rise of empire total war

Chapter 357 Sycanion

Chapter 357 Sycanion
Principality of Rickin, West Carnon Port.

Walking on the solid port ground, Prince Felice suddenly felt a sense of rebirth. He looked around. Although the port was not very prosperous, it was still full of people.The sweaty labor coolies with shirtless backs are the most common people in the port. Besides, there are also ordinary soldiers in light armor and holding spears, standing casually on their posts, watching the people coming and going crowd.

However, the soldiers standing guard in the port area have no chance to feast their eyes, because there are very few women in this place, and even if there are, they are foreigners who come here with merchant ships and passenger ships. They are usually very rich, and they are soldiers. The ones who dare not offend are the soldiers standing guard at the city gate. They can not only observe the women coming and going, but also eat tofu without any scruples on those poor ghosts. It’s so beautiful—of course, this beauty is only the imagination of the soldiers in the port area. , But the reality is that the filth of those poor ghosts makes the soldiers not even interested in eating tofu.

After bidding farewell to the old captain, Phyllis walked into the city along the road with a few entourages. Sikanion City is a small city with only more than 8000 permanent residents. It will basically not be affected by the flames of war, so it is very peaceful. However, apart from the call-up orders that were sent from time to time, people could only hear rumors about the war from the traveling merchants.

Strolling on the streets of Sicanion, Felice kept scanning the shops and houses on both sides of the street. Finally, he saw a shop with a wine glass painted on the front door, although he couldn't understand the tile next to the wine glass. Dacia characters, but he still guessed the identity of the shop.So he led his entourage directly into the shop, and it turned out to be a tavern.

There were a lot of guests in the tavern, and almost every seat had someone sitting and tasting fine wine or eating the special food of the tavern. Phyllis looked around and found a group of people who looked like mercenaries got up and left. Walked straight over, sat on the wooden chair that was still warm, tapped on the counter with bent fingers, and said, "Please bring me and my people a glass of wheat wine."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The proprietress replied, and glanced at Phyllis who was speaking, as if she had found some prey from his clothes, her eyes lit up, and she bent down to pick up a pottery bottle full of wine. He took a few wooden wine glasses and put them on the counter, deliberately bent down to reveal the deep gap, and slowly poured wine into each wine glass.

Her actions were all seen by Phyllis. The latter was no longer a pure and innocent little virgin when he was walking around the court. He smiled slightly, leaned forward, looked at the charming proprietress, and asked casually: "I think I have a question with you." While speaking, he also put a few Osa silver coins on the counter.

Seeing those few silver coins, the landlady's eyes lit up again. She accepted a few silver coins without leaving a trace, and whispered at the same time: "Please tell me, in Sicanion, I have the best information."

"Okay." Phyllis nodded, took away a wooden wine glass filled with wine, and said: "Is there a caravan going to the Kingdom of Winster nearby? I mean, the kind that can bring a few people with it. A caravan traveling together."

"The caravan to the Kingdom of Winster?" The proprietress hesitated for a while, as if she had thought of something, she said, "If it is going to Tus, the capital of the Pravia region, Old Johnny's caravan will be in Starting the day after tomorrow, I think he will allow a few strangers to go with him, provided that he can pay enough. But if you want to go to Nord, the capital of the Winsters, I think there should be no more."

"How far is Tus from Nord?" Phyllis continued to ask.

"This..." The beautiful face of the proprietress showed embarrassment. Seeing her like this, Felice instantly understood. He nodded, took a sip of the wheat wine in the glass, and said, "Okay, you don't need to say anything." , I want to hook up with old Johnny, I wonder if you can help me?"

"If you're looking for him, he's drinking in that corner over there." The proprietress said, pointing to a middle-aged man with graying hair in the corner.

"Okay, thank you, this is your reward." Phyllis nodded, put a few more silver coins on the counter, and then walked towards Old Johnny in the corner with the wine glass, and several of his entourage hurriedly followed On the morning, several people squeezed through the crowd and walked to the table where Old Johnny was sitting.

"Mind if I sit at the same table with you?" Phyllis asked with a polite smile.

"Please do what you want." Old Johnny said without raising his head. Hearing this, Phyllis sat directly opposite him. He took a sip of wheat wine, swallowed it, and asked, "You are Old Johnny." ?"

"You are?" Hearing the other party say his name, Old Johnny subconsciously raised his head to look at the other party, but it was a young man who caught his eyes. The clothes on the other party looked very exquisite. He knew that he must have never met the people on the Sa Peninsula.

"My name is Phyllis. As you can see, I'm from the Osa Peninsula." Phyllis introduced himself. He deliberately didn't say his last name, and the person opposite didn't care about his behavior, and said straight to the point : "I'm Jonny Chodas, who told you to come to me, and what's the purpose?"

"No one asked me to come to you." Phyllis shook his head and said, "I heard that you will leave here for the city of Tus in the Kingdom of Winster the day after tomorrow. If possible, my followers and I would like to Come with you."

"Oh?" Old Johnny looked at Felice and the entourage standing behind him with great interest. Based on his experience in business, he recognized the identities of these entourages at a glance. Some of them were servants. Some are real soldiers, exuding a murderous aura all over their bodies. Although this murderous aura can be suppressed, it can still be felt.

"You want to go to Tus City with me?" Old Johnny asked, putting down the wine glass in his hand, and continued: "I'm afraid you will have to pay a little price."

"Money is not a problem." Phyllis said with a smile, "but you must make sure to send us to Tus City."

"Deal." Old Johnny said, picked up the wine glass on the table again, held it in mid-air, and motioned for Felice to clink the glass. The latter understood what he meant, and also stretched out the wine glass to touch it lightly. A smile appeared on the face of the man, and at the same time he raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

After drinking the wine, Old Johnny wiped the wine stains on his lips with his sleeve, and said, "My people and I will wait for you at the city gate the morning after tomorrow. I hope you won't be late."

"Okay." Phyllis nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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