rise of empire total war

Chapter 560 Ambush

Chapter 560 Ambush
Because of the war in the Kingdom of Sipes, the civilians living outside the city all moved with their families and fled to safe cities for refuge. Therefore, the imperial army did not encounter a single civilian during the rush march, so there was no need to worry about their whereabouts being exposed.

In the state of rapid march, it took the imperial army a little more than half a day to reach the suitable ambush point found by the scouts in advance. It was a road with small forests on both sides, which was the only way to Sipes City. Road, a few years ago, many bandits chose to rob passers-by here, which made this area notorious, but later they robbed a caravan of an imperial nobleman, and the disaster was imminent, and they were surrounded by the imperial army with all their strength. .

And now, the lot is destined to become famous again.

This area is only half a day away from Sipes City, so Wilber and his soldiers can rest for the night, and wait for the Sarkis army to throw themselves into the net the next day.

Wilber was full of confidence, he didn't dare to say anything else, but in terms of ambushes, no country's army is more suitable than them. How about being caught off guard by a burst of musket fire during the march, and watching the surrounding comrades die in the air? Under the bullets fired from some unknown place, besides the miserable wailing of comrades in arms, there were piercing gunshots. No one could accept all of this calmly and maintain a fighting spirit.


The next morning, the imperial army, which was energetic after a night's rest, finally waited for the Sarkisian army. Their army consisted of more than 2000 light infantry and nearly [-] heavy infantry. Because it was mainly to cooperate with the siege, they They are no longer equipped with expensive cavalry, but they don't know that this gives a certain convenience to the imperial army who ambushed them.


The Sarkis soldiers holding the yellow battle flag walked through the woods. They hung their shields on their spears casually, and then carried them forward, chatting and laughing with the people around them. tension.The fall of the city-state of Prouss made them underestimate the enemy, and they did not pay attention to the army of the Kingdom of Sipes who had been besieged for several days.

"They say the troops of the Holy Roman Empire will come to support us, but we will be arriving at Sipus City soon, and we still haven't seen even half a person."

"I'm afraid they're just a bunch of cowards!"


The frolicking sound from the marching team spread to the trees on both sides and reached the ears of the soldiers, making them a little angry and thinking that I would let you know who are the cowards later.

In order to ensure that the ambush was a surprise, the soldiers kept silent, and did not attack until the Sarkis army was halfway through.When the first shot that marked the start of the attack sounded, the whole bush suddenly seemed to be thrown into half of a string of firecrackers. The gunshots blared, and the dense barrage flew towards the unprepared Sarkis army at high speed. The soldiers on the outside shot over one piece.

The gunshots were mixed with the explosion of grenades. When the enemy was crowded together, the grenadiers equipped with grenades became the best weapons. One after another, grenades bigger than fists fell from the sky. , smashed it on the head of the Sarkis soldier, smashing it to the ground, and a few seconds later, just as they were guessing what it was, the grenade exploded violently, causing countless shrapnel to scatter like a goddess Flying around, killing a large number of soldiers around.

The central army that had been ambushed immediately collapsed, and the soldiers lurking in the bushes immediately chased them out and took the initiative to attack the front and rear troops of the Sarkis army. Supporting the battlefield, the two sides immediately fell into a battle, and the scene became chaotic.At this time, the cavalry who had ambushed in advance came out from their hiding place. The [-] cavalry were divided into two groups, each in ambush at both ends of the ambush circle. They roared and charged towards the chaotic Sarkis army. Using carbine salvos at long distances not only killed Sarkis soldiers, but also demoralized them.

The morale of the Sarkis army plummeted again, especially after seeing the mainstay heavy infantry being shot and killed mercilessly. They lost their fighting spirit at that time and fled around like their former comrades-in-arms in the Chinese army.


bang bang bang-

Amidst the continuous gunfire, Tonia, the commander of the Sarkis army, looked around, clenched his sword tightly, and shouted loudly: "Don't panic! Don't panic! Line up! Rush out!"


"Mom...I want to go home..."

What responded to him was either the screams of being shot or the poor prayers. Some soldiers wanted to obey his orders and rush out of the ambush circle, but they were shot and killed by a volley of shots on the way.A Sarkisian heavy infantryman held up his shield to block the bullets, but when he heard a muffled sound, he was hit hard on the shield, making him stagger a few steps backwards, almost falling, waiting for him to check , but was horrified to find that the shield was hit by a bullet, probably because of the distance, the bullet got stuck on the shield, and there were several shocking cracks around the pit.

Before the soldier could feel lucky for himself, he heard a gunshot in front of him, and a blood hole appeared in the chain mail on his body. The heavy infantryman looked up inconceivably, and happened to see a lineman The infantrymen were standing upright in front of their muskets, taking out paper shells from the ammunition bag at their waists, and reloading their muskets.He only felt that all the strength in his body was drained from this blood hole, the soles of his feet were weak, he knelt on the ground, and then lay on his back in a pool of blood.

On this short road through the woods, blood flowed like a river, and a large number of corpses fell on the ground in all directions. The blood flowing from them almost dyed the ground red, and the blood gathered up to people's ankles. Those who were divided and surrounded by the imperial army Every time the Sarkis soldiers run, they will bring up several flowers of blood.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer soldiers on the battlefield, Tonya became more and more frightened. He turned his head to look at his guards, and then wanted to find a place to break through, but before he found it, he saw a group of men carrying muskets. The soldiers were slowly moving towards his side, and stopped a few meters away. Tonya was shocked, subconsciously pointed his sword at the soldiers, and roared: "Come on, charge with me!"

After saying that, he drove the horse, trying to make the horse run, but one after another corpses on the ground slowed down the speed of the horse. Before running, Tonya's terrified pupils reflected that he was able to see when he was alive. The last scene!
"Raise the gun!"

The officer standing on the left side of the queue shouted coldly, raising his sword high at the same time. The next second, the order to "shoot" blurted out from his mouth, and the sword in his hand slashed hard. A series of gunshots sounded immediately, and gunpowder burned. The resulting gunpowder smoke erupted from the muzzle of the gun, shrouding them.

After the gunpowder smoke cleared, Tonya and several of his guard knights were shot and fell off their horses. After seeing the commander died in battle, the rest of them lost all fighting spirit and completely collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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