!" She shouted in her heart, but before her body rushed to the side of the ship, she suddenly lifted off the ground, and she was shocked, only to realize that Ingrid had circled behind her at some point , holding her up with both hands.

"Ingrid, what are you doing?" Elizabeth shouted angrily, shaking her limbs, trying to break free from the maid's grasp, but Ingrid's hands were like iron clamps that firmly restrained her, making it impossible for her to escape. .

Ingrid ignored the little princess' tone and movements, and said in a cold voice, "Your Highness, please return to the cabin as soon as possible."

"No! I don't!" Elizabeth struggled, but in vain, watching herself being carried into the cabin by the strong maid.

Seeing the princess leave the deck, the Roman adjutant Bibulus heaved a sigh of relief. He looked at the Holy Roman Empire Navy that was heading this way, snorted coldly, and then shouted loudly: "Sign out the flag, and all ships are ready to meet the enemy!"

After the death of Hariand, Bibulus took his place and became the commander of the fleet. With one order, the 25 warships of the Roman Navy lined up and aligned the sides with a large number of artillery. Attacking Imperial Navy.Their artillery is more advanced, so the range is longer than the artillery on the Hawker gunship. Before the imperial navy approached, the Roman warship fired a dense artillery salvo!
boom boom-

From the sound of the guns to the shells falling into the imperial fleet, it was only a blink of an eye. The overwhelming shells fell from one end to the other, hitting several Hawker gunboats, and making hideous holes one after another in the solid hull.The sailors on the front deck tower of a Hawker gunship were loading the heavy guns, but they were hit by several shells. The tower collapsed immediately, and all the sailors and artillery on it fell into the sea. It hit the deck hard, taking the lives of several sailors.

This is the first time that the Imperial Navy has fought an enemy navy that also has artillery, and it is also the first time that it has seen artillery with such a long range. The ship sank, but all the ships were scarred. The most serious battleship was punched with a big hole below the waterline, and the sea water poured in. Although the sailors tried their best to drain the water and try to plug the gap, they were still powerless and had to abandon the ship to escape.

After being bombarded, the Imperial Navy responded quickly. They changed their original dense formation, spaced the battleships farther apart, and increased their forward speed in an attempt to bring the enemy ships into their own range before the second round of bombardment arrived. Within range, however, the second round of bombardment soon came, and although they adopted a loose formation to avoid the large number of shells, several battleships were sunk, and the sailors on board fell overboard and became food for sharks.

Elizabeth in the cabin of the Jupiter didn't know what the battle was like outside, she could only judge how far the battle was going by the sound of cannons that sounded from time to time.


Another round of gunfire sounded, but it was also mixed with subtler gunfire from the distance. Elizabeth's eyes lit up. She knew that this must be a cannon fired by her own warship, but after her own warship fired, the Roman warship quickly Soon there will be more intense firepower to fight back.As time went by, the number of Hawker gunboats ordered to block the Roman fleet gradually decreased. The sea was littered with the wreckage of warships and wooden fragments shattered by cannonballs, mixed with the bodies of a few sailors.

Half an hour after the war started, the sound of artillery finally stopped, and there was a burst of cheers on the deck of the Roman fleet. Listening to those cheers, Elizabeth looked gloomy, and she knew without guessing that the Imperial Navy must have been defeated.

 If nothing else, the following chapters will feature Elizabeth as the main character until the two Roman armies are at war.In addition, I wish the leader Lancelot_all success in the high school entrance examination, and be admitted to the high school of your choice

(End of this chapter)

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