Chapter 415
"No! We refuse to withdraw our troops!"

"This is an act of cowardice! We refuse to withdraw our troops!"

"We want to avenge Patri Dawa's dead soul!"

"Chavarya! If you are our respected commander, please stop your stupid idea of ​​withdrawing troops and lead us to drive the evil Winsters out of the Osa Sea!"


Listening to the shouts of the soldiers outside the tent, Casciano Chavallia, who was in the vortex of accusations, stood motionless by the table like a statue, his eyes kept falling on the march spread out on the table The map has never been removed.

"General, I think you'd better come forward and explain to those angry soldiers."

General Dumitru Stingahsiu suddenly rang at this moment, breaking the tranquility in the camp, and seemed to press a switch somewhere on Cassiano's body, allowing him to return to normal from the "sculpture state".

"I understand, Stingash, I understand." Casciano's deep voice came over, "But those angry soldiers will definitely not listen to my words, and they don't think about it carefully. Many people fell ill, and the artillery could not be launched due to the heavy rain these days, and we are just wasting food and grass if we continue to stop here."

"But it's not an option to continue like this..." Dumitru had just finished speaking, when he suddenly heard a rush of gongs outside the tent, accompanied by the terrified shouts of the soldiers. He and Cassia Nuo was shocked at the same time, looked at each other, and rushed out of the tent without thinking about continuing to talk.

When they opened the curtain at the entrance of the camp and rushed out, what they saw shocked them. On a small hill outside the camp, a large group of cavalry holding the flag of the double-headed eagle was stepping on the wet grass toward the Running all the way, the horse's hooves fell heavily on the grass, bringing up large pieces of grass clippings.

Behind the brigade of cavalry was a dark infantry line, and in front of the infantry line, a large number of soldiers equipped with crossbows sent deadly crossbow bolts into the sky under the command of the officer.

"Damn! Winster cavalry!"

"We are under attack!"

The soldiers in the barracks were screaming for a while. They didn't care to protest to their commander, and hurriedly ran to their respective camps to find weapons, but while they were running, densely packed crossbow arrows fell from the sky, killing the soldiers without armor protection. Shot over.Some soldiers who did not participate in the protest entered the combat position for the first time. They hid on the platform behind the wooden wall and watched nervously as the enemy army approached.


Although not all armored like the imperial knights, the momentum of the large group of chain mail cavalry running together still made the ground tremble. The soldiers hiding behind the wooden wall looked at the approaching enemy while hurriedly picking up their bows , drew bows and arrows, and shot at the enemy under the command of the officer, but the arrows they shot were not very powerful, they just flew softly in mid-air, and when they hit the knights, they were bounced off by their chain armor.

"Quick! Close the gate! Close the gate!"

Dumitru rushed to the gate of the barracks and yelled at the chaotic soldiers around him. Hearing his order, several soldiers quickly closed the wooden gate and tried to push it behind with thick logs, but they still Before they put them down, the chain armored cavalry rushed to the gate with sparse arrows and javelins. The leading knight directly manipulated the horsemen to stand up and kicked the gate heavily with their horseshoes, and the gate was immediately slammed Knocked away, a large number of cavalry rushed in from here, trampling the knocked down soldiers into flesh.


Dumitru cursed, and was about to turn around and retreat, but how could he outrun the four-legged cavalry, and he was caught up by the chain armored cavalry just a few steps away, and his back was cut by the cavalry sword, and he screamed He fell to the ground, and before he could struggle to get up, the cavalrymen who attacked him stopped their horses, got off their horses, walked up to him, and were about to end his life with their swords, but at this moment, an arrow shot The arrow flew over suddenly, piercing the cavalry's neck with precision, and the cavalry fell to the ground as the bloody arrow gushed out.

Dumitru was startled by the sudden change, and quickly struggled to get up, looking in the direction of the arrow. In his line of sight, Casciano in military uniform was expressionless, and just put down a short bow .

Dumitru didn't care to continue thinking so much, and hurriedly stumbled towards Cassiano's direction.At this time, the barracks was already in chaos. Although there were only about [-] chain armored cavalry who rushed in, they caused a great panic. Soldiers, whether they were healthy or sick, all frightened from themselves. He escaped from the camp, and was pierced by a crossbow from the sky, and fell into a pool of blood.

After three hundred cavalrymen successfully charged into the Union army barracks, those elite veterans of the Second Legion also rushed towards the wide open wooden door, shouting. A fence made up of logs, brandishing weapons, charged into the crowd, cutting down those heavy infantry who were too late to form a phalanx line of defense.

Like the Greek hoplites in history, the hoplites on the Osa Peninsula rely more on phalanxes to fight. As long as they can form a tight phalanx, they can exert great combat effectiveness, but if they fight alone, their The performance will be unsatisfactory.

The chaos in the camp of the Acarnanian Alliance quickly attracted the attention of the soldiers of the Third Army on the walls of the Amatlia stronghold, and reported it to Charles, who was checking the condition of the sick soldiers. He was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that he didn't care about why the Second Army attacked without authorization, and quickly ordered the whole army to break through and cooperate with the Second Army to attack the enemy.

Although the soldiers of the Third Army were almost line infantry who were weak in close combat, and their muskets could not be fired due to moisture, these brave soldiers, led by Charles, left the safe stronghold and took the initiative to attack the enemy.In order to improve the survival chances of the soldiers, Charles also brought out the armor shields in the warehouse and asked the soldiers to change their outfits, hoping to make up for the shortcomings of melee combat with equipment.

As a result, the Acarnanians who were still fighting the second army were shocked to find that a group of troops with uniforms similar to their own rushed out from behind them. At that time, he forcibly broke through the defense line facing the stronghold of Amatlia and joined the battlefield.In that melee, the opponent's yellow double-headed eagle flag on a black background was particularly dazzling.

Under the front and back attacks of the two legions, the Acarnanian army quickly fell into panic. Although they were large in number, almost all of them looked at the majestic double-headed eagle flag in the air. The illusion that the enemy's army far outnumbers our own.So, after resisting for a while, the Acarnanians finally collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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