rise of empire total war

Chapter 455 The End of the 2nd Brigade (Part [-])

Chapter 455 The End of the Second Brigade (Part [-])
"First row, stop advancing and raise your guns!"


A series of gunshots sounded, and the soldiers in the first row, including Karl Yamal, stopped walking and aimed their guns at the dense shield wall behind the gap.

"First Row—Fire!"

bang bang bang-

Dazzling sparks exploded from the front of the barrel, and the barrage of countless lead bullets flew towards the Lumi defenders like a storm, hitting the metal shield with a tinkling sound, and many bullets were bounced off after hitting the shield. Falling weakly to the ground, more bullets directly penetrated the shield and penetrated deeply into the body of the soldier behind.

The next moment, the shield wall fell apart as if it had been hit by an invisible punch, and a group of soldiers fell down. The soldiers in the back row looked at the comrades in front of them who were shot and fell to the ground, struggling with pain. The fear in their hearts was even worse. They wanted to escape. But seeing that his noble officers were still bravely standing in front, he let go of the idea of ​​retreating, filled the vacancies of his fallen comrades, and protected those injured within the shield wall.

They didn't know that those officers and nobles were more afraid of death than they were, but the sense of honor in their hearts prevented them from retreating without authorization. For them, honor was higher than life.

"The first row, reload on the spot, the second row, raise the gun, and move forward five steps!"

On the opposite side, the voice of the company commander was still ringing. The soldiers in the first row immediately loaded ammunition on the spot after receiving the order. Although the deadly arrow clusters flying by from time to time made them nervous, they were still able to stabilize their minds and keep their guns on their own. Load the ammo.After receiving the order, the soldiers in the second row also advanced five steps along the passage left between the soldiers in the front row, and then stopped. Arrayed shield wall, pull the trigger.

Compared with the first round of salvo, the damage of the second round of salvo is higher. More bullets penetrate the metal shield, tear the armor of the soldiers, and penetrate into the flesh and blood.It was too late to check the results of the battle, and the commander issued another order. The soldiers in the last row advanced ten steps, and then raised their guns to shoot-this was promoted by Richard referring to the Xu Jin shooting tactic in Empire Total War. This tactic made the company Being able to maintain firepower output while advancing, although there will be gaps, it is more than enough to face enemies who are still in the era of cold weapons.

The officers and soldiers of the first regiment of the second brigade marched slowly with Xu Jin's shooting, and dealt a fatal blow to the defenders behind the gap. Just when they were about to defeat the defenders and break into the city wall, the barbarian cavalry who had been waiting for a long time finally seized the opportunity. Led by the leader of Kurban, he rushed down the high ground like a tiger descending the mountain, roaring and charging towards the position of the second brigade. The movement of thousands of cavalry running at the same time almost made the ground tremble violently, even the city walls trembled. Butters heard the movement In an instant, his face changed drastically, and he turned his head to look, but at this sight, his eyes were cracked, his eyes darkened, and he almost passed out.

"Cavalry! The enemy's cavalry!"

"Return to defense! Hurry back to defense!"

Terrible screams sounded one after another on Winster's position. The guard brigade directly under the brigade headquartered hurriedly ran behind the hastily built fortifications to meet the enemy. The fast-moving barbarian cavalry wanted to ignite and fire the cannon, but found that it hadn't been loaded yet, so they could only stuff gunpowder and shells into the barrel in a hurry.

The first regiment that was attacking the city fell into chaos when they saw the cavalry rushing like a flood. They didn't care about continuing to attack the city, and hurriedly turned around and retreated. The officers knew very well that compared with the city in front of them, that The huge cavalry group is even more threatening.But how could the Lumi people let them get what they wanted? After a brief discussion, almost all the defenders rushed out from the city gate and the gap in the city wall, chasing and killing the retreating Winster army. The head of the first regiment There was no other way but to order part of the army to turn around and fight back, and lead a large force back to defend.

Before they returned to defense, the barbarian cavalry rushed into the range of the artillery, but those artillery were still being reloaded nervously. After half a minute, the first artillery was successfully ignited, sending the deadly shells to the ground. In the sky, the barbarian cavalry who fell into the running roared, smashing the concentrated barbarian cavalry to the ground.

The cavalry who had been shelled fell into a brief chaos and soon returned to normal. They formed a loose formation and continued to run while driving their horses. With the help of the north wind blowing today, the arrow clusters flew farther, and all of them were shot into the bunker, or stuck on the surface of the bunker. Dozens of soldiers hiding behind the bunker immediately fell down. Most of the power is lost, but it can still cause damage to infantry without armor.


The continuous shelling finally started, one after another the dark shells were fired at the barbarian cavalry, but because of their loose formation, the shells did not really cause much damage.

Seeing the barbarian cavalry getting closer and closer, Butters Stotch didn't care about anything else. He quickly got off his horse and ran to the front line, ready to personally command. The knights of the carabine cavalry brigade directly under the brigade also got off their horses. At least, fighting the enemy on horseback is a dead end, so they turned into dismounted infantry to fill the vacancies of those soldiers who were shot down by arrow clusters.

"Don't be nervous, don't be afraid, don't fire without authorization!"

Butters shouted loudly. He noticed that the fingers of many nervous soldiers were shaking violently on the triggers, as if they would lose control and press down at any time. His reminder did not make those soldiers listen, maybe a few people heard it, but this and nothing has changed.

The army of the first regiment was still on the way back, and the Lumi army was like wild dogs, rushing towards the line infantry who fired at them. When the reinforcements arrived, they were almost fearless and could With huge casualties, they rushed into the line of infantry and fought desperately with them. Those elite knights even mounted their horses, shouted around the battlefield, and charged the infantry of the first regiment from the flanks. Under the charge of cavalry, The company that was flanked was finally defeated. Although they were soldiers recruited and trained through the system, they were still the same as normal people, and there was no morale lock.

One company was defeated, followed by the second and third, like dominoes, the two brigades blocking the Lumi people finally couldn't stand it anymore, the two brigade commanders did what they could do so far The best choice, they abandoned a few companies and ordered them not to retreat, and then led the remnants to retreat, but those companies did not buy them more time, but the entire army was attacked by the crowd of Lumi people. overwhelmed.

On the other hand, the challenge faced by the guard brigade directly under the brigade headquarters has just begun!
(End of this chapter)

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