rise of empire total war

Chapter 461 Dumai Village

Chapter 461 Dumai Village

Everything that happened next seemed so logical.

Under the violent charge of the large group of barbarian cavalry, the barbarian cavalry who had survived several rounds of volleys rushed into the position and slaughtered wantonly, even though the soldiers behind them were desperate.Under heavy losses, the Winster soldiers did not scatter in all directions as the enemy wished. Instead, they ignited the grenades, rushed up and killed the barbarian cavalry who roared past.

The bravery of the Winsters frightened the barbarian cavalry. They screamed and turned their horses to retreat in the direction they had come. They had no courage to continue fighting these lunatics. At the same time, they wondered why the Winsters behaved differently. The gap is so big, it's like a different person.

No matter how heroic these broken soldiers were, after the arrival of the main force led by Kurban, everything seemed to disappear in an instant.Leader Kurban had no time to pursue the commander who died in the grenade explosion, and personally led more cavalry into the position, killing those Winster soldiers who were still fighting, and then followed the trail without stopping. Nan chased and killed the past.

There is no need to elaborate on what happened afterwards. The remnants of the second regiment who escaped from the dead could not resist the attack of the barbarian cavalry who were chasing after them. In fact, they were short of ammunition and had already disappeared after firing the first round of salvo in a hurry. The ammunition can continue to be fired, so we can only bite the bullet and straighten out the bayonet to meet the enemy.

Then, there is the brutal massacre.


On the other side, Karl and his team trekked through mountains and rivers and finally walked out of this dense forest. They also entered the Duchy of Pilok in the east of the Lumi Kingdom without knowing it. They didn't know about it until they met the first traveling merchant. where you are.

The Principality of Pilok has always been an unknown and transparent country in history. Its territory is about the same size as the neighboring country of Lusino in the south. Divided into two, the two counties are directly under the direct control of the Grand Duke, so there is no such thing as aristocrats oppressing the royal family.

"The Principality of Piloc has been at odds with the kingdom for the past few years, but since the outbreak of the war, their attitude has been faintly biased towards our enemies. Before the expedition, they even heard that the border patrol of the Principality of Piloc created several frictions. Our last Be careful, if something happens here, you will never go back."

After the traveling businessman left, Karl, who was elected as the temporary commander-in-chief, summoned everyone and told them that as a former brigade adjutant, he must know more about the situation than these ordinary soldiers.After listening to Karl's words, several people felt deeply uneasy. They now lacked weapons to defend themselves. If they were attacked by the Pilocks, it would be the end.

"Lord Yamal, I think we should change this military uniform first. The Kingdom's military uniform is unique on the Vardasia peninsula. It is very conspicuous. You can recognize it just by looking at it." Promoted as the temporary deputy commander Ido suggested that he was the platoon leader in the company before (each company will be divided into three platoons of 30 people, and each row has a platoon leader), and his rank is higher than those present, so it is logical became the deputy commander.

After hearing his proposal, Karl nodded approvingly, and said: "Ido's proposal is correct, we should change our military uniform as soon as possible now, this military uniform is really conspicuous, if we don't want to cause any trouble, we just Can be replaced."

"But we don't have any suitable clothes to change into." One of the soldiers said, but then someone took up the conversation, pointing to a village surrounded by farmland in the distance, and said, "Where can we go and buy from the local villagers. "

Looking at the slightly dilapidated village in the distance, Carl's eyes twitched, he could almost imagine how bad the living conditions of the people living there were, but he didn't refute, nodded and said: "That's the only way. "

So, the group of them walked quickly towards the village. After walking for about ten minutes, they passed through the farmland and entered the village covered in grass clippings.The village looks quite poor and desolate, only some people have the strength to get out of bed and work. When they came, they noticed that most of the crops in the farmland outside had withered, or were covered with dense weeds, almost barren .Most of the people in the village are yellow and emaciated, unable to work hard, or simply go to other places to beg.The animals in the villagers’ homes have not been fed for a long time. They either slumped on the ground motionless, with only weak breathing movements, or they were eaten directly. The feces are pasted on the ground and then eaten by wild animals.

The people lying in front of the house quietly looked at Karl and his party who entered the village. Their eyes stayed on the military uniforms of several people for a while, and then turned to other places. They didn't mean to be afraid. In the village, they were like frogs in a well, ignorant of what happened outside. They didn't know that it was the military uniform of Winster's army, but thought it was a new fashion in the city.

This is the current situation of the Principality of Pilok. A large amount of wealth is gathered in the hands of the royal family and a group of nobles. The common people at the bottom are impoverished and have to bear heavy taxes. Gangs fell into bandits and made a living by robbing passing merchants.

If one poem were used to describe the current situation of the Principality of Pilok, it would be: rich wine and meat stinks, and the road is frozen to death.


Karl and his party were surprised at the poverty of this village while walking deeper into the village. They had not seen such a poor village for a long time. In the Kingdom of Winster, except for some very remote villages, they are still in a state of poverty. Under the rule, most villages have developed and become wealthy, and the refugees wandering around the kingdom have become a thing of the past, because they have been gathered together and distributed to the estates of various landowners (legionnaires) to gain new livelihoods.

Walking to the best-looking house in the middle of the village, Carl knocked on the wooden door. After waiting for half a minute, an old man opened the door. He looked at the big men blocking the door in surprise and asked: " Gentlemen, I have never seen you, you should be from other places."

"Yes, we are from the west and want to buy some clothes in this village, but there are not many active people in the village."

"Buy some clothes? I have some old clothes worn by my son here. If you don't mind, you can take them away." The old man said with a smile, but deliberately did not answer the second part of Carl's sentence.

"Then thank you, by the way, are you the village head of this village?" Karl asked again.

"Yes, I am the village head of Dumai Village." The old man replied, he stepped back a few steps, motioned for Karl and others to come in, and said, "You can call me Uncle Rishi, no one has called me that for many years .”

"many years?"

"Yes, for many years." The old village chief nodded, found a chair and sat down at the same time, looked at Carl and the others, a flash of nostalgia suddenly flashed in the corner of his eyes, "It may have been three years, or longer, I remember I don't know..."

As he said that, the old village chief intermittently narrated all the past events buried in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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