rise of empire total war

Chapter 456 The End of the 2nd Brigade

Chapter 456 The End of the Second Brigade

"Oh, God!"

Seeing the barbarian cavalry brigade getting closer and closer, the fear in the line infantry hiding behind the bunker became more and more intense. They prayed frantically in their hearts, hoping to call out God to bless them, but the gods will not intervene in the bloody world , no matter how much they call, God will not appear.

"Don't be afraid! They are humans too and will die if they are hit by a musket!"

Butters Stotch shouted, and at the same time he drew the flintlock pistol from his waist, and crouched behind cover, feeling the tremor of the ground.


The movement of thousands of cavalry galloping together is really hard to calm down. Cavalry is a powerful arm throughout the history of human warfare. Their combat effectiveness is self-evident. If nothing else, just look at the large-scale cavalry running together , is enough to scare off the undecided infantry!
"No fire! Wait for orders!"

The officers' shouts were still ringing in their ears, but most of the soldiers' fingers were trembling violently, and they couldn't control it at all. They watched the cavalry getting closer, and finally someone couldn't help it, and pulled the trigger ahead of time. The gunshot sounded, as if a certain switch had been turned on, and the infantry in a line on one front fired one after another, but the bullets they fired couldn't hurt the barbarian cavalry who were still out of range!

"Damn it, who asked you to shoot!"

"Stop shooting! Stop shooting!"

"Damn pig, stop shooting!"

The officer's scolding was quickly drowned out in the sound of gunfire, and the soldiers who fired the bullets quickly realized their fatal mistake, and quickly loaded themselves without waiting for the officer's order. The gunshots rushed into the range of the flintlock guns, and the soldiers who hadn't fired quickly fired, but the sporadic gunshots really couldn't cause the slightest damage to the huge cavalry group, and the soldiers who were still loading hurriedly accelerated their movements. Some soldiers raised their guns and fired before they even had time to pull out their muskets, causing the chamber to explode.

"Fire! Fire!"

bang bang bang-

Among the sparse gunshots, only a few unlucky cavalrymen were shot and fell off their horses. Most of them changed their curved bows, drew out their sharp scimitars, raised their heads high, and rushed towards the line of the Guards brigade with roars. In the scene, the soldiers of the guard brigade retreated one after another. They reloaded their muskets while running back, but were scolded by the officer not to retreat.

"Array! Array!"

"Stick to your position! Don't retreat!"

They roared, then raised their flintlock pistols, and pulled the trigger at the cavalry who was about to rush into the position. The gunshot rang out, and a cavalry fell to the ground in response, but this did not change anything. A few seconds later, a large number of barbarian cavalry rushed in. In the front line, use the sharp machete to cut down the flustered line infantry one after another. Some soldiers may be able to form a hollow phalanx to defend against the enemy in an emergency, but more people are running around like headless chickens.

"Fight back! Fight back!" An officer roared at the retreating soldiers around him. He picked up the flintlock gun that had been discarded on the ground, and found that there were still unfired ammunition inside, so he picked it up as quickly as possible and aimed it at The barbarian cavalry rushed towards him and pulled the trigger. Before he could check the results of the battle, the scimitar swung from the side cut off his left arm.

Watching his subordinates being massacred wantonly by the barbarian cavalry, Butters surrounded by the hollow phalanx had cracked eyes and almost fainted from vomiting blood. The hollow phalanx he was in contained soldiers from various companies in the guard brigade In order to survive, they gathered around the chief, but now it seems that they are surrounded by barbarian cavalry, and they cannot escape.

Facing the barbarian cavalry who came to kill, the artillerymen standing on their posts ignited the gunpowder piled up around the artillery, and died together with the enemy who tried to capture the artillery. Deafening explosions sounded continuously on the artillery position. With such heavy weapons in enemy hands, those brave soldiers chose to sacrifice their lives.

On the other side, the first regiment being chased by Lumi's army also witnessed what happened on the ground. The commander of the regiment knew that he could not continue to go back, so he led his men to retreat to the south. The second regiment was still fighting in the south with the Karta Kingdom army. However, if they meet up with the second regiment, it is still possible to save their lives and retreat to the country.But how could the Lumi army make them happy? Seeing that the balance of victory was tilted towards him, the Lumi soldiers bravely followed suit, chasing the retreating Winster army, and still massacring the Winster soldiers who remained on the ground. The barbarian cavalry also immediately separated part of the cavalry to pursue the fleeing first regiment.

Afterwards, there was a large number of chasing soldiers, and another team came from the side. The tense first regiment finally collapsed. They abandoned their commanders and fled in all directions. Everyone tried to run faster than their comrades. They knew very well that If you run fast, you may be able to escape, but if you run slowly, you will definitely not survive.So, in order to speed up, most of them abandoned their weapons, took off the backpacks they were carrying on their backs, and ran naked.

It is really embarrassing that the invincible and powerful army ended up like this.


"Soldiers, I was the one who dragged you down, and it was I who personally sent you to a desperate situation."

At the last moment of his life, the commander of the second brigade, Butters Stotsch, finally came to his senses. He looked at more than 100 soldiers in a square around him, and said guiltily.

"No, sir, it's not your fault."

"Sir, the enemy is too despicable."

"That's right sir, it's not your fault..."

The words of the soldiers made Butters' eyes moist. He looked at these soldiers who still believed in him before he died, and sighed. He stroked the flintlock pistol in his hand that was out of ammunition, and said, "Kill me, as the king of the kingdom General, I must not fall into the hands of the enemy."

"No, sir, we can't do this," a soldier refused, and the people around him echoed, "We can't kill the sir, it's against military discipline."

"It's already at this moment, what about military discipline?" Butters said with a wry smile, he put the flintlock pistol back into the gun pocket on his waist, and looked at the enemies who surrounded the three layers of the phalanx tightly , and continued: "Soldiers, please give me a gun, let me fight to the death with you in this foreign land, just like a soldier."

As soon as he finished speaking, a soldier handed him a loaded musket. After taking the gun, Butters walked to the first row of the phalanx, looked at the enemy who was staring at him, and shouted loudly in the common language : "I am the commander of the [-]nd Brigade of the [-]st Army of the Kingdom of Winster, Butters Stotch, don't think about us surrendering, please launch an attack, and let us die honorably as soldiers!"

Hearing Butters' shout, a trace of respect flashed in the eyes of Kurban leader who was standing behind the crowd on horseback, he nodded and waved his hand, and the orderly beside him immediately understood what he meant, and shouted loudly: "Attack! "


(End of this chapter)

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