Chapter 431

"This is a shameful betrayal!"

"The nobles of Slade...betrayed their king, and instead supported a prince who should have no inheritance...We cannot allow such a thing to happen!"

"Look at our good friend, Prince James from the Kingdom of Swachic, and see how unfair his fate is! He was sent to Nord City as a proton since he was a child, and we have formed a deep bond with us ever since. friendship, he also fell in love with a local aristocratic girl. This was supposed to be the beginning of a happy life, but his own brother—Karl the usurper! He despicably united with the rebellious nobles to stage a coup, usurping the remaining The throne of Prince James."

"We cannot sit back and watch the usurper Karl control the entire Kingdom of Swachichi!" Richard's voice echoed in every corner of the palace, sonorous, powerful, and extremely penetrating, "We must maintain the kingdom of Swachichi. Legitimacy! Restore King Titos to the throne!"




"I declare." Richard stood up from his luxurious throne and glanced at the nobles in the palace and the silent Prince James of Swachichi. Although Prince James could return five years ago, In China, he attended Nord Academy, so he stayed until now. He thought that after completing his studies, he could return to his country and prepare to inherit the throne, but he didn't expect that this would happen.

"I declare that I officially declare war on the usurpers of the Kingdom of Swachiqi!" Richard said loudly, his eyes were burning with a heroic flame called ambition, and the four-year-old Winster army, Now he wants to declare his ferocity to the world again!


The order to declare war was quickly transmitted to the second army stationed in the eastern region along with the messenger's footsteps. Immediately afterwards, the entire army was quickly activated like a war machine with oil on it. The supply carriage, as the legion marched eastward, in response to the war of the suzerain, various vassal states such as the Kingdom of Deira also offered to provide varying numbers of servants. Several times that of the Vaqiqi Kingdom.

After the news reached Slade, Karl, who had just taken the throne not long ago, was shocked. He hurriedly gathered the nobles under his command and asked about the strategy to defend against the enemy. It is also weak because there has been no war for many years, even if it is assembled in a short period of time, it cannot defeat the victorious Winster army.Not only that, but more importantly, he was just crowned and he was not able to control the prestige of the nobles of the kingdom. The nobles either obeyed his orders on the surface, or simply ignored them. If he called on the nobles of the kingdom to fight against the enemy, I am afraid that there will only be very few responders.

After all, the banner of the Winsters is to expel the usurper and restore the legitimacy of King Titos.

There is no good way to tangle with the nobles of Karl’s faction for a long time. The only way they can come up with is to ask for help from the member states in the encirclement network. In the past few years, the countries in the encirclement network retreated or were directly annexed by other countries, but the remaining member states would definitely choose to join the war for the sake of the agreement.

In desperation, Karl had no choice but to order troops to be assembled in the kingdom to defend against incoming enemies, and at the same time sent a large number of envoys to seek help from various member states.However, on the third day after the envoy sent out, a large number of Winster troops had already crossed the border and conquered a city in the west of the kingdom, and then continued to advance towards Slade without stopping. surrendered, claiming that he was forced by the usurpers to respect him as king as a last resort, the commander of the Second Army Matthias Horn (except for the commander of the First Army who has not yet been appointed, the rest of the army commanders are from the original Commander of the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Army) Although dismissive of this, he still pretended to appease them, saying that they would not be held accountable.

Because the Second Army attacked Slade under the banner of restoring orthodoxy, most of the Swachizi did not show hostility to them. Missionary places), civilians even took the initiative to offer food to welcome the army who are also Christians. Under such circumstances, the morale of the soldiers of the Second Army was high, and they could not wait to invade Slade immediately and liberate these lovely brothers of the same clan.

On April 1125, 4 in the Continental Calendar, on the fourth day after the official declaration of war, the forward cavalry of the Second Army had already reached the outskirts of Slade. The double-headed eagle flag held high.

On the city wall of Slade, the Royal Army that had been urgently recruited looked at the looming flag and army, and they all showed fear. Years of peace had worn down their fighting spirit, and the rumors of the strength of Winster's army were deeply rooted. People's hearts, so that they are psychologically overwhelmed before contact.

Karl didn't know all of this. In his opinion, Slade's city wall was tall and strong. As long as he could hold on until the encirclement coalition forces arrived, he could defeat the invading Winster army. However, he didn't know that the encirclement The countries in the network are no longer what they were five years ago. After so many years of peace (of course, some countries have been at war in the past few years), they are unwilling to provoke the Kingdom of Winster, so facing Swatch Most of the countries chose to find excuses to refuse the kingdom's request for help.

Looking around, except for some countries that choose to join the war because of their own strength and can compete with the Kingdom of Winster, most of them have abandoned the Kingdom of Swatch and chose the so-called appeasement policy. Since the Kingdom of Winster has launched a recovery The banner of the rule of King Titos, then it is not for the purpose of aggression and expansion, and has little to do with them. All countries make money from trade.)

The next day, that is, in May of this year, the Second Army and its servants approached the city of Slade, and surrounded this large city with a permanent population of [-]. Mathias did not intend to make a long-term siege. The three brigades in the general army were arranged outside the three gates of Slade City, each brigade had four artillery brigades, and their firepower was strong enough to smash down the city walls of Slade and crush the defenders' resistance. determination.

Looking at this majestic city, Matthias Horn, who was still wearing the old general's armor, slowly drew out his sword, pointed at the flag fluttering in the wind on the city wall, and shouted loudly: "Start the attack!"

"The general has orders, start attacking!"

(End of this chapter)

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