rise of empire total war

Chapter 277 Field Battle

Chapter 277 Field Battle
On April 1115, 4 in the mainland calendar, outside Tusi, the capital of the former Pravia Kingdom, inside the camp of the coalition forces besieging the city.

"Commander, our army's scouts have sent back a message that the enemy's reinforcements have passed through Sukenya Territory and entered Pintus Territory. They are heading towards us. According to their speed, they are estimated to arrive in three to four hours. .”

"Three or four hours later?" On the main seat, looking at the coalition scout captain who came to report the military situation, Commander-in-Chief King Titos narrowed his eyes and looked at the three deputy commanders on both sides. The three of them also frowned, So he asked, "How many reinforcements are there in the enemy's army?"

"Well, our scouts didn't bring back the exact number, but they judged from the dust raised by the enemy's march and the flags raised high that the enemy has about 5000 people."

As soon as the scout captain finished speaking, the deputy commander from the Ausong Kingdom stood up and volunteered, saying: "Commander, I am willing to lead my country's army to meet the enemy's reinforcements."

"Prince Marcos, your country's army alone may not be enough to deal with the reinforcements of the Winsters. To be cautious, you should bring more soldiers." King Titos persuaded, which aroused the approval of the other two deputy commanders. .

Hearing what King Titos said, Prince Marcos, who was born in the royal family of King Ozon, also realized his carelessness. He smiled sarcastically and suggested, "Then, I will meet the enemy with the Miganis."

"Yes." Titos nodded. The army sent by the Miganis has a total of more than 2000 soldiers, and the more than 3000 soldiers sent by the Ausong Kingdom add up to [-]. In terms of numbers, it is comparable to Winster. Human reinforcements should be equal in comparison, and what reassures them is that the Kingdom of Miganis has always been famous for its heavy infantry phalanx, and it should not be too difficult to defeat the reinforcements of the Winsters.


More than two hours later, the coalition forces of the Kingdom of Ozon and the Kingdom of Meganis led by Prince Marcos stopped the marching Charles Army by a creek. After the second division of troops, Charles's troops shrank again. , the melee infantry in the army has only one heavy sergeant brigade and one foot imperial knight brigade, and only two brigades of the four civilian crossbowman brigades, and the cavalry has only one chain armor cavalry brigade Derek, another cavalry sergeant brigade and an imperial knight brigade are still there.

As soon as the two sides fought, Prince Marcos on the opposite side realized that he had been tricked. There were 5000 enemies who came to support, but there were clearly only more than 2000 people, and the enemy army included more than 300 heavy cavalry and more than 400 Apart from the foot knights, there were no other threats. Just these people, not to mention the coalition forces of the two countries under his command, I am afraid that the army of the Miganis alone could be settled.

Although he was annoyed by being teased in his heart, Prince Marcos still ordered the army to line up to meet the enemy. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still a piece of meat, not to mention that the enemy in front of them is not considered a mosquito. high reputation.

"Array, attack!"

As soon as Prince Marcos gave an order, the army formed an offensive formation and slowly approached the Winsters. Relying on their superior numbers, they formed a half-moon formation that was sufficient to encircle the enemy army. It was obvious that they were preparing to encircle Charles' troops. .But Charles saw through Marcos' intentions at a glance. In order to prevent the army from being surrounded in the battle, he ordered the army to move quickly towards the creek, leaning against the stream, and set up a defensive formation. At the same time, he also let the cavalry in the army run outside, Try to attract the attention of the coalition cavalry.

His order was quickly rewarded. While the cavalry sergeants and imperial knights were running far away, Prince Marcos in the coalition army then ordered a total of 370 nine knights in the army to go forward under the leadership of the commander of the Miganis army. To chase, the intention is to drive away the threatening enemy heavy cavalry completely, so that your infantry can use their numerical superiority to overwhelm the enemy infantry with peace of mind.

Seeing that the cavalry on both sides had left the battlefield, Charles did not relax. Under his signal, the two civilian crossbowmen companies in the army stepped out of the line of defense one after another, loaded ammunition on the spot, and waited for the enemy to come within range.

Looking at the enemies slowly approaching, the civilian crossbowmen standing in the front swallowed the saliva secreted by excessive tension. Their palms and backs were already soaked, and the clothes lined with leather armor were wet with sweat. , sticking to the skin, very uncomfortable, but they have no time to take care of these.


From time to time there was a sound of vomiting in the queue. The officer in the civilian crossbowman company turned his head and looked behind him. He happened to see a soldier straighten up and wipe the vomit from his mouth. At his feet, there was a pile of undigested vomit. Complete food.Seeing the officer looking at him, the soldier quickly clenched the crossbow in his hand and stared closely at the approaching enemy ahead.The officer then glanced at him and looked at the other people in the queue. He could see that some people's legs were shaking violently and they could hardly stand. What's more, the soles of his feet were already wet, and the air was filled with moisture. There was a faint smell of urine.

The officer suddenly had the urge to vomit too.

But he didn't dare to vomit. He knew that as an officer, he should set an example for the soldiers. If he vomited, it would only make the soldiers more nervous.

"Ready to shoot!"

At this moment, the brigade commander's shout rang out not far away. After his shout, each civilian crossbowman raised his crossbow machine. The crossbow machine was slightly raised at an angle, aiming at the march in the distance. Some of those enemies are heavily armed soldiers, and some are just farmers who have just left the farmland.


The brigade commander's roar suddenly broke through the silence of Winster's army formation. Then, only a unique buzzing sound was heard when the crossbow machine was firing. Nearly a thousand crossbow arrows rose into the air, and they flew across the air. Passed a black trajectory, and then fell into the marching coalition army with a shrill sound of breaking through the air. The next second, the shield was destroyed and people were killed, screaming again and again, and the crossbow with its own armor-piercing effect shattered the ordinary army. The wooden shields held by the soldiers continued unabated, tearing the armor of the soldiers and inserting them into their bodies. As blood gushed out, a large number of soldiers fell to the ground crying, clutching their wounds in vain, trying to Stopping the gushing blood, but it didn't have any effect. They could only fall to the ground in pain, letting the blood flow out from the wound, feeling the approach of death, from their gradually losing luster pupils, it seemed Seeing the terrifying face of the Grim Reaper who was grinning while carrying a scythe.

"Load the crossbow and prepare for the second round of shooting!"

After the first round of shooting, without bothering to check the results, the crossbowmen quickly pulled out a new crossbow arrow from the quiver and loaded the crossbow machine. Although the crossbow machine was more powerful than the bow and arrow, its loading speed was slow and it was the largest Injury.

And at this moment, the enemy's archers also entered the range, and drew their bows and arrows on the spot, ready to fight back!

(End of this chapter)

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