Chapter 360
When Phyllis successfully met Richard, it was already the third day he came to Nord City. After he arrived in Nord City, he immediately came to Ippolito Palace as the heir of the Sipes Kingdom. A request to meet Richard was made. Although there was no response immediately after the request was made, he and his entourage were properly placed in a hotel in the city, waiting for the palace's reply.

After three days of uneasy waiting in the hotel, his request was approved. The steward from the Hippolito Palace brought him a brand-new luxurious costume, and when he changed into it, he took him into a carriage and drove Entering the palace, he was finally able to enter Richard's study after layers of inspection.

King Richard, who is famous in the Valdasia Peninsula, was sitting in front of him to deal with government affairs, and Phyllis suddenly felt a little short of breath. His childhood dream was to become a talented and bold king like Richard who would sweep the kingdom across the country, but As he grew older, he became more and more aware of the strength of his country, and gradually cut off this naive idea.On the Osa Peninsula, only a city-state like the city-state of Kiti a hundred years ago, where all the people are soldiers, can sweep the countries by itself, but this is only temporary. The city-state of Kitty was finally defeated, and hundreds of years have passed, and it can only linger on and guard the small city with only a few thousand permanent residents.

Just when Phyllis was in a daze, Richard, who was sitting in front of him, closed the scroll in his hand and put it aside, looking at the young exiled prince, he couldn't help thinking that he had just traveled through the world more than ten years ago. When he came to this world, he was in the same situation as Felice, except that he had the support of the total war system, and Phyllis could only go to various countries to seek assistance for the restoration of the country.

"Prince Phyllis, I have heard about what happened to your country, and I can only express my sympathy." Richard first opened his mouth to break the tranquility of the air. He put his hands together and put them on his chin, and then said: "However, I think even if you come here, I'm afraid I can't provide any help."

Richard's words brought Phyllis back to reality. Hearing this, he said quickly: "Your Majesty the King, your army has swept across the countries of the Vadasia Peninsula. It is the most powerful army in the known world. I believe that as long as you You are willing to send troops to help me restore the kingdom, and those hypocritical people who talk about so-called democracy and freedom will only tremble under the iron hooves of your army."

"What you said is the truth." Richard smiled slightly, and then he changed the subject and said, "Give me a reason to send troops, you are also a smart man, without a good enough reason, it is impossible for me to send my troops Cross the sea and fight far from the land."

"Your Majesty the King, there are a lot of iron and copper mines on the Osa Peninsula. If you want to develop a strong army, iron and copper are indispensable. As long as your army crosses the sea, none of the weak countries will Isn't your opponent, Iron Ore and Copper Ore, at your fingertips?
What's more, your country has always been a big offensive country for saltpeter. All the major countries on the Osa Peninsula rely on monopolizing the saltpeter trade with your country to earn huge profits. If you are willing to send troops, then you can take the opportunity to seize the production area of ​​saltpeter... ..."

What Felice said is true. Despite having such a large territory, the gunpowder consumed by the army is still not self-sufficient, and the gunpowder refreshed every day is not enough, so the gunpowder can only be made by importing saltpeter and sulfur.Fortunately, no one paid special attention to the goods imported by the Winsters, otherwise they would have become suspicious of the large quantities of saltpeter and sulfur imported by the Winsters.

Moreover, the Osa Peninsula is not only the main importer of saltpeter, it can also provide a certain amount of sulfur trade for the Kingdom of Winster, thanks to an active volcano in its interior.

Listening to what Phyllis said, Richard felt that it made sense. Importing saltpeter and sulfur from the Osa Peninsula every month was a huge expense. If he could directly control the origin of the production in his own hands, then Wouldn't it be possible to avoid unnecessary expenses?
Thinking of this, Richard nodded. He glanced at Phyllis, who was still talking, and listened patiently. After he finished speaking, Richard pretended to think for a while, and then said: "Feylis Prince Leith, what you just said needs to be captured by our army, and you just need to sit and wait, which is really unfair, so I think you also need to pay something."

"This..." Phyllis hesitated for a moment before saying, "If you can help me restore my country, I and my descendants are willing to become vassals of the Winster Kingdom forever. When attacking, assist your army to counterattack the enemy."

Richard's answer was expected, as Phyllis can only serve as a vassal if he doesn't want anything. It just so happens that Richard likes to collect dogs, so he agreed. down.

Seeing that Richard agreed, Prince Phyllis was overjoyed. He knelt down quickly and expressed his gratitude repeatedly. Richard waved his hand and said: "It takes time to assemble the army. During the period when the assembly is completed, you can stay and wait." Bar."

Phyllis quickly agreed, and the two talked for a while, then Richard found an excuse to let Phyllis leave first.

Regarding the expedition to the Osa Peninsula, Richard actually has no idea. He has been following the war on the Wadasia Peninsula for more than ten years. He knows little about the Osa Peninsula next door. The most impressive thing is only ten years Douglas took himself to an Osa play when he first came into this world.

However, there are some things that Richard knows more or less. There are many city-states on the Osa Peninsula, which are similar to the Greek city-states on Earth. The best thing for each force is to form a group, so if Richard enters the Osa Peninsula If it is not, it is very likely to fight against ten or even twenty forces at the same time.

Richard did not dare to underestimate the enemy, but he also wanted to test the use of gunpowder weapons in the army. Therefore, in addition to mobilizing the veterans of the First Army, he also added a new firearms battalion of the musket brigade to the army. Expeditionary Sequence.If the Firearms Battalion had done well in the war, he would have spent more money on more musketmen.

In addition to the army, the navy also needs to pay attention. Most of the ethnic groups in the Osa Peninsula are famous for their sailing. They sailed around in boats like the Greeks on Earth and built colonies. Even the southern part of the Vadasia Peninsula used to be the Osa Peninsula. It is a colony of human beings, but the colonists were finally driven out of the sea by the natives and forced to recognize their independence.

Therefore, Richard ordered Admiral Sigurd to lead the main force of the First Fleet around the Vadasia Peninsula, trying to reach Paisikia, the northernmost port city in the Delj region, before the army was ready.

(End of this chapter)

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