rise of empire total war

Chapter 563 Winning

Chapter 563 Winning
The movement inside the tent quickly attracted the attention of the Turtuda soldiers outside. They looked at each other, and just about to turn around and open the curtain of the tent, they saw a flash of a knife in front of them, and a big mouth was cut in their throats. When the spray came out, they held their throats in pain, and looked at Officer Sarkis who was wiping his sword behind him in disbelief.

They wanted to shout to attract the attention of the nearby Turtuda soldiers, but the sound was stuck in the trachea cut by the sword and turned into a crackling sound, and they fell to the ground unwillingly, wide-open. The last scene I saw with my eyes was that the soldiers standing guard around were attacked by the shadows from behind, and fell to the ground one by one.

After a while, "Tonya" and Sikaru, who still had blood on their faces, came out of the camp. They looked around and found that the nearby Turtuda soldiers were almost killed. The flames attracted the attention of Turtuda's army, and the defense force deployed in the commander's camp became weak, giving them an opportunity to take advantage of it.

There were no enemies around. The irascible officer just now clasped his fists and asked, "General, should we send a signal to alert the friendly army to attack?"

"Let's fire it." Wilbur, who had lost Tonya's identity, said in a deep voice. As soon as he finished speaking, the officer took out a small cylinder from his arms and lit the matchlock at the bottom of the cylinder. After a few seconds, only one sound was heard. There was a sharp whistling sound, and a wisp of fireworks rose into the sky and exploded in the sky, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Whether it was the Tertuda soldiers anxiously fighting the flames in the camp, the imperial army ambushing outside, or the Sipes defenders in Sipes City waiting for reinforcements, they all saw this dazzling fireworks. Their reactions They are also different. The Turtuda soldiers have never seen this kind of phenomenon. They thought it was a vision from the sky. They knelt down on the ground, prayed to the gods, and then got up and continued to put out the fire. After launching an attack, they checked their guns, loaded their ammunition, and marched towards the besieged camp. Knowing that this was a signal flare from the suzerain army, the Sipes army became excited.

Not only the army ambushing outside started to move, but also the soldiers in the camp started to move. Most of them were Sarkis soldiers captured in the previous ambush. Totally negligible - not reliable at all.

Knowing that they were unreliable, Wilber only brought along the few line infantry who came in together after the action.


In order to ensure that the main force outside could successfully enter the camp, after dealing with the Turtuda's coach, Wilber directly led his subordinates out of here and rushed to the gate of the camp.Because the fire they set beforehand had not been extinguished, the camp was very chaotic, and soldiers running and noises could be seen everywhere, so naturally no one cared about them.

Soon they arrived at the gate of the camp, in order to avoid further troubles, Wilber directly ordered the soldiers to act, and following his order, the soldiers stepped forward one after another, pretending to be intimate with the guards at the gate, and immediately lit up after approaching. Pull out the dagger, cover their mouths with one hand to avoid too much screaming, and cut their throats mercilessly with the other hand, cut off the trachea, so that they can't make a sound, and then put the still twitching The dead defenders lay down.

These people moved very quickly, and the gate changed hands in just a few minutes. Wilber quickly ordered the soldiers to drag the corpses to the shadows, then opened the gate, raised the torch and waved it at the darkness in the distance. It was the secret signal behind the capture of the city gate. After the secret signal was revealed, a large number of soldiers ran out of the darkness and flocked to the city gate.

What happened next became logical. A large number of soldiers poured into the camp and attacked the Turtuda soldiers who were still fighting the fire. They pointed their guns at anyone they saw and buckled them before the other party reacted Pull the trigger to fire a deadly projectile.There was a lot of gunshots in the camp. The soldiers who put out the fire did not expect the enemy to come in at this time (mainly because there was no warning at all), and they were caught off guard. When they reacted and wanted to fight back, they were desperate. I found that I was not carrying a weapon when putting out the fire, and the only thing I could use around me was a wooden bucket filled with clean water.

The battle lasted until late at night, and the heartstrings of the defenders in Sipes City were always tense. They wanted to know the outcome of the battle outside, but they didn't dare to rush out of the city to cooperate with the reinforcements to attack the enemy.It was not until the next morning when they saw the black double-headed eagle flag flying high above the camp that the big stone in their hearts was let go.

The Turtuda army was almost destroyed. Facing the attack of the Holy Roman Empire army equipped with advanced firearms, the unarmed soldiers had no power to fight back. He was about to fight back, but nothing changed, and he still died on the way of charging.

Wilber didn't get the battle report until after the battlefield was counted. He was very satisfied with the result. Thanks to the advantage of taking the advantage of the sneak attack, his army had almost no casualties, except for the few who were shot by the javelins thrown by the enemy. In addition to the unlucky ones, those surrendered prisoners of war who were mistakenly killed wearing Sarkis uniforms did not add up to a hundred.

On the other hand, the casualties of the Turtuda people can be said to be very considerable. The army of more than 4000 people disappeared overnight, thousands of people died in battle, and thousands of people surrendered. They became new prisoners of war of the imperial army. The army of more than 600 people couldn't manage so many prisoners of war at all, so he came up with a way to let the Sarkis prisoners of war manage the Turtuda prisoners of war. Anyway, those Sarkis had already surrendered, so It is not unacceptable to let them see the prisoners of war-of course, if a Turtuda is released, the Sarkis who guard them will be severely punished.

In order not to be punished, those Sarkis raised their spirits and stared at their former allies. Once someone showed the desire to escape, they would be beaten up by several people. The scene was very miserable.


On the other hand, after ensuring the victory of the overlord's army, the defenders of Sipes City, led by their king Felice, opened the city gate to meet the reinforcements, accompanied by several carts of wine, food and treasures. Wilber immediately understood what he meant when he saw it. He must want to make amends for not going out of the city to support last night. He didn't care about it. He just happily asked his subordinates to make amends, and then greeted King Phyllis to enter the camp .

Pools of coagulated blood can be seen everywhere in the camp, as well as the corpses that have not been carried away in time. King Felice turned pale when he saw it. It is true that he went to the battlefield when he was young, but almost ten years have passed Well, in the past ten years, he has been pampered and pampered, he has long forgotten what the battlefield looks like, and now he suddenly sees it again, and he can't accept it all at once.

(End of this chapter)

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