rise of empire total war

Chapter 561 Disguise

Chapter 561 Disguise
After the death of the army commander Tonya, the other Sarkis soldiers on the battlefield lost all fighting spirit. They laid down their weapons and surrendered to the imperial soldiers. The imperial soldiers quickly disarmed them and drove them aside with muskets pointed at them.

After counting, the battle report of this battle was quickly presented to Wilber. After checking it, he couldn't help being surprised, because the losses of his side in this battle were almost negligible, and there were only more than 100 soldiers killed in the battle. , most of them were killed by the enemy at close quarters, but the enemy's casualties were terrible. Nearly a thousand people were shot (or killed by grenades), more than 1000 were captured, and the rest escaped from the ambush circle ——The number of imperial troops was too small to form a large enough encirclement, so Sarkis was given a chance to break out and escape.

While letting the soldiers clean up the battlefield, Wilber looked at the prisoners of war and suddenly had a plan to fight against the Turtuda army that besieged Sipes City.He decided to prepare for the battle before the news of the ambush reached Sipes City.


The next day, July 7, the outer city camp of Sipes City.

In the camp of the Turtuda Kingdom Army, the military flag fluttered, and a large number of soldiers shuttled between the tents. They wore burqas with national emblems on them, and held the most traditional metal round shields and two-meter-high spears in their hands. There were relaxed smiles on their faces, because the spies who had been lurking in the city of Sipes set fire to the warehouse containing the grain and grass in advance, and the city's food storage was burned, and the defenders of the city of Sipes would soon be unable to hold on. .

Tertuda Commander Joram was as happy as his soldiers. He sat in his main tent. From this position, he could clearly see the direction of Sipes City through the wide open tent door. Anyone who knows the history of the Osa Peninsula Everyone knows that the lord of this city has attracted the troublesome Holy Roman Empire army. If King Sipps hadn't gone to the other side to ask the aliens for help, they would not have needed to unite against the Holy Roman Empire.

"Stupid Sips." Yoram chuckled, and then asked the noble standing on one side: "Have the envoys sent to persuade you to surrender not returned yet?"

"General, you haven't come back yet." The nobleman said respectfully, and he couldn't help but be disrespectful, because this commander is the younger brother of King Turtuda, and he also has a large number of supporters in the country.

"Don't those trash want to surrender?" Yoram asked suspiciously. As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sharp shout from outside the tent, which attracted his attention.

"Look! That's the messenger's head!"

Yoram followed the sound, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then shook violently, and saw a head still dripping with blood hanging on the wall of Sipes City. It is very ferocious to die without peace.

Yoram knew that head. He was clearly the envoy he had sent to persuade him to surrender!
"Damn it!" Yoram felt a burst of anger welling up in his heart. He slammed the armrest and shouted loudly: "The Sips are seeking their own death!"

"General, attack!"

Someone shouted from below.

"Yes, let's attack! Let them taste the strength of our army!" The others echoed.

Just as Yoram was about to order an attack, he suddenly saw a soldier rushing in. The latter knelt on one knee and reported: "General, the reinforcements from the Kingdom of Sarkis have arrived and are waiting outside."

"Reinforcements from the Sarkis?" Yoram's attention was quickly attracted by the news. He couldn't care less about continuing to attack. He stood up and said, "Lead the way."


A few minutes later, Yoram saw soldiers outside the camp holding the battle flag of the Kingdom of Sarkis and wearing the country's military uniform. They were led by a few aristocratic people on horses, and their leader was wearing a mask. Helmet, people can not see the face.

Yoram didn't doubt that he was there, and hurried up to meet him, but he found that the number of these reinforcements was really small, only more than 1000 people, and the armor on the soldiers was stained with blood. At a glance, he knew that he had just experienced a war .

Walking up to the general wearing face armor, Yoram smiled and said, "I am Prince Yoram of the Kingdom of Turtuda, and I am also the commander of this army. I am an ally of the Sarkis Kingdom. Guys, thank you for being able to join the battle."

"His Royal Highness Prince Yoram, I am Tonya, the commander-in-chief of this army. It is an honor to fight alongside you." The general wearing a face-covered helmet said in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

Tonya?no impression.Yoram thought in his heart, let such an unknown person lead the army, and he only brought so many troops. It seems that the Kingdom of Sarkis is just sending reinforcements symbolically. Dissatisfied, Sipes City will soon fall, and it doesn't matter whether there are reinforcements or not.

Thinking in his heart, Yoram still had a friendly smile on his face and greeted them into the military camp. At the same time, he was also observing the army of the Kingdom of Sarkis. Each of these soldiers was dejected and listless. It seemed that not only had they just experienced a war, but they had also suffered a lot.

Thinking of this, he pretended not to mind, and asked casually, "General Tonya was attacked by the enemy on the way?"

The general "Tonia" who was questioned was slightly stiff, but quickly regained his composure and was not seen by others. He didn't know why Yoram knew about it, but he still told the truth, saying: "Yes, There was a battle with the army of the Holy Roman Empire, but instead of taking advantage, many people died."

Hearing this, Yoram showed an expected expression, he nodded, and said: "The combat effectiveness of the Holy Roman Empire's army is indeed not to be underestimated, and I have been reluctant to launch a strong attack for a long time because I am afraid of their reinforcements. "

"Although they are powerful in combat, they are outnumbered after all." General "Tonia" said, "Now that our army has joined, His Royal Highness can rest assured, and don't need to care about those Vadasian bastards."

I can't rest assured that you are here.Yoram complained in his heart, but still said with a smile on his face: "That's true, but the food stored in Sipes City was burned down by the spies of our army one day ago, and it will soon be in a desperate situation of food shortage, so General Tonya doesn't need to Worried, I believe that the defenders will voluntarily surrender after a while."

"Isn't it just right for us to come?" General "Tonia" joked, his voice sounded a bit muffled through the face-covered helmet.

"Of course." Yoram smiled. "When the Sips surrender, I will host a banquet in their palace for General Tonya."

"Then I'll just look forward to it."

(End of this chapter)

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