Chapter 432

"Charge! Charge into the gap! For God! For Your Majesty!"

Amidst the sound of the rumbling cannons, countless soldiers in dark blue military uniforms holding flintlock guns shouted and charged towards the gap in the wall of Slade, which had been bombarded by the artillery. During their running, some soldiers stopped from time to time and raised their guns to point at the gap and take their bows. The defenders who lead the arrows shoot, and some people will fall down after the sound of the guns, but the arrows fired by the defenders also cause serious casualties to the line infantry. In the densely packed crowd, there were almost no shots fired, and the line infantry without armor had little way to deal with the threat of arrows.

"Accelerate and rush over! Remember the essentials you mastered on the training ground!"

roared the officer standing beside the standard-bearer, holding a flintlock pistol (developed together with the carbine) in one hand and holding his sword tightly in the other, and a large number of soldiers ran forward behind him, They may not be able to hear the shouts of officers covered by the sound of rumbling guns, but they must be able to see the yellow double-headed eagle flag on a black background. Under each team flag, the number of the company will be written in German to prevent soldiers from Get lost in the chaos.

"Launch! Launch! Stop them!"

The shrill roars continued to ring out on the walls or behind the gaps. The defenders looked in horror at the approaching line infantry, and their bodies began to tremble inexplicably. Although the damage caused by their bows and arrows to the enemy was obvious, but The enemy's mysterious weapon broke their common sense and made them terrified. What weapon can breathe fire and thunder, and can kill a fully armed soldier from a long distance?

"Run! Run!" shouted Tarbet, who had been promoted to the company commander. Seeing that the gap in the city wall was getting closer and closer to him, the drums of war in his heart sounded even more urgently. Suddenly, he saw a The archer of the defending army was aiming at his position with a bow and arrow. He was shocked. He quickly raised the flintlock pistol in his right hand and pulled the trigger in the direction of the archer, only to hear a bang, Flames and gunpowder smoke spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and a flower of blood bloomed on the chest of the archer, and then fell to the ground with a scream.

Killing the enemy with one blow, Tarbet had no time to reload the pistol ammunition, so he put it back on his waist, and then pointed his sword at the defenders who hid behind the bunker in front of the gap and shot from time to time, shouting angrily: "Stop advancing, the first row, densely packed!" volley!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the running company stopped immediately. The soldiers running in the first row immediately raised their guns, put the butts in front of their shoulders, and aimed at the bunker in the gap. The next second, they all pulled the triggers, and the three Ten sparks bloomed in front of the first row of soldiers. The lead bullets flew forward at high speed under the pressure of strong pressure. They all hit the wooden bunker and shot out large pieces of wood. Some bullets even directly penetrated the bunker and hit the back of the bunker. 's defenders.After the first row fired a salvo, they kneeled down reflexively and loaded ammunition. The second row of soldiers then raised their guns to aim and shoot at the enemy. After the second row finished shooting, the third row took over. This is the reason. Three-column shooting popularized by Chad in the Army.

Several companies fired at the same time, and the dense barrage suddenly made the defenders behind the bunker unable to raise their heads. At this time, more line infantry rushed forward with bayonet-mounted flintlock guns, waiting for the defenders to attack. When Jun finally took a breath and was able to look up, he was horrified to find that the enemy had rushed to his face!

bang bang bang-

A series of face-to-face volleys directly smashed the resistance confidence of the defenders behind the gap. They screamed, abandoned their weapons, and fled backwards. Those officers even raised their heads and ran away. Not worth mentioning.

"Rush in!"

Tarbet waved his hand and shouted. As soon as his words fell, the infantry in the company stepped over the rubble and corpses, and rushed into the streets of Slade City across the surface of the bunker that was riddled with holes. superior.The streets of this city are littered with broken stones and all kinds of domestic garbage after the shelling of buildings, among which civilians fleeing in panic and defenders rushing towards the city walls can still be vaguely seen.

After entering the city, the infantry did not hesitate and divided up their troops to fight in brigades.If someone can look down from a high altitude, they can see that the four walls of the city have been breached. Under the bombardment of powerful artillery, no strong city wall can resist. Gunshots rang out one after another, and the acrid gunpowder smoke filled the sky above the city.

With the help of advanced firearms, the Winster army triumphed all the way. Usually, it only takes one round of salvo to defeat the defenders blocking them on the narrow streets. Most of the muskets and bayonets equipped by the soldiers of the company did not even have a drop of blood on them.

What a defeat.Listening to the reports coming back from the front line, Matthias Horn said with emotion that the army under his command had no more casualties except in the initial siege. With the cover of artillery, the soldiers will still be threatened by the defenders' archers, and the casualties of the entire army basically come from this.

Matthias had good news one after another, but the Fauzis Palace where Karl was located was shrouded in gloom. The speed of the army's defeat was beyond Karl's expectation. He had to put on his armor again and prepare with the forbidden troops in the palace. In a desperate fight, many young and energetic nobles also picked up weapons and followed the team, preparing to fight for honor with Karl.

"You are all warriors of the kingdom." Karl said to the soldiers and nobles behind him, his eyes swept over everyone, as if he wanted to remember their faces in his heart, even though he had only been king for a few days , but he still wants to try his best to maintain the honor he should have as a king.

"The evil Winsters want to restore my father's fatuous rule and return the kingdom to its former weakness. I want to change all this, but now it seems that I have failed." He continued, full of Not reconciled, "The countries that signed the mutual defense agreement betrayed us, they abandoned us, I think, when the Winster army invaded their territory, they will definitely regret their actions."

"I can't see their regretful faces anymore." Carl said helplessly, then he slowly pulled out his sword, stroked the cold blade, looked at himself reflected in the sword, gritted his teeth, Said: "Warriors, let us contribute the last drop of blood to the kingdom that is about to become a vassal of the Winsters."

"Glory is my life!"

The soldiers and the nobles shouted together.

Then, under the leadership of Karl Axman, they broke out of the palace and took the initiative to attack the Winster army coming here!

(End of this chapter)

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