Chapter 462

Three years ago, Dumai Village was not as impoverished as it is now. At that time, the village was very prosperous, and the surrounding farmland and orchards on the mountain were full of vitality. Walking in the village, you can see wheat rations everywhere and hanging under the eaves. Air-dried meat is the best proof of the productivity of this village.

At that time, the resident population in the village was far more than it is now, with nearly [-] people. Of course, it was just a short-lived heyday.Such a wealthy Dumai village was quickly targeted by bandits wandering nearby. During the day, they pretended to be passers-by and entered the village to ask for water and spy on information. In the evening, the thieves launched a night attack. Before the village guards could react, they broke into the village and burned, killed, looted and almost ransacked the entire village.

In order to resist the sudden group of thieves, several sons of village chief Lixi and young people in the village stepped forward and took up various weapons to fight with the group of thieves. After a few rounds, they were all killed. In order to retaliate against the resistance of the villagers, the bandit group set fire to it before leaving, almost turning the village into a wasteland.

After that, the village collapsed. Those who survived either packed up their only belongings and left their homes and went to the city to make a living, or they stayed here with Chief Lixi and waited for death.

After listening to the village head's narration, everyone was speechless for a while. Although this did not happen to the compatriots in their own country, they witnessed the destruction of a beautiful thing from the side, and it would be uncomfortable for everyone. They wanted to comfort the village head, but they did not know what to say.

Seeing their appearance, Village Chief Lixi smiled, got up slowly, and walked towards the inner room. After a few minutes, he came out with some crumpled clothes and pants, put them on the table, and said: " These are the clothes left by my son, if you don't mind, you can try it."

"Thank you." Karl said with a slightly bent body, and then they each chose a set of clothes and pants to change into. Coincidentally, these clothes and pants basically fit them, even if some people didn't fit, it was just a partial A little bigger, does not affect the activity.

After changing them, they also hid their weapons under their relatively loose robes. Perhaps they are no longer surprised. The old village chief didn't show any fear when he saw those weapons. In fact, he didn't need to be afraid, because He was already so old, and he looked down on death a lot.

Then, they were about to say goodbye to the village head. Although the old village head was a little bit reluctant to part with these young people who were about the same age as his son, he still sent them out of the house. When he walked outside, Karl took out a silver mark from his pocket, and said To the village chief, said: "Uncle Lixi, this is the money we bought for clothes and pants, please be sure to accept it."

"No, I can't accept it. These are just a few old clothes and trousers. How can they be so valuable?" Facing the silver mark that Carl stuffed over, Uncle Lixi expressed his resolute rejection. He didn't know the value of the silver mark. Not to mention these few pieces of underwear, even more are not worth the price.

The two shied away from each other for a while, and finally Karl took back the silver coins with regret, bid farewell to the miserable old village chief, and then continued eastward with the team.


Carl and his party, who were advancing, did not know the impact of the annihilation of the Second Brigade.After the second brigade was wiped out, the coalition forces used this to make a big publicity. They cut off all the heads of officers above the regiment level, pickled them with lime, and then showed them off to other countries as trophies to inspire allies. The head of the army is like a shot in the arm, which immediately boosts the morale of the coalition forces that have suffered consecutive defeats, and also gives more ideas to those vacillating neutral countries.

On the other hand, within the Kingdom of Winster, the destruction of the Second Brigade almost shocked the government and the public. Richard's roar and the sound of throwing things could be heard in the Ippolito Palace for several days. All the slaves and soldiers in the palace subconsciously Step lightly, for fear of making any loud noises that would make Richard transfer his anger to himself.

If it was the least of worries in the entire court, it was Richard's seven-year-old son and five-year-old daughter (Stephanie's second child, as Richard hoped, was indeed a blonde Like a girl like a porcelain doll), although Frederick, Duke of Cuban, who has just entered primary school, has learned a lot of knowledge under the guidance of his teacher, but Richard and Stephanie dote on him so that he has nothing to fear, so he insists on Running around with his own sister, doing work for the servants, causing them a lot of headaches.

"Damn Stotsy! One general's incompetence drags down the three armies!" Richard's voice came from the study again, and then there was another sound of smashing things, and the two guards with flintlock guns standing outside the door The guards glanced at each other, a little helpless, they were used to all this, and they could hear the movement inside almost every day while standing guard, which showed how angry His Majesty the King was.

They also understood Richard's mood. In addition to the 8500 combatants of the Second Brigade (of course, the number of people who went through the Luciano War will be less), there are also a large number of slaves, craftsmen and priests. The scale of 1 people was wiped out in the foreign country of Lumi Kingdom, and a large number of weapons fell into the hands of the enemy. This is not a painful loss for the Kingdom Army, which only has twelve brigades in the whole country. .

"It's just that the families of those poor soldiers who died in battle must be very sad to encounter such a tragic defeat despite successive victories in various battlefields." They thought to themselves.

But at this moment, one of the soldiers suddenly saw two small figures appearing from the corner of the corridor not far away from the corner of his eye. His heart suddenly rose, and he quickly motioned his companion to look. The figures of the two children just appeared in his line of sight, their expressions changed, and they secretly thought something was wrong.

The people who appeared were clearly the two most favored children today, one was Frederick Stuart, Duke of Kuban and heir to the kingdom, and the other was Elizabeth Stuart, the princess of the kingdom, especially the latter, because Because of her daughter-in-law, Richard was almost favored to the heavens. If anyone dared to offend her, he would definitely suffer the thunderous wrath of the Stuart royal family.

As soon as the two royal family members, who were like porcelain dolls, appeared, the two guards felt bad. Richard specially ordered him not to be disturbed in the study. If Frederick and Elizabeth tried to break into the study To see their father, should they stop or not?If you stop it, you may offend the king, and if you don't stop it, you will also offend the king. For a while, the two fell into deep chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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