rise of empire total war

Chapter 416 Decision of the Council

Chapter 416 Decision of the Council

"This is a shame! Why, why did our army occupy a clear advantage, but was still defeated by the evil Winsters?"

In the parliament in Patri Dawa, the chief speaker waved his hands and roared loudly. His roar echoed in the wide parliament hall, and the eardrums of the members who were close to him hurt.

"A total of 6000 people! Six thousand soldiers were buried outside the stronghold of Amatlia! Even in the previous series of battles, no more than 6000 people were killed!" Chief Speaker Vincent Lovell was still roaring, It is no wonder that he is so angry, because the current situation is clearly that they have the upper hand, regardless of land and sea, but such a disastrous defeat still occurred.

If he didn't know Cassiano's background very well, he might even suspect that Cassiano was bought by the Winsters and deliberately led the army into a trap to give away the head.

None of the congressmen below said a word. To be precise, they didn't want to touch the head of President Lovell. Except for some Cassiano supporters, they had nothing to do with themselves. Those who opposed Casciano The congressman was even more delighted in his heart, looking for an opportunity to propose that Cassiano be removed, so as not to let him continue to be in the limelight.

In the eyes of the congressmen, the other three allied countries have joined the war and sent reinforcements, and Cassiano's role is not that great. In this advantageous situation, unless a fool is deliberately pushed to command, it is impossible to lose this war.

It is so realistic that even the heroes of the country can be abandoned in order not to damage their own interests.

After Chief Speaker Lovell calmed down and sat back in his seat, several congressmen below made eye contact with each other, and then one of them raised his hand to signal that he had something to say. Naturally, Chief Speaker Lovell There was no reason to refuse, he nodded, motioning for the congressman named Jordi Ferron to stand up and speak.

After getting permission, Jordi stood up under the watchful eyes of other members of the court. He first smoothed the folds of his robe, and then gracefully bowed to the others, before he said: "Your Excellency, Chairman, please Members of Congress, the loss of General Cassiano Chavallia's command is really a loss to the alliance, but we cannot blame him for it. There is a saying in the past: there is no perfect person in this world. If there is, then he will Like a god. General Chavalia is obviously not a god, so it is inevitable that he will make mistakes."

"Feron, what do you want to explain." Chief Speaker Lovell frowned and asked impatiently.

"Please listen to me patiently, Your Excellency the Speaker." Jordi said, "In my memory, the last time General Chavalia led the alliance army to defeat the barbarians who invaded the Lapki city-state seemed to be 13 years ago. .For the next 13 years General Chavarria remained in seclusion at home and never returned to the battlefield."

"General Chavaliya's military talent is undeniable by any of us, but his thoughts are still stuck 13 years ago. Although the barbarians who invaded the alliance 13 years ago were large in number but poorly equipped, compared with what we are facing today The army of the Kingdom of Winster, which spans the Valdasia Peninsula, is not worth mentioning at all. Therefore, although General Chavalia was able to lead the alliance army to win a few wars, it was all based on the fact that our army was retreating steadily, so that Winston Based on the fact that special people underestimate the enemy."

"Now, the Winsters no longer underestimate the enemy. General Chavalia is still fighting the enemy with his previous thinking. It is normal for him to be defeated."

After Jordi finished speaking, he saluted everyone and was about to sit back, but before his buttocks landed on the cold stone chair, several congressmen who supported Casciano shouted angrily and shouted at Jordi. Protest against that irresponsible view.

However, before Jordi stood up to fight back, the Speaker of the House of Representatives Lowell on the high platform ordered those members to shut up loudly. No wonder, because at the same time that Casciano won consecutive victories, there were rumors in the alliance that the chairman of Lovell would step down and support Cassiano as the new chairman of the alliance. Although this may not become a reality for a while, it is still Let Lovell very angry.

Seeing those councilors who supported Casciano shut their mouths reluctantly, Jordi was overjoyed. He made eye contact with the surrounding accomplices for a while, then took them back, and looked at the president on the stage. Speaker, he has a premonition that Casciano will definitely step down this time. Even if he will not be convicted for his past military exploits, he will not have the opportunity to return to politics.

In order to let Casciano cool down faster, he decided to go back and hire some people after this meeting is over, to publicize this great defeat, and deliberately discredit Casciano's image as a butcher and executioner—the one who died in battle Thousands of citizens are enough to make the ignorant civilians riot.

Just when Jordi was thinking about how to make Cassiano cool, the chief speaker on the stage finally spoke. He frowned and said: "Because of General Casciano Chavalia's command error, Our army suffered a disastrous defeat and killed more than 6000 soldiers, so General Chavaliya was temporarily revoked as commander-in-chief and ordered him to return to Patri Dawa for several days. As for the new commander-in-chief, he will be elected at tomorrow's meeting."

"This decision, Members of Parliament are invited to vote."

As soon as Mr. Lovell finished speaking, the audience raised their arms in unison, and they all voted for it.From the perspective of the general speaker, except for the few supporters of Cassiano and a few members who abstained from voting, the entire venue actually raised their hands.

Looking at this scene, a look of satisfaction flashed in the eyes of President Lovell, but he did not speak, but waited for the clerk to record the voting results and report to him before he said: "Since the number of people who agree with this proposal exceeds Those who oppose this proposal, in accordance with the laws of the Union, this proposal enters into force and is announced to Cassiano Chavallia by the clerk, Diaz, going to the front."


The next day, before the parliamentary meeting, negative rumors about Casciano and the battle of Amatlia were circulating in the streets and alleys of Patridava (the impact of the thunderstorm before the battle was reduced to a minimum. , Casciano's announcement of the withdrawal of troops was also slandered as greedy for life and fear of death, and did not dare to move forward).In the rumors, Cassiano was portrayed as a butcher and executioner who intentionally failed the battle and caused the death of more than [-] soldiers in the army. Be a traitor to the Winsters.

Although most reasonable civilians did not believe that the heroes of the past would accept the bribes of the Winsters, this clearly dominant battle turned into a fiasco in the end, which cannot be cleared up anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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