rise of empire total war

Chapter 356 The Fugitive Prince

Chapter 356 The Fugitive Prince
A few days later, the news of the demise of the Kingdom of Prince spread to the surrounding countries along with the footsteps of the merchants, and it also reached the ears of Prince Felice of the Kingdom of Prince who was seeking reinforcements in the Kingdom of Lyctus. After the prince learned of the bad news, he also took precautions in his heart despite his grief. He knew that King Cabrias of Lyctus must have also known the news, and his group was in danger.

Cabrias is ruthless and cunning. For a little profit, he can even betray his best friend who trusts him very much. Although Phyllis despises this person's character, the only person who can save the motherland at present is He died, but now that the Kingdom of Sipes is gone, Cablias is likely to arrest his group and sell them to the general city-state in exchange for a generous reward.

At this moment, a follower trotted all the way to Felice. He looked anxious and said, "Your Highness, the Lyctus army is approaching us. They are coming fiercely. It seems that they want to kill us all." Grab it."

"What? You're moving so fast?" Felice's face changed drastically, and without caring about the luggage in the room, he grabbed the saber on the table and shouted, "Go! Get out of here before the Lyctus come. !"

As he spoke, he rushed out of the room, ignoring the astonished eyes of the guests passing by in the aisle, and rushed downstairs with a few entourages. The first floor of the hotel was full of guests, and people were sitting in their seats drinking fine wine , chatted with his companions, and saw a few people rushing out as if they were fleeing, they were dumbfounded, their eyes moved with the backs of Felice and others, and it took a long time to react.

After a while, the door of the hotel was roughly kicked open, and everyone's attention was focused on the uninvited guest who came in. When they saw the person clearly, they all gasped in fright, and saw the fully armed Soldiers filed in and quickly took control of the entire hall on the first floor. The officer in charge glanced arrogantly at the people in the hall, then turned his gaze to the innkeeper, and said, "At the order of King Cabrias, arrest Sip There are fugitives from the Kingdom of Sri Lanka, as long as you hand them over obediently, nothing will happen."

"A fugitive from the Kingdom of Sipes? We have no fugitives here, only the prince of the Kingdom of Sipes..." Before the boss finished speaking, his face suddenly changed. Combined with the recent rumors of the demise of the Sipes Kingdom, I suddenly understood something, and quickly said: "They, they just ran away, and they ran away in front of everyone!"

"What?" The officer's face changed drastically, and he kicked over the table closest to him, causing everyone around him to stand up, "Damn it, why didn't you stop them?"

Facing the officer's questioning, the boss couldn't tell because he was struggling, he hesitated, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said, "My lord, we didn't know that it was a fugitive from the Kingdom of Sipes... If we knew, We'll stop them no matter what."

"Hmph." Hearing this, the officer snorted coldly. He didn't want to continue talking nonsense with the boss. He motioned for a few soldiers behind him to come over, and ordered: "Follow the boss and search the fugitive's room."

"As ordered."

Then, he asked the people around him, "Which direction did any of you see the fugitive flee?"

"They ran towards the port." Someone replied, and others echoed.

"Port?" The officer's expression changed, he slapped his hands, and said, "It's terrible!" After saying that, he took the lead and rushed out of the door regardless of the puzzled expressions of the soldiers around him, shouting, "Follow me! After them Catch them before they escape by boat!"

After the words fell, the soldiers rushed out of the hotel again. The pedestrians on the street were bustling, and there was no trace of Felice and others, but the officer didn't think so. Pushing away brutally, the group of them made the whole street jump up and down. The people who were pushed away just wanted to curse, but when they saw the soldiers in full armor, they lost their temper instantly, and forced the curse on their lips Swallowed it back.

On the other side, Felice and the others, who escaped first, walked through the bustling streets and finally entered the port. Although the port of Lyktos City is not as prosperous as those of those powerful countries, it is still relatively developed. , more than [-] boats enter and leave this port every day, so Felice's escape route is directly set here.

Because the arrest was not carried out in the whole city, the soldiers stationed in the port did not take any action. Felice and others found the captain of a merchant ship bound for other cities, and stuffed dozens of Osa silver coins into the other party. Obtained permission to board the ship.Fortunately for them, after they boarded the ship, the merchant ship put away the anchor and set sail, but when they were about to leave the port, the army chasing them arrived late and blocked the entire port, prohibiting any ships from leaving.

However, by the time the blockade was completed, Phyllis had already left Lyctors Port.

The city-wide search didn't stop until noon the next day. Even though Luctus' army dug three feet into the ground, they couldn't find Felice and the others. King Cabrias, furious, ordered the hotel owner and the officer in charge to be arrested. Arrested, the former ransacked his home and exiled on the charge of hiding fugitives, while the latter was thrown into prison on the charge of being unfavorable.

Phyllis didn't know all this, and even if he knew, he wouldn't have any feelings.At this time, he was standing on the deck of the merchant ship named "Alice", looking towards the direction of Sipes City in the distance, wondering what would happen to his old father, the more he thought about it, the tears flowed It kept rolling in the eye sockets, if he hadn't resisted it, it would have flowed down his cheeks.

At this moment, the old captain of the merchant ship came over and leaned relaxedly on the side of the ship beside Felice. He looked at Felice's young and handsome side face, speaking with a strong accent from the South Osa Peninsula, Said: "Sir, the merchant ship is going to the city-state of Talusatia in the south to resupply, and then sail west to Sikanion in the Principality of Rigin. Where do you want to disembark?"

Hearing this, Felice frowned slightly. The city-state of Talusatia is definitely not a good place to go. He knew nothing about that city-state, and if he rushed to seek assistance from the city-state, he might be arrested directly and handed over to the general city-state. Well, he won't do such a stupid thing that throws himself into a trap.

Therefore, the only place he can go is Sycanyon in the Principality of Rigin. However, according to his understanding of the Principality of Rigin, the country's old enemy has always been the Principality of Page. The Sa Peninsula marched.

But... Phyllis suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he had an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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