rise of empire total war

Chapter 359 Arriving in Nord

Chapter 359 Arriving in Nord
"Excuse me, what is the Nord College you are talking about?"

Listening to the unprofessional Vadasian lingua franca that suddenly sounded, the three noble youths who were chatting happily stopped talking and looked at the standing Prince Felice together. Their eyes seemed to be looking at aliens, but when they When I recognized Phyllis's Osa Peninsula-style clothing, I immediately understood something.

"Uh..." A young man closest to Felice hesitated, and said, "Sir, if I'm not mistaken, you are from the Osa Peninsula across the sea, right?"

"Yes, is there something wrong?" Felice admitted frankly and asked back.

"That's no wonder." The noble young man who spoke nodded, with a look of as expected, and said: "Nord College was completed three months ago, and it began to recruit foreign students after the completion. By accepting foreigners, we have won the favor of many people in a short period of time.”

"As for the reason." The young man glanced at Felice, who was hesitant to speak, and understood what he wanted to ask, and said: "The Kingdom of Winster can be said to be the most powerful country in the entire Wadasia Peninsula, and also the most influential. As long as you can study at Nord College, it will be a great honor for your country. Not only that, the Kingdom of Winster is so powerful, and the college funded by its royal family must be the best!"

After the young man finished speaking, the two companions around him echoed again and again. Although the doubts in Felice's heart had eased a little, he still couldn't understand their expectations, so he smiled slightly, bowed, and thanked him. Then he left the three noble youths.

Returning to his seat, Phyllis took a sip of the wheat wine in the glass, recalling what the young man said in his mind. It seems that the Nord College in the Kingdom of Winster has a great influence, and there will be many people in the near future. People go there to study, and if they are lucky, after their group arrives in Tus City, they will meet a team going to Nord City and go together.

Prince Felice did not dare to go on the road with a few people. His experience in the Osa Peninsula told him that he must gather a large group of people before going out, otherwise he would easily become the target of the thieves, but he didn't know it. In the Kingdom of Special, the living space of the bandit group has been severely compressed, and they were forced to resign, lay down their weapons, and return to the fields.

After resting in this small town for one night, Phyllis set off again with Old Johnny's caravan. Coincidentally, the three noble youths and their servants they met in the hotel also set off just in time, and the two sides fought very quickly. After starting a relationship, and knowing that the destination is the same, they happily merged into one and formed a new group.Speaking of which, the three noble youths did not have the arrogance and contempt for commoners that ordinary noble children have, or because Felice is a nobleman, it is inconvenient for them to show contempt for other non-nobles.

Just as Prince Phyllis expected, on the paved road leading to Tus City, apart from the traveling merchants carrying luggage and leaning on crutches and the bards wearing small hoods with feathers on top, there were only The nobles who were shouting in front of them were sitting comfortably in carriages, or riding tall horses, admiring the scenery along the way, with expectations for Nord City on their faces.

This made Phyllis even more curious about Nord City. He couldn't wait to know what advantages Nord City has that can attract so many nobles to yearn for.

A few days later, Felice and his party arrived in Tus City.This city used to be the capital of the Kingdom of Pravia. It was very prosperous, but it was repeatedly ravaged by wars and lost a large number of people. Even so, after several years of cultivation, the city has not returned to its former prosperity, but it has also improved. .The city walls that had been bombarded by artillery fire had a new look, which disappointed the noble youths who wanted to experience the power of artillery fire. They could only imagine the battle situation at that time through the narration of the local people.

On the night when Felice stayed at the hotel in Tus City, Magnus, Earl of Pintus, was in the Earl’s Mansion in the center of the city (this used to be the royal palace of the Kingdom of Pravia, after Magnus became the lord of the city, He renamed the royal palace to the Earl's Mansion) and hosted a banquet for the nobles and nobles in the city. Felice did not attend the banquet, but stayed in the hotel and had an early rest.

At noon the next day, after lunch, seeing that the three Swachic nobles who had gone to the banquet still did not come back, Phyllis shook his head. He decided not to wait for them. , and left the city with enough dry food.

The city of Tus does not have a direct road to Nord, so Phyllis needs to reach Landost, the capital of Osrig, and then turn south, passing through many villages and towns along the way to reach Nord City.

Phyllis didn't know what he would encounter during this journey, but he saw that none of the nobles he met along the way had worried about the problem of the bandits, so he was relieved a lot, and no longer worried about this somewhat unreasonable problem.


Time flies, and a month later, the team followed by Phyllis finally arrived in Nord City.

To be honest, when he saw Nord City, he was amazed by this magnificent city. The capital of this powerful kingdom was no better than any city he had seen before, whether it was a city on the Osa Peninsula or a None of the cities on the Vardasia Peninsula have such a scale.After Richard's expansion, the city's land area has expanded rapidly, and the city walls have also spread out for tens of miles. A large number of towering arrow towers stand between each section of the city wall. From the crenels of the arrow towers, visitors can clearly see He saw the arrow shining with cold light, which was the flash of light from the bolt of the mighty bed crossbow.

On the city wall, every five meters stood a heavily armed soldier. They were expressionless, scanning anyone entering or leaving the city. Except for the soldiers standing guard, there would be a group of soldiers stepping on every 10 minutes. Marching on the city wall with neat steps.There is also a company of heavily armored sergeants stationed at the gate of the city. They stand like green pines on their posts, motionless, observing everyone around them with unemotional eyes. It is not difficult to see in the eyes that anyone with ulterior motives will be mercilessly picked out.

Across the tall city walls, the most striking thing is the Gabriel Tower built next to the Ippolito Palace. That towering tower is the most mysterious and creepy place. When you come to Nord City On the way, he heard many rumors about Gabriel Tower. Some people said that many defeated kings and nobles were imprisoned in it, and they were imprisoned in it and suffered inhuman treatment; There are so many demons in the world, the Winster people have risen to such a powerful level in just 20 years by performing human sacrifices to the demons.

In any case, Gabfelta has been labeled as bloody and evil, and together with King Richard of the Kingdom of Winster, he has also been labeled as "butcher", "executioner", "devil apostle", etc. call.

(End of this chapter)

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