rise of empire total war

Chapter 276 Charles Came to Help

Chapter 276 Charles Came to Help

"Commander, yesterday's battalion roar resulted in the death of 720 and three coalition troops, thousands of wounded, and 270 nine soldiers were arrested and are currently being detained..."

The next day, the coalition forces attacked the camp outside the city of Tus. Listening to the casualty report yesterday, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, King Titos, looked gloomy. Around him, the other three deputy commanders from other countries also had ugly faces. They lost thousands of soldiers in one night, and it took several days of siege battles to lose such a big loss.

"The commander-in-chief, the three deputy commanders, and the 270 soldiers who made trouble, how should we deal with it..."

Before the officer in charge of counting the casualties finished his inquiry, several people immediately said in unison: "Pull all the soldiers who made trouble in front of all the soldiers and execute them!"

As soon as they finished speaking, they all looked at each other subconsciously. This was the first time that they had unified opinions. Before that, there would be dissidents in every action, and they were used to it.

Seeing that the four top commanders all had the same opinion, the officer in charge of statistics didn't ask any more questions, and retreated after saluting, and went to carry out their orders.Not only the four supreme commanders were filled with anger towards these troublesome soldiers, but all their officers were also filled with such anger. Although the enemy's support for the roar of the battalion this time did not lessen their guilt.

A few minutes later, all the soldiers of the army were assembled, and they watched the soldiers who participated in the battalion scream being escorted in front of them, talking a lot.

Soon, the commander-in-chief King Titos and three deputy commanders also came in front of them. The Swachitch king looked solemn, with one hand touching the hilt of his waist and the other on his waist In the meantime, looking at the assembled soldiers, he said loudly: "Soldiers of the coalition forces, just yesterday, a disgraceful infighting broke out in our barracks. This infighting almost spread to more than half of the camp, involving thousands of In this infighting, we lost 720 three comrades in arms, and thousands of soldiers were injured!"

"However, with the heroic contributions of our soldiers, this shameful civil strife was suppressed, and a total of 270 nine soldiers who participated in the civil strife were arrested-no! They are not worthy of being called soldiers at all. They are the lackeys of the devil. Dedicate your soul to the devil, and choose to be our enemy, and justice!"

"Now, in the name of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, I, King Titos of the Kingdom of Swachic, will execute these 270 nine people who participated in the civil strife and execute them in front of the army!"


The officer standing in front of the queue yelled loudly. Immediately afterwards, ten criminals were dragged out of the queue and forced to kneel down on the ground. Then, two soldiers standing behind him held him down to prevent him from struggling, and the other pulled out the prisoner. The sword at the waist was aimed at the criminal's neck, held high, and then the knife was raised and dropped with the hand, only to see the blood flash, and the heads fell to the ground with the blood gushing out, and the body without the head did not die. As if he had lost his support, he immediately fell into a pool of blood, still twitching slightly.

Seeing that the soldiers involved were executed in public, the soldiers watching below did not react at all. They just looked at it all with cold eyes. This surprised King Titos. He had thought that the soldiers would cheer and cheer, but no matter how bad things happened, there would be The emotional fluctuations, instead of the current indifference, gave him a bad feeling in his heart - there seemed to be something bad behind it.


At the same time, far in the south in Sukenya Territory, Charles, the military chief of the Kingdom and Earl of Sauron, led his troops into the country. They followed the footsteps of Richard's Legion and the Allied Forces marching northward, and captured several coalition supplies on the way. The convoy, and got some information about the coalition forces from the captives.

"It seems that the enemy's siege of the city of Tus is not going well." Charles whispered, and his lieutenant Derek echoed: "My lord, with the strength of the legion under His Majesty Caesar, the enemy is simply Impossible to take advantage of."

"Indeed." Charles nodded, and said, "That firearm battalion alone can give the enemy a great deal of trouble, that kind of powerful gunpowder, not to mention the natives of this world, even our legion Soldiers can't bear it either."

"Lord Earl, shall we go directly to support the city of Tus?" Derek asked.

"Of course, why not?" Charles glanced at his lieutenant general, and said, "The enemy surrounded the city of Tus, and we can also surround the enemy with our backhand, and cooperate with His Majesty Caesar's army to wipe out the enemy within our encirclement." !"


Hearing Charles' thoughts, Derek couldn't help but take a breath. He was a little surprised by his boss's appetite, and couldn't help but said worriedly: "From the mouth of the captives, we can know that the number of enemy troops is 3000. There are between 4000 and [-] people, but our number is less than [-], and the encirclement network that has been expanded may be easily broken by the enemy."

"What you said makes sense." Hearing this, Charles rested his chin with one hand, thought for a while, then raised his head, and said, "In this case, why don't we deliberately create the illusion of encirclement and create a gap?" , Let the enemy retreat, but in fact, set up an ambush on the enemy's retreat road, and wait for the enemy to pass by before launching an attack."

"I'm afraid that if a gap is made rashly, it will arouse the suspicion of the enemy commander..."

Before Derek finished speaking, he was interrupted by Charles, who waved his hand and jokingly said, "Derek, why have you become hesitant like a woman, is it because the long peace before has drained your fighting spirit? "

"No, Lord Earl..." Derek just wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Charles again, he said: "Since you have denied it yourself, then show the courage of our Nordic warriors, don't worry so much, you Just be responsible for picking up the tomahawk and leading the soldiers to charge the enemy!"

When Charles said this, Derek blushed a little, and he quickly responded: "Obey, Lord Earl, the soldiers from Northern Europe will definitely not let you down on the battlefield!"

Thus, the future strategic deployment was formulated by Charles on the way of the march. Then, he divided the army into two again, and one was commanded by Lieutenant General Derek, who set up an ambush at the ambush point in advance, waiting for the enemy to retreat after the decisive battle. When passing through here, give them the final blow, and Charles will personally lead the way to the city of Tus, preparing to jointly guard the Richard Legion in the city of Tus, and give the coalition forces an internal blow.

He didn't know if his tactic would be successful, but there was no tactic with a [-]% success rate in this world. He could only pray that there would be no accidents during the implementation process, which would lead to catastrophe.

 Thank you Xiaox Niu for your reward, I wish the boss good health and all the best
(End of this chapter)

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